Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Eddi|zuHause> i hate it when the game randomly decides to invalidate your crew selection
<Eddi|zuHause> (typically if you revert to hangar)
<darsie> Mission: Find a pattern.
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<Eddi|zuHause> "Nichts leichter als das"
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<Althego> another mod in stock, but nice idea anyway
<kmath> YouTube - Advanced Maneuver Mode in Kerbal Space Program 1.7
<Althego> how i hated the ppixel adjustments of nodes, especially towards some moon of jool from kerbin
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Booster mate inside SpaceX's hangar at LC-39A ahead of Falcon Heavy’s static fire yesterday
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<Althego> at l east now something is going to happen
<Althego> (or not)
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<kmath> YouTube - UFO Gyroscope
<Fluburtur> eh I gotta eat
<Fluburtur> and then die for a while
<Althego> why ufo?
<Fluburtur> I walked across half of paris yesterday
<Althego> hehe a real workshop
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<Althego> lol the guy next to the safe dropped the console into the bucket
<Althego> ah and that is the ad
<Mat2ch> Well, the ad is pretty well done...
<Althego> yes, it is funny, it is part of the video, and can be useful, if i actually worked in a place like thos
<Althego> hehe technical details
<Althego> and tinfoil hat
<Althego> and ligth
<Althego> this was so funny
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<kmath> YouTube - 50.000 Matches Chain Reaction Domino Effect
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<Althego> there is one mroe step
<Althego> i never was on any social media :)
<Fluburtur> I have like no social media so the next step is to kill myself so I dont have to talk to peoples
<Althego> lol
<Althego> alternatively just be rich with really good security
<Fluburtur> be realistic for a second
<Fluburtur> if I was rich everything would be the exact same
<Althego> you could also invent humaniform robots
<Fluburtur> those exist already
<Althego> i eman like daneel
<Fluburtur> I would make stuff that is outside the uncanny valley
<Fluburtur> like wall-e and cute stuff like that
<Althego> this reminds me, i never read the naked sun.
<Althego> somehow
<Fluburtur> I think tumblr is breaking down again
<Fluburtur> the background is blinking
<Althego> heh, those glorious 90s?
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<Althego> on 1st of april stackoverflow went to geocities like 90s mode
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<Althego> hehe
<Fluburtur> this image is funnier to me than it should be
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<Althego> lol
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<fruitsbar> hello everyone
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<Althego> heh
<Althego> maybe everybody who joins here has adhd
* UmbralRaptop has an official diagnosis somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch looks like the video had a good initial influx of views but gets less after a few days
<Fluburtur> but with the coming of the ace combat 7 DLC that will probably add the falken to the game I will probably get some views
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: That's to be expected. But with every video you'll gain views and subscribers. Just have patience and keep those videos coming :)
<Fluburtur> im not sure this build serie will be long enough
<Fluburtur> I expect 7 episodes at most
<Mat2ch> And then some flying
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Mat2ch> and look at Wintergatan and in how many videos he wanted to finish :D
<Fluburtur> so I could start another build right away
<Mat2ch> So take your time
<Mat2ch> that, too
<Fluburtur> but I dont have unlimited money
<Mat2ch> Patreon und some ad money. If you got interesting content, they will come and give you money
<Fluburtur> not enough audience yet
<Mat2ch> true, true
<Fluburtur> if I launch one right now it will look like im begging for money
<Mat2ch> but you can always canabalize old planes
<Fluburtur> I was going to do that anyways
<Fluburtur> mostly for servos
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<Fluburtur> but still, with only the bare minimum it is quite expensive
<Fluburtur> I can afford it but I would like for this project to pay for itself
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