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<UmbralRaptor> Better protection against the orks and the ruinous powers?
<Scolar_Visari> Or not-Tyranids!
<Scolar_Visari> It'll also make me feel less bad when I start obliterating entire worlds to stop The Swarm.
<Eddi|zuHause> i played a rogue servitor before the planet rewrite, which was fun, but when i tried again afterwards, something wasn't quite right
<Scolar_Visari> Did you, uh, try and use the save?
<Eddi|zuHause> no, start new game
<Eddi|zuHause> they did some robot rebalancing since then, maybe i should retry
<Eddi|zuHause> also, there was an annoying bug with converted old species, where the rulers didn't get any properties
<Scolar_Visari> Oh yeah, so Charismatic doesn't work like it use to, and some of the trait's gene values changed.
<Scolar_Visari> IE: Slow Breeders now gives +2 points.
<Eddi|zuHause> that i can handle, i can pick new species perks...
<Eddi|zuHause> but if you then started a game, the starting ruler wouldn't get any leader traits
<Eddi|zuHause> unless you created a completely new species, and rebuilt everything from scratch
<Scolar_Visari> There's actually a mod that allows you to select your first two leader traits.
<Scolar_Visari> It also prompts an optional trait selection for subsequent leaders chosen after their ascension or election.
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i want that
<Scolar_Visari> Also, I don't think gestalt consciousness rulers ever got traits to begin with. If they did, it was a bug.
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, those two things were not necessarily related, but overall took some fun away from playing the game at all
<Eddi|zuHause> the next thing i remember, i was playing a regular robot empire, and got annoyed at all the micromanagement involved in growing new colonies
<Scolar_Visari> I . . . I've found it a lot easier to manage now than it was before, though there are changes coming to sectors to improve their automatic management.
* Scolar_Visari recalls having to pre-build every colony world's set of buildings before daring to hand them over to the AI.
<Eddi|zuHause> i've not had AI control with the new sector system
<Eddi|zuHause> giving them ressources was too annoying
<Eddi|zuHause> and i got annoyed by the new sector system, because there was always that one planet that was just outside the sector, which i would rather have joined
<Scolar_Visari> There's also a mod to expand sector's sizes though, again, that's going to be one of the thing's they're changing in the next release. Also: Habitats and Ringworlds will be fixed.
* Scolar_Visari ponders if it is possible to abduct pops as a rogue servitor.
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<Eddi|zuHause> ... i seem to remember there was like an ascension perk or so for abducting people?
<UmbralRaptop> Ahem. We *rescue* kerbals
* UmbralRaptop ignores the question of how they got there in Edward first place
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<Eddi|zuHause> of course, as a rogue servitor, your primary objective is to care for the people, so they don't ever have any problems. sometimes people have an irrational resitance to this that needs to be overcome.
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<Eddi|zuHause> (i think the plot of matrix is somewhere in there)
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<darsie> Megan Kerman survived impact next to KSC.
<darsie> Didn't bring a chute ...
<darsie> Just horizontal attitude reduces speed enough at low altitude.
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* darsie tries to land on Eeloo:
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<Rolf> whoa!
<kmath> YouTube - Orbiting Kerbin with only ion engines - KSP
<Rolf> new one
<Rolf> guys weight managemement is genius
<Fluburtur> this guy is way too good
<Fluburtur> he can work about the laws of the kerbal universe, real space agencies should ask him to work around the laws of our universe
<Rolf> wonder if he was in here and saw my ion plane challenge some years ago
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<Fluburtur> I should get the frets and strings for my new bass today
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<Fluburtur> then I can make the fretboard and instal the electronics
<Rolf> heh hope theres some exploits in this universe
<Rolf> but i doubt it
<Fluburtur> there is maybe some
<Fluburtur> like the proposed warp drive, that is top level cheats
<Rolf> which kind?
<Rolf> oh yes that ring drive
<Fluburtur> the alcubierre I think
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> problem is lack of negative mass
<Rolf> if we could figure how to do stuff to higgs we may be able to alter mass though
<Fluburtur> well the theory about that is getting rather advanced
<Rolf> "top secret runway on mountaintop" lol
<Rolf> pretty cool. plane barely could land there, eject non-ion parts then take off
<Fluburtur> wait
<Fluburtur> the delivery of my stuff is for tomorrow? it is barely 30km from here
<Rolf> man it lost 99% of mass so far
<Fluburtur> like a rocket
<Rolf> indeed
<Rolf> its way overcompicated and overbudgeted lol
<Fluburtur> have you seen the odysey by bill?
<Fluburtur> thats like simple for him
<Rolf> dude!
<Rolf> duna!
<Rolf> hes crazy good.
<Rolf> ...
<Rolf> i expected it to be nonreturn.
<Fluburtur> dont expect him to not do more
<darsie> wow :)
<Fluburtur> pretty sure he would do the grand tour with 15 units of xenon
<Rolf> maybe lol
<Rolf> okay guys a ksp god
<Fluburtur> bradley vs scott
<Rolf> he asked for suggestions so... "Big asteroid land on kerbin, launch and land on duna, then finally a return to kerbin. ;)"
<Fluburtur> doesnt sound too hard
<Rolf> single mission?
<Fluburtur> robbaz did bring an asteroid on kerbin then put it back in orbit
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<Fluburtur> how would you do hat in a single mission, giant spaceplane?
<Rolf> i recall that very strange challenge
<Rolf> guy had to launch with rocket upside down
<Rolf> well guy did 3 stages, all launched from upside down position.
<Mat2ch> also it gets easier if you refuel from the asteroid until it's emtpy.
<Mat2ch> those things get very light then...
<Fluburtur> it gets dense as foam then
<Rolf> ahh right fuel thing
<Rolf> forgot
<Mat2ch> it would get really hard if you forbid to make it any lighter
<Mat2ch> also it would be funny if Squad didn't let them just explode, if you throw them at the atmosphere, but let them burn up and if it's not totally burned up, when it hits the surface it can destroy things
<Mat2ch> :D
<Rolf> all moons of one planet with just 6.2 ton
<Fluburtur> some guy a few eyars ago was making a procedural damage mod
<Fluburtur> you could do craters and stuff like that
<Rolf> lol
<Fluburtur> also kerbal krash system where parts would get damaged before breaking
<UmbralRaptop> Mat2ch: sadly not many things to hit.
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: you got a point there.
<Mat2ch> I always dreamed of a game, like KSP, but where the users can build the cities
<UmbralRaptop> Dwarf Space Program
* UmbralRaptop is half-serious
<Mat2ch> It'd just need a house building editor, with some basic items (walls, roofs, very few accessories) and then go for it
<Fluburtur> ksp and cities skyline
<Mat2ch> and on the developer side an infrastructure to acknowledge those buildings or reject them
<Mat2ch> no p*nis towers allowed.
<Fluburtur> arent all towers kind alike that
<Fluburtur> and all rockets too
<Mat2ch> you know... the easter part is missing ;P
<Mat2ch> but that could be really funny. Driving around cities and studying architecture
<Mat2ch> also some highways and urban roads would be nice
<Mat2ch> being able to drive to the north pole without bumps would be great ;)
<Mat2ch> i love the Vega rocket just because of the way it launches
<Fluburtur> thats the thing with solid rockets, they go full blast all the time
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<UmbralRaptop> <Mat2ch> and on the developer side an infrastructure to acknowledge those buildings or reject them <-- this means mandatory online though
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: nop. You "ask" for a site to build your house on. You then download the coordinates and build your house offline (you have X days of time). Then you upload the house and if it gets accepted it will be in the next update of the game for all.
<Mat2ch> .oO( you see, I'm thinking of this for a long time now. As I do for most of my projects I never implement... )
<UmbralRaptop> Please no online only
<Mat2ch> well, doing an offline mode, where you build your own city, why not
<Mat2ch> my idea is about sharing and creating a world together
<UmbralRaptop> Yes, but making it work with a dev server means that it goes away 6-24 months after release
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<Mat2ch> oh, no, as I said the released buildings are in an update, copied to your disk
<Mat2ch> you don't want to have to reload whole cities from the server on the fly...
<Mat2ch> ...just because you screwed up your reentry ;)
<UmbralRaptop> Once the dev servers are gone, no one will be able to build or share anything
<Mat2ch> open API and URL settable in the config files
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<Mat2ch> still not satisfied? :)
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, now I'm satisfied
<Mat2ch> The open API and the configurable URL are not a huge problem, so it would be stupid to not open it up. No secury issue, no loss of value
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<LordFerret> Anyone else having issues logging in to the forums?
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<packbart> Mat2ch: Geocities in KSP :)
* packbart has been neglecting KSP for a while and trucked AckerTrucker trucks in the Euro Truck Simulator
<packbart> so that would be a way to combine both :>
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<kmath> YouTube - Marble Conveyer Belt Completed! - Marble Machine X #78
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur !
<Mat2ch> Also the videos are getting shorter and shorter :/
<Mat2ch> packbart: it would, indeed
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<Althego> hmm wintergatan
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<Althego> starting to look really amazing
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<Mat2ch> Althego: there are still a lot of marbles on the floor. :D
<Althego> yes but the movement of the machinery
<Eddi|zuHause> they're magnetic, they should be easy to pick up?
<Althego> sometiems magnetic
<Althego> hopefully demagnetized
<Althego> but if you mean the magnets can collect them, that is true
<Eddi|zuHause> i mean sweep the floor with a magnet
<Althego> hurts the magnet
<Eddi|zuHause> he built this music timing clutch, but i feel like that conveyor belt is on the wrong side of it?
<Althego> the belt just replenishes the buffer
<Althego> has nothing to do with the actual rithm
<Althego> or however it is written
<Eddi|zuHause> it makes sounds and is synchronized to the rythm.
<Eddi|zuHause> but it's... off time
<Althego> mechanical machine, everything makes a sound
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<Eddi|zuHause> he said that is intentional
<Althego> but the planned sound is what the bearings make when hitting the instruments, so those need to be precise, everything else need not
<Eddi|zuHause> that's not right...
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<Mat2ch> When it finally plays music you will not hear all the other stuff.
<Mat2ch> Just the instruments, because they're amplified and most of them are recorded directly
<Althego> especially on a stage, the instrument sounds are picked up by contact microphones, and the signals are amplified for you to hear.
<Fluburtur> wow that is beautiful
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Mars, I hear you. I’ve detected some quiet but distinct shaking on #Mars. The faint rumbles appear to have come fro…
<Althego> hehe the sandworm among thereplies
<UmbralRaptop> That's just silly. Anyone familiar with sandworm biology knows that they'd result in Mars' atmosphere being >10% oxygen
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<Mat2ch> Sandworms make oxygen?
<Althego> at least leto 2 made oxygen from the sandworm body when shot at by laser
<packbart> Spicy Sandworm Kebab
<UmbralRaptop> Mat2ch: IIRC, yes. But also there were sand plankton ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> hehe i love thespace weather report
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<UmbralRaptop> AZERTY
<hoglahoo> o_O
<Fluburtur> yeah
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<darsie> Going to Eeloo without antenna is was too hard. Now I'm not motivated.
<hoglahoo> ksp in a nutshell
<darsie> You can make maneuvers without antenna, but no maneuver planning.
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you need to plan the maneuvers first
<Eddi|zuHause> while you're still in antenna range
<darsie> I tried. Still tough.
<Althego> what do you need to plan?
<Eddi|zuHause> the game seems to have some rounding issues, where if you planned a maneuver, after a while it drifts off
<darsie> simulate maneuvers and see if you get where you want to go.
<darsie> If you don't, plan a correction.
<JVFoxy> ouch... how many years to get out to Eeloo though?
<Althego> many
<darsie> Sometimes you could scan around for an encounter, but not if the encounter is several orbits ahead.
<Eddi|zuHause> i haven't even made it to duna yet
<Althego> duna is quite easy
<JVFoxy> lol... rounding issues.. brain went and wondered how well an analog computer would be able to handle things
<Althego> analog has merits
<Althego> but extremely bad in reproduction
<JVFoxy> suspect maybe even a little unrepeatable?
<Eddi|zuHause> even an analog computer suffers from unstable numeric algorithms
<Eddi|zuHause> like, say, 3 body physics
<JVFoxy> Ugh.. I haven't even left Kerbin system yet. I've come up with a few cool cruiser style ships but by themselves don't carry enough DV..
<darsie> My second ship usually goes to orbit.
<darsie> in stock
<Eddi|zuHause> i was about to plan a duna mission last time, right before i got stuck with my minimus base
<darsie> second ship, second launch
<JVFoxy> how much DV is it to go from encounter to orbit on Duna?
<darsie> 0
<Eddi|zuHause> you can aerobrake
<JVFoxy> ... aside from aerobraking that is
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<Eddi|zuHause> DV map is in the topic
<darsie> just aerobrake.
<Althego> yes best placeto aerobrake
<darsie> Or ask the return way.
<Althego> very little heating good enough drag
<Althego> while in reality it is the reverse, quite an amout of heat, but very little dfrag :)
<darsie> low inclination
<darsie> You might break some solar panels or antennae if you're not careful.
<JVFoxy> one place saying 250.. dv map here says 250 just for elliptical, another 360 for low orbit.
<darsie> Duna is aerobraking paradise.
<JVFoxy> just be good to know as a backup.. .
<Eddi|zuHause> might have been some mod i misremember, but were there reusable fairings before?
<Eddi|zuHause> as in, they don't get blown away, but open and close?
<JVFoxy> just this idea, both my cruiser ship designs has the nose docking port. maybe build a booster injection vehicle that can be returned and reused after sending it off
<JVFoxy> Althego geez thing is bigger than I thought
<Althego> the insight twitter has won the webby aawards
<Althego> whatever that is
<Althego> cool tweets, but nothing about the state of the mole yet
<Althego> and i didnt vote
<Althego> i also didnt vote for crosscode, and it also won an award
<Althego> maybe i should keep not voting to get the desired result
<JVFoxy> *** if you do... *** if you don't...
<JVFoxy> also... finally got around to checking out that new model on the poodle engine.. I don't know.. gimble on it seems a bit.. odd.
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<kmath> <✔ChabeliH> .@NASA statement from today: "SpaceX and NASA are just beginning the mishap investigation process. We don’t yet kno…
<Althego> there is a positive side of this. at least it blew up without people
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<JVFoxy> better it didn't blow up while on its way up into orbit on its next test mission..
<JVFoxy> granted.. we are getting into more unknown territory when it comes to reusing crafts that have splashed down. Oddly enough, one of the Gemini crafts was reused after splashdown, for the MOL project. Even had a hatch in the heatshield and survived its test flight
<JVFoxy> I wasn't sure, but did dragon II go up with engines already installed right? The engine ports had panels covering them up... I'm wondering if something internal, maybe even unrelated may have happened. The engines weren't even fired when it blew
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<kmath> YouTube - RCTESTFLIGHT - 3D Printed RC Lifting Body Aircraft?
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<Fluburtur> my friend had the worst idea ever
<Fluburtur> in terminator the time machine doesnt send non organic matter unless there is skin around
<Fluburtur> so he thought about sending a tank with a sack of skin around it
<Rolf> i bet they could find easy to grow and make huge tank of organic stuff
<Rolf> then make time machine take stuff form middle of tank
<Rolf> then its easy to send anything
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<JVFoxy> tank.. might be too big to fit into the machine
<JVFoxy> so instead.. they made a tank into a person, fitted a skin over top
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<Gridfinned> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Gridfinned
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* UmbralRaptor x_x
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<Fluburtur> wait there are actually peoples who think airbags are dangerous
<Fluburtur> sure they are but less than smacking your head on the wheel
<Mat2ch> they can be, if not used properly
<Fluburtur> if you have seatbelts on and dont have your face pressed on the wheel already you mean
<Mat2ch> it's far more safe to crash with your chest into the steering wheel, than having an airbag come at you, when you're driving without a seatbelt on...
<Fluburtur> peoples that drive without a seatbelt shoudlnt be allowed to get away without harm anyways
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Well, I'd use a 5-point harness, if I had one...
<Fluburtur> well go to a tuning shop they probably have those
<sandbox> I've seen terrible things happening without seatbelts
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: would need different seats
<Mat2ch> also I'm not ivesting in this car anymore
<Mat2ch> I do what's necessary
<Mat2ch> and someday I may have enough money to get an electric car
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: ...
<Fluburtur> ooo thats pretty
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<Tank2333> any news on the crew dragon explosion?
<Eddi|zuHause> there was a crew dragon explosion?
<UmbralRaptor> I haven't heard anything new
<UmbralRaptor> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, blew up before an abort system test
<UmbralRaptor> (oops)
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<Tank2333> i dont get it