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<Eddi|zuHause> me neither
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<Rolf> cyan is old company they know how to make games :)
<Althego> lot of old companies make bad games now
<Althego> thatdoesnt mean a thing
<Althego> although myst is legendary
<Althego> this game has the feelign of frospunk
<Althego> frostpunk
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<Rolf> they released obscura something fairly recently
<Mat2ch> I see no Linux, I dislike.
<Rolf> they never developed for linux
<Gasher[work]> never liked quests
<Rolf> cyan always makes puzzle based games
<Rolf> starting with myst
<darsie> What fraction of KSP modders use Linux?
<Mat2ch> I have no idea
<Rolf> specifically modders? dunno
<Mat2ch> but linuxgamerguru seems to use linux ;)
<Rolf> i use linux and kjsp but not modder
<Rolf> kerbal justice space program
<packbart> Mat2ch: linuxgurugamer's mods seem to have been compiled with Visual Something on Windows ;) I had to change some paths to get them to compile with monodevelop
<Mat2ch> Maybe it's easier that way to manage so many old mods
<Mat2ch> not sure how many changes otherwise would be necessary
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch
<kmath> YouTube - test 1
<Fluburtur> this doesnt have music or transitions yet
<Fluburtur> huh I dont have any saw guide that is wide enough, im gonna have to freehand the fret slots
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: "after several years of laziness" :D
<Fluburtur> no lie there
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: You should make the end a bit longer, add an end screen showing what has to be done and when you want to do it ;)
<Mat2ch> also it's "laziness", just misspelled that :)
<Fluburtur> im not done with the video yet
<Fluburtur> because im not done building the bass
<Mat2ch> Good! I watched the whole thing in one go and was disappointed, when it ended. Well done!
<Fluburtur> now, will this video get another 100k views
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<Mat2ch> Hopefully more
<Fluburtur> guitar making videos usually work well on youtube
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<Althego> but why
<Fluburtur> not that many and generaly interesting
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> I always wondered how they make those soft curves
<Mat2ch> lots of sanding it seems.
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<darsie> I hate when maneuver planning is unstable.
<Fluburtur> yeah many hours of manual work
<darsie> Like, I planned a trip to Eeloo and when I try to make an orbit insertion burn the node appears somewhere else and changing dv changes hte incoming trajectory.
<darsie> s/make/plan
<darsie> I want to find out if making the plane change to Eeloo is more efficient at Kerbin or Eeloo.
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<Mat2ch> That's starting to look like a bass. Well done :D
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<Fluburtur> the fretboard isnt done, it is just a test fit
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch
<kmath> YouTube - Furby Organ 2.0 THE PORTABLE FURBY ORGAN
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<Mat2ch> Oh no
<Mat2ch> OH NO
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<Mat2ch> the original furby organ was way creepier! :D
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<Fluburtur> my arms are sore but it was worth it
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<Mat2ch> woah
<Mat2ch> nice curves
<Fluburtur> I wouldnt have been able to do that a few eyars ago actually
<Fluburtur> would have needed to buy a sanding jig
<Fluburtur> but now I can just print one in like an hour
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<Mat2ch> Moar pressure!
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<Skwint> Hello. I've not touched this for a while - I'm trying to make FAR (FerramAerospaceResearch) mod work, and it says it's incompatible with the current version (1.7.0)
<Skwint> Is there a magic trick?
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