Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<mabus> lol
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<Eddi|zuHause> i love when people randomly go "lol" in a channel that has been quiet for 5 hours
<UmbralRaptor> mabus at least lurks here all the time
<mabus> i have my irc client properly configured, there was no interruption between the last comment and mine
<UmbralRaptor> Anyway, I suppose a best-of might show up at Scott's YouTube channel?
<Eddi|zuHause> anyone wanna teach me CK2? i wanna get into it, but it doesn't quite catch me like EU4 did to try to figure it out
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<Althego> what, a wild falcon heavy launch appeared (3 days 16 hours)
<Althego> cant watch it at that time
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<Guest14645> What is an IRC chat
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<Althego> text communication
<Althego> argh
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<Rolf> lol
<Althego> and i even replied in 13 seconds
<Althego> no, 15
<Rolf> 13 seconds is 500 years
<Rolf> 15? dang thats half of star lifetime
<Althego> 13 was when gues quit
<Althego> so many people who cant read
<kmath> YouTube - Three Tows for 3 Times The Regret!
<Rolf> Althego: heh Schadenfreude channel eh
<Rolf> yeah been subebd to that channel for a bit now
<Althego> the harder schadenfreude channel
<kmath> YouTube - Speeding semi gets smashed up at the 11foot8 bridge
<Althego> kind of painful to watch these
<Rolf> ah the 11'8"
<Rolf> yeah know of that one. 4 inches shorter than no sign minium,
<Rolf> and visually same as no sign minium.
<Althego> oh no, i picked up a book from a series again. ninefox gambit. should have googled it before buying. and either the translation is really dumb or the original intentionally has confusing word usage
<Althego> yes this
<Rolf> series seems interesting
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<Guest61425> yo
<Guest61425> anyone know of a mod that lets you have two separate tech trees
<Althego> hehe a techforest :)
<Althego> but i have never even ehard of such thing
<Althego> there are many that change the tree, even add a lot of nodes, but not separate trees
<Althego> how would that even work?
<Guest61425> im doing a turn based game with my bro were just swapping save files just wanted to know if there is a way we could separate our development
<Guest61425> essentially 2 different trees one for each player
<Guest61425> that's the system were gonna use
<Althego> hehe i think the forum is not healthy, at least i dosnt load for me
<Guest61425> oh
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<Althego> hehe, does a straw have 1 or 2 holes?
<Althego> i would say topologically it has 1
<Althego> and as such it must be a donut
<Althego> (the straw)
<darsie> Bullets leave entry and exit holes.
<darsie> But yeah, drilling a hole through a piece of metal is just one hole.
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<Eddi|zuHause> i think you can't really talk about it as "topological" holes. most cases where people discuss "holes" mean in a relationship to a minimum of potential energy
<Eddi|zuHause> if you close up either end of a straw, you can carry water with it
<Eddi|zuHause> in that sense, the two ends are different things
<drak> kind of like how can a glass be half empty if it was never full to begin with
<Eddi|zuHause> also, if you consider a coffee mug, it is topologically equivalent to a donut, but the thing where people put the coffee in isn't the hole
<Eddi|zuHause> ... the topological hole
<JVFoxy> .... if gravity is involved, you only need one hole closed.. otherwise, ya, both ends.
<JVFoxy> c.c;
<JVFoxy> oh.. sorry close up either end. sorry, not enough coffee, brain somehow read that as both ends.
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<JVFoxy> So.. contract was station that supports 5 kerbals, radio antenna, power generation, docking port, one Pilot...
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<JVFoxy> additonally, my own limits: First level VAB, and firt level Launchpad. (18t or less, 30 parts or less)
<JVFoxy> took 4 launches,
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. mod to not have jeb sneak into craft which I need to have the seat free for rescues?
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<mabus> ya know, i think i too would like default no crew
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<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> i never needed empty seats but dont you can assign crew?
<Rolf> or assign empty etc
<JVFoxy> ...
<JVFoxy> when you built a ship, if your first thing is the probe core..
<JVFoxy> then you add command pods, don't think it fills them automatically
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<JVFoxy> but when you load a ship, it fills the command seats automatically... I just grabbed my rescue ship, slapped my head when it was sitting on the pad and forgot to dump Jeb's butt out of it
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<Rolf> "hey jeb get out! we didnt invite you" ;)
<JVFoxy> or maybe even a mod that rotates crew if you got more than one pilot.. jeb is such a hog
<lordcirth_> You're lucky it was on the pad
<JVFoxy> shrug... even if it was launched, revert is your friend
<lordcirth_> I've gotten 100m away from the target before realizing, more than once
<Rolf> jeb is everywhere. even behind you
<lordcirth_> Sure, but reverting after doing that work is really annoying
<JVFoxy> well considering no one was suppose to be in it at launch (probe core controlled) when I saw the mug shot..
<Draconiator> Did 1.6.1 change how communication works? Antennas before used to have two-way communication, but I see no lines connecting ships with antennas and other ships now.
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<JVFoxy> not even connecting to the center?
<JVFoxy> there is a setting that you can click, how it displays things if in map or tracking station. Maybe it got flipped?
UmbralRaptop is now known as SakuraRaptor
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<Draconiator> they connect to the center, but not to other ships. I'm making a small relay station to see if it can bounce off of that.
<darsie> I lost Jeb on an extremely high solar orbit. Wanted to send someone else, but he sneaked in.
<Rolf> well problem solved
<Rolf> "your mission is to find out how extreme long term space travel take effect on people who sneak into mission."
<darsie> Yeah :).
<darsie> It's his fault.
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