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<Althego> ksp is 50% off on gog
<Althego> among other things
<darsie> I got mine -40% from steam.
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<Missingno50> So I'm beginning to think I may have accidentally made a way to have Making History-esque scenarios without the expansion pack...
<Althego> people had missions long before the expansion, you just needed to make the checks yourself
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<Tank2333> Did spacex just launched a Falcon heavy again?
<Althego> about a week ago
<Althego> that was the second time
<Althego> and there was no 3rd time
<Althego> they landed the conter core and then lost it to the sea from the boat
<Rolf> spoooiler
<Tank2333> i see, because a chanel is live broadcasting a launch, i gueess its a rip off
<Rolf> it IS live, it contains living people
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> next falcon heavy is in possibly 2-3 months
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<Althego> hehe not secure
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<RoboFreak> hehe some guy wanted to convince elon to put alita on starship as a noseart, because she was born on mars. and as i noticed elon has edward elric as his awatar, so this may be possible lol
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<Fluburtur> I have just done what I have been putting off for like 5 years
<Althego> deleted never listened to music?
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<Fluburtur> I shaped the neck of the bass im building
<Fluburtur> I have a little concert in 2 months or so and I want it to be ready then
<Fluburtur> I needed to do that forever, turned out I just had to get a wood file and 2 hours
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<JVFoxy> Ponder: think the KSP community has enough know-how, resources to launch a micro sat (at least) in to earth orbit? :)
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<darsie> Build an orbital rocket?
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<darsie> Or get a ride to orbit with a cube?
<JVFoxy> just the sat... piggy back onto something already going up
<darsie> Don't need much knowledge for that, unless it should do something difficult.
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<darsie> Like unfold a solar sail to go to small asteroid and return a sample :).
<JVFoxy> Ham radio relay wouldn't be too hard.. a lot of the oscar sats do that, though seems to be more packet radio than FM voice
<darsie> Hmm, we could shift the COM for attitude control with a solar sail.
<darsie> Might not have enough shielding for a long mission.
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