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<darsie> RO has realistic thrust. There are attempts to simulate thrust during time warp.
<darsie> Was meant to be a flyby mission.
<JVFoxy> could physical warp but it tends to mess with things depending. :\
<darsie> Yeah, but 3 months real time instead of 1 year is still a lot :).
<JVFoxy> friend asked me if I would go on a one way mission to mars, land on the surface. I'd not mind at least getting to orbit for a while then coming home. Maybe I'm weird, I wouldn't mind doing a moon landing. Though, who's to say, a Mars mission would still end up one way at a later date
<darsie> I'm not sure if I'd go to Mars.
<darsie> Doesn't have to be one way.
<darsie> Reusability requires going back.
UmbralRaptor is now known as GeodesicRaptor
<darsie> I'd be able to lift 30 kg there :).
<JVFoxy> it be really helpful if we had the means to produce fuel on the surface or from mining...
<darsie> That's the plan.
<darsie> There's water, CO2, sunlight.
<JVFoxy> having every single resource from a single point (mainly Earth) does pose a bit of a major challenge.
<JVFoxy> at least sunlight is easy enough to get
<darsie> I there isn't a 1+ month dust storm.
<darsie> globally
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<JVFoxy> that case.. wonder if a wind generator would be of any use. I know pressure is pretty low, it wouldn't be a lot of power
<darsie> We'd probably have nuclear reactors.
<JVFoxy> not sure how it would compare to an RTG if could get one sent over that is big enough.
<darsie> nuclear fuel has very high energy density.
<JVFoxy> ya but radiation... already gotta contend with it in space as it is..
<darsie> Helicopters can fly on Mars, so I guess wind generators would work. a bit.
<darsie> You can put them 100 m away. Or bury them.
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<darsie> You can put them 100 m away. Or bury them.
<darsie> OTOH, we might get away with little power. A few LEDs for lighting and eat our food stock.
<darsie> but the plants we grow need light.
<JVFoxy> the PU238 doesn't put off /that/ much radiation.. light shielding.. but it is low power
<darsie> And Pu238 is hard to make.
<darsie> USA got some from Russia.
<darsie> For space probes.
<darsie> Now they want to switch to fission.
<darsie> The Kilopower reactors will come in 4 sizes able to produce from one to 10 kilowatts of electrical power (1-10 kWe), continuously for 12-15 years.
<JVFoxy> Heh.. Krusty..
<darsie> krusty?
<JVFoxy> on the wiki: full name is Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology, or KRUSTY
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> like to see fusion power become a thing..
<darsie> We mightget to Mars first :).
<darsie> I'd like to see mind uploading and self replicating machines.
<darsie> and maybe AI :)
<darsie> And living off Hawking radiation adn refuelling micro black holes with matter of dead stars :).
<JVFoxy> was doing some thinking... someone threw around this picture of a 230km long spaceship from starwars...
<darsie> That's not a moon!
<JVFoxy> an ancient race that has the ability to build and power such giant solar sized creations... must spend a lot of time in stasis, specially if they haven't got a way to move around in the local system faster than speed of light
<JVFoxy> but anyways.. mind uploading? Ever watched Altered Carbon?
<Ezko> how long until GOT starts?
<JVFoxy> go to check on KottabosGaming.. find has a reviwe on instamash from Fallout.. what the.... c_C
<GeodesicRaptor> back of the envelope calc: a 4.495e22 kg black hole has an effective temperature of 2.73 K (ie: the same as the CMB)
<darsie> GeodesicRaptor: I'd rather use a 1 MW BH.
<GeodesicRaptor> Something something asteroid mass
<darsie> At higher power it may be so small that it's infeasible to feed it.
<JVFoxy> lol.. BH's as pets in space
<darsie> power source.
<JVFoxy> would you rather feed a sun or bh... hmm..
<darsie> Turn matter to pure energy.
<darsie> If you don't get particles out.
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<darsie> A BH.
<JVFoxy> find it funny... gravity so strong, light can't escape.. yet some particles can?
<darsie> It's complicated and not fully understood.
<kmath> YouTube - Hawking Radiation
<JVFoxy> I always figured, black hole so strong, nothing can escape.. it would suck in time too..
<JVFoxy> and eventually.. universe would just end up as one big black hole... shrug I don't know.
<GeodesicRaptor> They don't escape per se
<darsie> JVFoxy: No, space expands.
<darsie> Most stars get flung out of galaxies by gravity assists.
<darsie> Or what's left of the.
<darsie> m
<JVFoxy> it might expand, though even that we don't fully understand yet. I remember something where said, the universe expanded faster than light. yet.. nothing can go faster than light... the 'nothing' itself, the void.. null... eh..
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Life always finds away, except after gamma ray bursts and supernovae.
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<TheClaw> Ahoy o/
<JVFoxy> ... funny you should say gamma... ended up watching two Hulk movies the last few days. 0.o
<JVFoxy> sorta tring to get a little more sorted with the Marvel movie series timeline
<Scolar_Visari> THE END IS NIGH!
<Scolar_Visari> Though I think we all know the Avengers are going to take care of problems this time by teaming up with Goku, collecting the Dragon Balls and wishing everyone back to life.
<Scolar_Visari> Also: Unless you include Thor: Ragnarok, the Hulk movie starring Eric Bana is non-canon. Not to mention completely foregettable.
<Scolar_Visari> So it's just one Hulk movie.
* Scolar_Visari reads a suggestion on Paradox's Battletech forums that one should be able to fit a K-F Drive on the DropShip. HERESY.
<JVFoxy> I find it interesting Banon ended up here in BC end of the one movie.. my foster dad used to build front end loaders and other large equipment. he talked about when they were filming some hulk thing out here, they used one of the machines they just built in a scene.
<JVFoxy> oooor.. maybe he was just relating that the machines they used were the like they've made at the shop.. don't know, its been so long now.
<Scolar_Visari> Was this before or after the Great Information Armageddon?
<JVFoxy> the wah..?
<Scolar_Visari> Wait . . . Is this the Earth that had a cephalopod invasion in 1939?
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<JVFoxy> multi verse?
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<Scolar_Visari> There's another Earth on the other side of the Milky Way. Or is it the one in M87?
<JVFoxy> eh.. considering some people claim there's another earth opposite of the sun, we just never see it... but whatever
<Scolar_Visari> There was, but it was moved out of its orbit by the Great Perturbation of 100,000,000 B.C.E.
<JVFoxy> they also say, world inside the earth.. everyone's got their own ideas.
<JVFoxy> I'd rather just focus on dealing with my crushing debt. :\
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<JVFoxy> huh... interesting timing there... going directly from kerbin low orbit to a orbiting target around the mun.... ksp map goes and does this on me.:
<JVFoxy> well ok.. closer view, this time focused on mun... v
<JVFoxy> frig... stupid net locked up... try again I guess:
<Althego> hehe instant encoutner
<JVFoxy> its a rendezvous and space walk contract. figured I'd make for a docking as well...
<JVFoxy> ya... I might be a little behidn but eh.. not like I dive into KSP space stuff as constantly I used to. Seem to mess around more with planes more than anything
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<JVFoxy> 2.2km out and slowed down enough so can get in close when sun shows
<JVFoxy> and docked. :)
<JVFoxy> ugh... these rescue missions generate so many contract reports..
<JVFoxy> clearing away a bunch of stuff.. each rescue makes 3 reports each..
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<Gasher[work]> rescue mission for a rescue mission
<JVFoxy> more like.. 'ok good, you picked them up' then ok good, now to debrief, then.. here's your funds
<JVFoxy> I think...
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* darsie fetched yet another surface sample from Duna with a Kickback and two Terriers:
<darsie> .tell jvfoxy <SpeedEvil> darsie: from the potato studies, you can live on ~3kW or so constantly. Double that for more food variety, double it again for a few percent meat and dairy in the diet
<Gasher[work]> 3kW?
<darsie> Yes. To power LEDs to grow food.
<darsie> e.g. on Mars.
<Gasher[work]> ah
<darsie> ok
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<Eddi|zuHause> ;wa power consumption of the world
<kmath> Eddi|zuHause: world->electricity consumption: 18.47 trillion kW h/yr (kilowatt hours per year) (2010 estimate)
<Eddi|zuHause> ;wa (population of the world)*3kW
<kmath> Eddi|zuHause: world->population×3 kW (kilowatts): 22.7 billion person kW (person kilowatts) (2017 estimate)
<Eddi|zuHause> ;wa power consumption of the world in kW
<kmath> Eddi|zuHause: convert world->electricity consumption to kilowatts: 2.108 billion kW (kilowatts) (2010 estimate)
<Eddi|zuHause> so, if we told everyone to only use 1/100th of their current power usage, we can save the world? :p
<sandbox> it's not worth saving
<Eddi|zuHause> well, also, the world uses energy in forms other than power
<Eddi|zuHause> electric power i mean
<Gasher[work]> food
<Eddi|zuHause> i think the idea was that everyone uses a local growhouse to produce his food
<Eddi|zuHause> (but then you haven't accounted for any construction work, production, development, mobility, entertainment, ...)
<Althego> we cant save the worl that way. or we can, but most people would need to die
<Althego> we need power for food production and distribution
<Eddi|zuHause> well, the claim was that this was enough power for food production
<Eddi|zuHause> oh, i think i misread the number. it's not 1/100th the power, it's 10 times the power
<sandbox> unlimited power
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<Althego> ^exit
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<packbart> I'm with George Carlin on that. The planet is fine.
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<Fluburtur> ah better
<Fluburtur> was on light mode for some reason
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<Althego> i knew it i shouldnt have updated pmagic. now it doesnt see the raid array. i usually do my backup to there, and then copy it to an external drive. now i have to create it on an external drive and copy it back to the array
<kmath> YouTube - BREAKING NEWS: Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on fire, live stream
<Fluburtur> if the rest of paris could burn that would be nice
<umaxtu> Fluburtur, did you do it?
<Fluburtur> im not in paris currently
<Fluburtur> but it isnt what I would burn down first
<Althego> usually people want to set fire the politicians
<Fluburtur> yeah thats what I would do
<Althego> and we cant say more about that in the channel
<Fluburtur> paris is a big dump anyways
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: that's true for almost every bigger city somehow :|
<Fluburtur> idk im in Lyon and it is nice so far
<Fluburtur> but it isnt as big
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: stalking Martin? ;P
<Fluburtur> no im just visiting my cousin
<Mat2ch> Boring!
<Fluburtur> we will be going into some tunnels we are not supposed to go in
<Althego> famous last words
<Fluburtur> lmao
<Fluburtur> well he has been there several time so I should be mostly fine
<Fluburtur> I can't stalk Martin without some goal
<Fluburtur> so I want to build a plywood guitar, visit him and get one of his olive oil bottles
<Althego> bleh olive oil
<Althego> but you could maybe see the machine in person
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> my grandma would probably like some nice olive oil to cook and stuff like that
<Fluburtur> also I would make a video of the making of the guitar so it would boost my channel
<Althego> boost::my_channel()
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<kmath> YouTube - Stratolaunch First Flight
<Althego> hyuge
<Althego> looks like a kerbal was the head designer
<Fluburtur> past a certain point going kerbal is the best option
<Althego> hehe
<Fluburtur> peoples that live nearby are probably happy that there will be less tourist
<Althego> no, there will be more
<Althego> disaster tourism
<Fluburtur> so thats a thing
<Fluburtur> anyways im happy I dont live in paris
<kmath> YouTube - Franz Ferdinand This Fire
<Gasher> you know, i was in paris last autumn and i decided not to go in as there was a huge line of people and i thought i'd visit it this summer
<kmath> YouTube - Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official Video)
<kmath> YouTube - BREAKING NEWS: Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on fire, live stream
<Mat2ch> SO, the spire is gone
<Althego> about an hour ago
<Mat2ch> but looks like they're getting the fire under control
<Fluburtur> dont worry they will suck money away from the more pressing social issues to rebuild that crap
<Mat2ch> I'm late to the party, sorry ;P
<Althego> after there is nothing left to burn
<Mat2ch> I still see flames...
<Mat2ch> The whole roof is made from old wood...
<Mat2ch> also, why no firefighting plane? :P
<sandbox> it's alarming the number of places that have gone up in flames during restoration work
<Althego> as donald trump thought?
<Fluburtur> land a canadair in the water, go ahead
<Fluburtur> I doubt those puny water hoses will do anything
<sandbox> I'm surprised nobody has invented a better solution for fighting fires
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: they will cool down the whole thing and make it wet and make it harder to burn
<Althego> puny hose (hulk)
<Mat2ch> sandbox: well, most of the time that's enough...
<Mat2ch> just some water (sometimes with foam) on it and that's it
<Althego> you could pour liquid nitrogen on the fire
<Fluburtur> I would drop fuel on it so it is over faster but thats just me
<Fluburtur> or drop oxygen tanks
<sandbox> like some sort of chemical reaction that sucks all the oxygen out of an area or something
<Mat2ch> bigger buildings usually have sprinklers
<Mat2ch> only those old buildings...
<Althego> that is called fire
<sandbox> anti-fire
<Althego> so you want to make an air detonation bomb explode to put out the fire
<Mat2ch> sandbox: they use explosives to put out burning oil well
<Althego> like the moab
<sandbox> yeah i know
<Fluburtur> foam dispensers usually make good fire retardant
<Fluburtur> Althego they are proably trying to not level the whole area
<Althego> but the fires would stop :)
<Althego> not recommended
<Althego> hehe, this is funny. 50 years ago children in the pioneer movement closed off a time capsule. they thought we would go on holiday to mars :)
<Althego> would have been nice
<Althego> maybe if the americans didnt win the moon race
<Gasher> Fluburtur, well if ours catch fire i'd agree with dumping gas on it, but not yours
<Mat2ch> well, then someone invented Dark Matter and astrophysics got stuck proving something that's not there :P
<Mat2ch> what makes me wonder is that there only seems to be two hoses
<Mat2ch> that's really strange
<Mat2ch> I would've tackled the fire from several sides with much more water
<Althego> i can already envision it. notre dame was an inside job
<Althego> lol: scientists trace heat wave to massive star at the center of solar system :)
<Fluburtur> they are likely protecting nearby buildings
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<Gasher> afaik there are no nearby buildings close
<Fluburtur> the streets are narrow there, old city and stuff
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<Fluburtur> there are on one side
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<Gasher> it's on an island with a square in front
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<Mat2ch> well, I'd believe Fluburtur here... he literally lives there ;P
<Althego> or rather he lives the closest there out of all of us
<Fluburtur> dont call me a parisian
<Mat2ch> I wonder why they have no drone footage... hm
<Fluburtur> thats not a nice thing to say
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> because the drones set it on fire
<Mat2ch> And I thought calling someone "French" was a slur ;)
<Gasher> hm, well one side has
<sandbox> oh boy
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* sandbox goes back to being depressed
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<JVFoxy> hrrrmm... shadowzone... stupid video on how long RO takes to load... kind of why I've avoided mods for most part. c.c;
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<packbart> some mods use inefficient MM patches that look into every part. or maybe it just appears to be much slower than patches with proper filters
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<JVFoxy> not sure if asked before... prefer a game that never got updated, or one that was updated ever several months but it kept breaking most mods each time?
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<darsie> JVFoxy: <SpeedEvil> darsie: from the potato studies, you can live on ~3kW or so constantly. Double that for more food variety, double it again for a few percent meat and dairy in the diet
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<JVFoxy> ya but... over what period of time?
<darsie> Till you die of old age.
<JVFoxy> two people... one partied hard every day, drunk themselves stupid, died age 35... the other hardly did anything, other than just worked a steady job, kept stress down, retired, calm, quite, boring life. Died at 90...
<JVFoxy> some would say, was a third, didn't really do anything, worked. Didn't get far in life, died by drunk driver... life sucks
* JVFoxy looks at second cup coffee, sighs. "or maybe I'm not awake enough, and trying to think too hard. >.<
<Mat2ch> still burnin
* darsie drank 154 mg caffeine.
<darsie> Mat2ch: What are you burning?
<darsie> Liquidfuel?
<kmath> YouTube - WATCH LIVE: A fire has broken out at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
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<Mat2ch> and they really considered using fire fighting helicopters...
<darsie> wow
<darsie> I was there.
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<JVFoxy> paris... was there in 86...
<Mat2ch> you really didn't know?
<darsie> If you ionize xenon you're oxidizing it. When you recombine it with electrons you're reducing it.
<darsie> no
<darsie> I just got up.
<darsie> Eating breakfast.
<JVFoxy> makes two of us.. if you don't count shower and first coffee
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch any idea the cause of the fire?
<darsie> Someone call the fire brigades.
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<JVFoxy> ah cause unknown.. water bombing the building would just reduce it to rubble
<Supercheese> isn't it already collapsed?
<darsie> Ahh, I see a water jet.
<darsie> Time to build a more energy efficient house.
<JVFoxy> spire is down.. ya, but if rest of the building is till up... dropping water on top could take the rest out
<JVFoxy> maybe even risking hitting other buildings and damaging them too
<JVFoxy> looking at pictures.. metal frame work on the building, if it happened during repairs, maybe someone messed up.. if during off hours, maybe someone purposefully set it ablaze?
<Mat2ch> with a firefighting plane you could spray a fine mist of water, but not with helicopters
<Mat2ch> with a water bomb they might throw the burning parts over half of the island
<JVFoxy> lol...
<JVFoxy> ok more lol to spreading fire over the island
<JVFoxy> seriously, rather not use plane...
<JVFoxy> they parked a truck in a field... waterbomber flew over, dropped a load. Truck was pretty much flattened.
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> but if you go high enough it's only a mist that comes down.
<Mat2ch> well, it looks like the fire is almost out...
<darsie> Looks like it's glowing orange.
<Mat2ch> well, you should go a few hours back
<Mat2ch> when the spire fell
<darsie> Stream doesn't go that far back.
<Mat2ch> darsie: should go back farther
<JVFoxy> ... notre dame v2.0?
<JVFoxy> hopefully they can save something...
<Mat2ch> The walls and the two towers probably
<Mat2ch> but this could result in more strict rules for such buildings. Like fire walls inside the roof and sprinklers and stuff
<JVFoxy> wonder what they were doing with all that metal framework..
<JVFoxy> if anything.. at least have sprinklers
<Mat2ch> looks a bit like the gates of hell opened up right now :D
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: renovating the roof
<Mat2ch> and the spire...
* JVFoxy checks time differences...
<JVFoxy> roof work huh?
<JVFoxy> so maybe something end of the day?
<Mat2ch> the scaffold was around the spire
<JVFoxy> we've had our share of roofs getting torched during work over here in the past..
<Mat2ch> and parts of the spire are now caught in it. It's fascinating that it didn't collapse
<Mat2ch> and the problems are mostly that Notre Dame is huge and the fire deparment can't get water from the top inside, because the ladders are too short...
<sandbox> The eponymous Mackintosh Building, soon became one of the city's iconic landmarks, and stood for over 100 years until it was severely damaged by fire in May 2014 and destroyed by a second fire in June 2018 with only the burnt out shell remaining.
<Mat2ch> so they have to let it burn down in a controlled way
<Mat2ch> that's why you have standpipes and sprinklers in modern buildings...
<sandbox> The ship has been damaged by fire twice in recent years, first on 21 May 2007 while undergoing conservation. She was restored and was reopened to the public on 25 April 2012. On 19 October 2014 she was damaged in a smaller fire.
<sandbox> The Private Chapel in the north-east corner of the State Apartments was being renovated as part of a long term programme of work within the castle, and it is believed that one of the spotlights being used in the work set fire to a curtain by the altar during the morning.
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<sandbox> that reminds me of a terrible joke
<Mat2ch> Is it ground burning?
<JVFoxy> floor is laval?
<JVFoxy> *lava... stupid muscle memory..
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<Mat2ch> well, it looks almost out, for a fire this big
<Mat2ch> fire fighers are on the roof of on of the towers
<Mat2ch> and taking pictures it seems
<sandbox> I hope that injured firefighter is ok
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<darsie> IIRC she was severely injured, so probably not.
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<JVFoxy> spotlight.. curtain... I'm guessing someone didn't teach them proper lighting setup?
<darsie> "One fireman has been "seriously injured," according to the official."
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<Mat2ch> I guess they're letting the press inside of the towers
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<sandbox> unrelated "Boy, 6, dies in bedside lamp house fire"
<Ezko> anyone have a deltav map handy?
<Ezko> oh wait
<Ezko> !t
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, does your client not show the topic?
<Ezko> tried to open a link that didn't have all the characters
<Ezko> that doesn't work
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<UmbralRaptor> both and seem to work here
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<Eddi|zuHause> maybe if you tried a client that is from this century?
<UmbralRaptor> I would expect the client of the future to work fine.
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<Ezko> UmbralRaptop: yeah but with just CHV it doesn't :P
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<Fluburtur> so is the bbq still going
<Fluburtur> I have some sausages ready to cook
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