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<Draconiator> - What is this, a memory card for ants?
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<Neal1> was there another falcon heavy launch today??
<darsie> idk
<darsie> unlikely
<darsie> There was one recently.
<darsie> with Arabsat.
<Neal1> a week ish ago?
<darsie> mhm
<Neal1> there are these channels on youtube streaming old footage I guess
<Neal1> claiming its live
<darsie> mhm
<Neal1> called them out in the chat and got banned. lol
<darsie> downrate them
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<Eddi|zuHause> maybe make a dozen accounts and start moon truther debates? :p
<darsie> Make a live Moon landing stream :).
<Eddi|zuHause> (i don't mean that the moon landing was fake. but that the moon is fake) :p
<UmbralRaptop> >_<
* UmbralRaptop recalls seeing some "moon is fake" copypasta on Slashdot years ago
<Eddi|zuHause> possibly originating from
<kmath> YouTube - FAKE FACTS 2 (YIAY #328)
<UmbralRaptop> No, far before 2017. Like, 2003?
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<darsie> I'm bored. I'll save a Kerbal from orbit ...
<Althego> orbit around what?
<darsie> Kerbin
<Althego> that is easy
<darsie> I once managed to get a direct rendezvous. Launch, circularize, bang.
<darsie> I'm not doing this because it's easy. I'm doing it because I'm bored.
<darsie> Hmm, I'll try the wake up method.
<Althego> hehe apparently the galaxy fold has its own whatevergate now
<kmath> YouTube - Mush, Spot, Mush!
<Althego> bostond dynamics, what else did i expect
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<darsie> Kerbals can still deorbit with just a space suit. That's my wake up rocket: fly by lost ppl and switch over to them.
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<darsie> 50% thrust on the Hammer, IIRC.
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<Rolf> the old head then butt trick darsie ?
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<Althego> hehe the gardener in this game is called rolf
<Rolf> huh
<Rolf> oh lol really?
<Fluburtur> I ordered the parts I need for the falken and it was 200€
<Fluburtur> so I really hope the videos will pay for themselves
<Gasher[work]> Althego, there's a character in mount and blade called that
<Gasher[work]> also that's the name of car dealership where brother bought his previous car
<Althego> but if i think of rolf, i think of the friend of the hero in knights of xentar :)
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<Rolf> in one of turtledove series, there was 2 seperate charactor named rolf
<Rolf> both died a bit after apperance.
<Rolf> war come early series I think
<Rolf> it was bit stunning since my name is quite rare
<Rolf> i read so many books and theres only 4 charactor named rolf, and 2 of em is in that series.
<Rolf> and both met violent end in war.
<darsie> Rolf: No. at 70,5 km circular burn retrograde 3.1 EVA fuel, after heat aerobrake horizontally, splash down or chute.
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<darsie> You may right yourself just before splashdown for realism.
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<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> Althego: made me wonder if someone named rolf ticked turtledove off
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: What about part 3? ;)
<Fluburtur> I expected you would say that
<Mat2ch> :D
<Fluburtur> I have all the footage so I could put it out quickly
<Fluburtur> I need to ask someone for something
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you really want to add a patreon page. For 100 k viewser you only get around 1500 EUR ad revenue from youtube. (I bet they make much much more on it)
<Fluburtur> yeah but again, I need an audiance
<Rolf> having patreon do not subtract from that
<Rolf> unless youre really on face about it
<Rolf> like some videos i saw
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<Fluburtur> probably wouldnt hurt making a twitter to share my projects to the world
<Fluburtur> it isnt 2008 anymore
<Althego> heh, there are multiple endings, or at least two, but there is no way to save
<GlassYuri> "multiple, or at least two"
<Althego> there was one choice with 2 alternatives, but there may be more on the branches
<Althego> and it seems i cant try them
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<darsie> I'm bored. I'll save a Kerbal from orbit ...
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<Althego> again?
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<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I wanted to make a hydraulic press, but a neighbour objected.
<Althego> lol
<darsie> So a Kerbal it is instead.
<darsie> I was cutting a steel I-beam with a angle grinder in the stair way.
<Althego> saving a kerbal takes only a few minutes
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<Althego> hah new gtoger videro
<darsie> done
<Fluburtur> welcome to the cancer
<Althego> hehe
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<Fluburtur> I could work real hard and create actuall SCP objects
<Fluburtur> some anomalous uav wold be fun
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: gained a follower ;P
<Mat2ch> also be nice :D
<Fluburtur> heh
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<Althego> hmm, cygnus is docking
<kmath> YouTube - WATCH LIVE: Supply Arrival to Space Station #Astrobee #NorthropGrumman(NG11) @04:00 EST
<kmath> YouTube - animation from sd
<Althego> captured
<kmath> YouTube - epilepsy machine
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<kmath> YouTube - Match Chain Reaction Amazing Fire Domino SPACE ROCKET
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<JVFoxy> ok hopefully I found what was causing my connection issues from yesterday... possibly bad usb-dongle base connection for the wireless :\
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<Neal1> you use usb wireless?
<Althego> so it is not so wireless :)
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<JVFoxy> wifi dongle on usb extension cord... computer is on desk but wifi dongle up on top shelf for better reception to front room
<kubi> use cable
<JVFoxy> I could plug directly to case but... 1) I'd worry about busting it off accidentally 2) signal turns to mud from there.
<kubi> I have cat6 built into the walls
<Althego> yay 5 gigabit?
<JVFoxy> older home... I'd have to drill into the attic
<kubi> I have a switchboard and 4x2 outlets all around
<JVFoxy> previous person I lived with, refused to let anyone use cables... which sucked for me. anytime microwave turned on, and because was right next to the room, wifi went poof
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> same frequency
<JVFoxy> but... since it didn't affect him, he didn't see what the problem was. :\
<JVFoxy> ok sorry, now mood is a little better. I've been pondering... anyone built simple, semi-low tech minmus landers for two crew?
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, in stock-ish? Doesn't sound hard
<JVFoxy> I suppose... ? nothing too heavily modded. realized I'm a little stuck on ideas for landers now with stock... and not just reverting to a few of my previous creations. Though... I sorta feel like I've neglected a couple of my previous plays.
<JVFoxy> guess just the idea of trying to land a tuna can on a planet....
<Fluburtur> I have some pringle tubes, I should make canons out of them
<Althego> yes, make the tubes sing
<Fluburtur> heh
<JVFoxy> mmmm.. make it sing. 'but sir, engines don't sink, they roar'...
<JVFoxy> ... sing.. not sink, ugh.
<Althego> something like this
<kmath> YouTube - RimbaTubes: Daft Punk Medley
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, any reason to have exactly 2 crew?
<Fluburtur> making some smoke mortars could be fun
<Althego> now with the new 2 person lander can a lot better
<Althego> hmm scott
<Althego> with random tweets
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<Althego> and necrodancer music
<JVFoxy> lordcirth pilot+scientist... just figured a good size? I guess single but then stuck with pilot only. Didn't want too big, still in early career on one session. I could technically mk1 pod everything, but looses a few things for me, pilot stuck in can for almost 3 weeks
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<lordcirth_> Minmus gravity would probably let you use a Terrier for 2 people
<lordcirth_> I'll make a stock install and try
<Fluburtur> I just ate half a roll of filament to make a mold for my fursuit head project
<Fluburtur> worth it, I hope
<Althego> dont eat plastics :)
<JVFoxy> lol... ate...
<Fluburtur> it is pla, probably safe
<JVFoxy> mm.. how to do a landing mission and not constantly do repeats of apollo.. :P
<Althego> earth orbit rendezvous? single stage to land and back? you can come back from duna with a single stage
<UmbralRaptop> Build a base? hop between multiple sites? ISRU? Direct ascent?
<JVFoxy> base building was something I wanted to do for the poles on kerbin... but in stock doesn't really give much reason to do it.
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, would you consider 400 Science to be low-ish tech?
<JVFoxy> overall? I guess I was thinking more subjective low tech... something simple, practical
<Fluburtur> huh I need to make myself a vacuum forming machine now
<Fluburtur> with heaters and crap like that
<Althego> cant be that complicated
<JVFoxy> the lander for my Carter was neat design, though it used quite a few of the oscar tanks and a spark engine I think
<Althego> it just sucks
<Fluburtur> needs a frame to hold the plastic and make it airtight on the sucker plate and some way to heat it up evenly
<lordcirth_> Hmm, actually using the 2-person lander requires unlocking a ton of 1.825m parts
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<JVFoxy> ya.. I've a few things I should probably get unlocked... mun orbit mission and eva low orbit over almost all the biomes did net me quite a bit of points.
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, honestly I'd just stick with the mk1 pod
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<JVFoxy> as in the one person pod..? When they were talking about using gemini to do a moon landing project, I half wondered what they would do about lack of being able to see outside
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<RoboFreak> lol what happened
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<UmbralRaptop> All hail radar altimeters
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<Fluburtur> it was already in the cockpit view of some cabins before
<RoboFreak> yes
<RoboFreak> and quite annoying to use
<JVFoxy> just simple lander designs... trying to figure what could do for early career landing on minmus or something. Starting to feel teh cans are... a bit awkward (though I'm in 1.5 still)
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<JVFoxy> finally got to Scott's video... someone said ballad of the necrodancer for the music right?
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<Althego> yes it is in the description, crypt of the necrodancer music
<lordcirth__> JVFoxy, mk1 + terrier lander, LV-T45 sustainer, a pair of BACCs
<JVFoxy> 1) seen a playthrough for the first few stages of the game... and somehow managed to find music for the whole game over on soundcloud. Someone even did something of an 'enhanced' verison of the game sound tracks
<JVFoxy> lol... BACC ... have to ask, but why?
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<Eddi|zuHause> <JVFoxy> just simple lander designs... trying to figure what could do for early career landing on minmus or something. Starting to feel teh cans are... a bit awkward (though I'm in 1.5 still) <-- try the redesigned cans in newer version?
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<JVFoxy> the one you can hack the sides off? I suppose, though I'd end up restarting career..
<Eddi|zuHause> dunno if restarting is necessary
<Eddi|zuHause> might depend on your mods
<JVFoxy> was looking over the changes some of the parts ended up with. Half wondering how one of my carrier ships would look with the new parts
<JVFoxy> still run stock..
<Eddi|zuHause> then you probably can update your carreer (although i would make a backup, just in case)
<JVFoxy> or just copy over to folder with new game.. since I don't update the game, each version I got, went into its own folder
<Althego> hehe elon currently has edward elric as avatar picture on twitter
<Eddi|zuHause> who the what where?
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<Eddi|zuHause> that tells me exactly nothing
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<UmbralRaptop> Did something happen to elon's parents?
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<sandbox> like batman?
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