Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Althego> we should rename the channel to fluburturbuilds
<Althego> nothing else is happening
<Fluburtur> wait for my patreon exclusive discord server
<Gasher[work]> lol
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<lordcirth> I'm waiting for Kerbalism 2.2 to be stable
<lordcirth> Althego, well, here's some variety for you:
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<Mat2ch> well, I'm building, too, but since the filler and paint doesn't want to get dry I'm done for today :P
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego
<kmath> YouTube - Tig Welding Marathon - Marble Machine X #75
<Althego> what, so soon
<Fluburtur> do not complain about wintergatan
<Mat2ch> what, so short?
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> so int :
<Althego> )
<Mat2ch> Althego: for safety reasons we only use uint8_t nowadays :P
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<Althego> lol that synth
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<Fluburtur> I havent restarted my phone in like a year and now I forgot the code
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> android updates cause a reboot so i still remember both codes :)
<Althego> hehe i realized i am eating dried red blueberries. is that even possible? :)
<Althego> a 3d printed... thing
<Fluburtur> arm for moving the canards
<Fluburtur> it clamsp on with a screw
<Althego> why is it movable around the axle?
<Althego> i would just put the screw through
<Fluburtur> so it is adjustable
<Fluburtur> it has plenty of friction so that wont move
<Althego> #fluburturbuilds
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<Mat2ch> Another nose?
<Althego> i thought he already made one?
<Althego> at least there was t hat picture with the shape covered with something
<Fluburtur> it is the same nose
<Fluburtur> just a slice of it
<Fluburtur> because it was made with 3 thickness of foam
<Althego> ah
<Fluburtur> I made it hollow to instal the hardware inside
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<kmath> YouTube - arc lighter when
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<kmath> YouTube - 3D printed axial compressor part 2
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<ve2dmn> Good evening
<JVFoxy> yo
<ve2dmn> I just saw the youtube video for 1.7 and decided to come by
<ve2dmn> I've been deep in Factorio for the past..... year?
<jgkamat> factorio is awesome as well :]
<ve2dmn> It's not my most played game yet. I'm only at 500h
<jgkamat> only 500h omg
<ve2dmn> KSP is at 1700h
<jgkamat> I've only played ~200h of ksp, and that's my most played game
* JVFoxy download 1.6.1 while still can.. juuuuust incase
<JVFoxy> fff... I haven't tracked how much time I spent in KSP.. is sorta spread over so many versions (non-steam)
<ve2dmn> I have the DV map on my wall beside me
<JVFoxy> isn't that sorta dated by now?
<ve2dmn> probably
<JVFoxy> has that little 'kraken' toon icon thing no it?
<JVFoxy> *on
<ve2dmn> yup
<ve2dmn> it's but at version 1.0.4
<JVFoxy> ya... I'll sometimes poke at online. I usually use another that you click to places and it does all the figuring for you... well mostly
<JVFoxy> friend I knew of, had some stupid crazy complicated tech tree map on his wall by the PC, thing took up a good chunk of wall estate
<ve2dmn> jgkamat: My Steam profile is public if you are curious about my gaming habits
<JVFoxy> I just have secondlife on here, other than KSP. Well Nitronic rush and a few game consol emulators but I barely touch those as it is these days
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* JVFoxy looks at the dv-map and hmms, "sun... anyone heard any news from Parker Solar Probe?
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