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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: are you just hammering them in?
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> with a piece of wood to not put them out of shape
<Fluburtur> also I put a bit of white glue in the slot just in case
<Fluburtur> now I have to find some sort of snipers that are flush on one side
<Fluburtur> I really hope I wont have to adjust the frets height
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<Rolf> nightmare traffic lol
<kmath> YouTube - I was Made Mayor to Fix NIGHTMARE Highways in Cities: Skylines
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<Fluburtur> why am I bleeding out of my fingers
<Fluburtur> have I being using the metal files too much?
<Althego> because you were sanding them instead of the wood?
<Rolf> man take it easy there man
<Fluburtur> might be why yeah
<Fluburtur> because my files dotn have handles
<Althego> lol
<Althego> at least use some cloths to hold them
<Fluburtur> no I will put tape on my fibers
<Althego> sticky tape :)
<Rolf> do it in layers, use masking tape for a bit, then finally rubber tape for hand confort on files
<Fluburtur> 5 layers of paper tape
<Fluburtur> there is blood on my bass now
<Fluburtur> why am I bleeding everywhere
<Rolf> you have blood thats why
<Althego> maybe make the blood a part of it
<Althego> embed a small glass vial with blood in it in the frame
<Fluburtur> well my previous guitar also had blood in it
<Fluburtur> actually im probably bleeding there because I cut myself on the frets I cut
<Fluburtur> those are very sharp
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<Tank2333> sharp frets are the worst
<Althego> dont fret, the frets cut his hands :)
<Althego> not yours
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<Althego> scott about marsquake
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<kmath> YouTube - Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar (Purpendicular 11)
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<Fluburtur> I need a long and thin drill bit and I dont have any
<Mat2ch> Take out the mill and make one...
* Mat2ch hids
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<Mat2ch> *hides
<Fluburtur> im trying to drill with a sharp screwdriver
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<Mat2ch> This Friday is so slow, I'm listening to Supertramp and Status Quo...
<Mat2ch> Could be worse
<Mat2ch> but also much better :P
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* darsie could orbit Eeloo but doesn't have enough fuel to land.
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<kmath> YouTube - Look Mum No Computer playing dance classics on a Furby organ
<Mat2ch> almost a year old, but just stumbled upon it
<kmath> YouTube - WFL M60 MillTurn Complete Crankshaft Machining - MARTECH Machinery, NJ - USA
<Mat2ch> Oh, I think I've seen that one. :D
<Mat2ch> Massproduced crank shafts are today pressed (in almost molten state) and then just slightly machined for the end finish
<Fluburtur> it is a luxury or sport car one
<Mat2ch> yeah, for small amounts that's cheaper :)
<Mat2ch> also do not play with the scraps without gloves :D
<Mat2ch> if I'd get another axis, I could do this with my cnc. But in small scale only ;)
<Mat2ch> (and yes, there are people doing this for small engines... Crazy stuff)
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that thing without a shield
<Fluburtur> it is a bit powerful as well, needs a large plane
<Fluburtur> someone on my server wanted to build a tiny radial and I offered to help in the desing
<Mat2ch> well, I'm more the going-electric person...
<Mat2ch> and the "going to bed now" person ;)
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