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<Eli3777> Is anybody here?
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<UmbralRaptor> Not with that attitude
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: With the rising of sea levels, every coastal launch facility will become a Sea Launch!
<UmbralRaptor> Free water for sound supression!
* Scolar_Visari ponders if the Dragon V2 loss was related to their previous propellant problems.
<UmbralRaptor> AMOS-6? I thought different propellants were involved?
<Scolar_Visari> No, there was a Dragon V2 lost during a test with rather nasty looking hypergolic propellant clouds wafting from what appeared to be a sizeable detonation.
<Scolar_Visari> The SuperDraco's propellant lines (or something related to them) seemed to have had recent issues prior to that.
<Scolar_Visari> Apparently fuel line freezing
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<Scolar_Visari> Having said that, I suppose NASA's reluctance to employ SpaceX's original scheme for propulsive landings has now been solidly justified on grounds other than severe R&D headaches.
<Scolar_Visari> Alleged footage of the incident, explosion apparently occurring before ignition
<Scolar_Visari> I'm . . . Not sure a lot of SpaceX supporters understand just how much of a problem this is, as the SuperDracos are also the launch escape system. Exploding on the pad is the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do.
<UmbralRaptor> I feel like (ironically), one of SpaceX's big innovations in reusability is being able to just lose a vehicle sometimes.
<UmbralRaptor> Obviously this presents problems when launching humans
<Scolar_Visari> And cargo.
<Scolar_Visari> Particularly if a Progress MS is lost around the same time.
<Scolar_Visari> And, as far as I understand, Starship isn't to have anything approaching a launch escape system. Unless you like setting your first stage on fire.
<AmbulatoryCortex> We know how bad this is, Scolar. General mood is pessimistic hope that it wasn't the vehicle itself that caused the problem, which is unlikely.
<Scolar_Visari> AmbulatoryCortex: A lot, not all, and the SpaceNews commenting crowd generally attack anyone who so much as dare point out even the smallest of issues with SpaceX.
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* Scolar_Visari ponders a high occupancy model, LES-equipped Starship variant to shuttle people up to an Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle.
<AmbulatoryCortex> I'm just glad it happened now. It could have happened while docked to the ISS...
<Scolar_Visari> Could've been related to additional stress upon splashdown, as this was a pre-owned capsule.
* Scolar_Visari warily eyes the people continuing to assume Starship will assuredly be a thing.
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<Guest09368> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest09368
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<kubi> good morning
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> cats are liquids anyway
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* JVFoxy smacks forhead....
<JVFoxy> go to look up lego based kerbal google image search, ended up typing kego kerbal.. >_<
<JVFoxy> speaking of lego... kraken meets star wars... or.. is it the other way around?
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<Althego> hehe
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<Black_Eagle> Destroyer Destroyer got my kek
<Fluburtur> should I add mahogany laminate to the head of my bass
<Althego> why not
<Fluburtur> might contrast too much with the rest tho
<Fluburtur> it is built of pretty light wood and mahogany is rather dark
<Althego> dark. i thought emos died out already. but tuday i saw one, completely black clothes, black hair, hair in eyes, longer on one side, and piercing in lip
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: part 3? ;)
<Althego> lol
<Fluburtur> soon
<Fluburtur> I wanted to edit it but im watching redneck brothers again
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> Have you all watched the autonomy conference yesterday?
<Mat2ch> what do you say?
<Fluburtur> idk I didnt watch it
<Fluburtur> I will ever have a tesla
<Fluburtur> anyways, I think it actually goes together pretty well
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<Gasher[work]> and when i launched that plane earlier one time it spawned in space in the middle of nothing and the other it spawned on Moho. And there was no sun
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<Ragnaman> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Ragnaman
<Ragnaman> I was wondering about transfer options.
<Ragnaman> so there is hohmann transfer, which is basically a transfer that requires orbits
<Ragnaman> is it possible to go to the Moon without an orbit
<Ragnaman> just straight up hitting the moon by launching the rocket in a straight line at the right time
<Gasher[work]> yes?
<Ragnaman> what is this method called ?
<Gasher[work]> idk
<Gasher[work]> not long ago someone here showed off a craft file which orbits by a single click of spacebar
<Fluburtur> I think that is called direct ascent
<Ragnaman> with kOS ?
<Gasher[work]> hm, though i think it's impossible with the mun cause you'd have to make one correction
<Fluburtur> I have a rocket that can do a direct ascent directly to jool
<Fluburtur> I did it only once by accident
<Gasher[work]> accidental ascend lol
<Fluburtur> it is now on an escape trajectory out of kerbol
<Fluburtur> it is like 10AU away
<Fluburtur> kerbin AU
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<packbart> MechJeb's Ascent Guidance did have a button for that, "Launch to rendezvous" to timewarp to the launch window. I never really tried it, though
<Mat2ch> some things to consider: A direct transfer is most of the time possible
<Mat2ch> it can have some corrective manouvers in it, but doesn't have to
<Mat2ch> and yes, you can build a rocket that orbits without touching the controls.
<Fluburtur> the japanese are good at that
<Mat2ch> but it has to be designed carefully.
<Mat2ch> Orbiting the Mun without slowing down should be impossible
<Mat2ch> But with real orbital mechanics it might work.
<Ragnaman> it requires less dV in total than hohman transfer ?
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<Mat2ch> A direct transfer should be more efficient, yes
<Gasher[work]> Mat2ch, who said obiting? hitting :)
<Mat2ch> Hitting is even easier ;)
<Fluburtur> if the m700 scanner still works as a lithobraking device it would make for a very efficient mun lander
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<Fluburtur> I cant find the original video where gaben says "episode 3"
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch should I make episode 3 a long one or make it into 2 episodes
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: what is "long"?
<Fluburtur> idk but it will be longer than 5 minutes
<Fluburtur> I need to fix the thing screwing up my recording however
<Mat2ch> Uh, 15 to 20 min are fine
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<kmath> YouTube - Expander Cycle Rocket Engines - Using Waste Heat To Drive Your Rocket
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<Althego> hmm scott
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: You know, maybe space is just a really well done sky box?
<VanDisaster> it's on the inside of your eyeballs
<Scolar_Visari> But . . . I DON'T HAVE EYES!
<VanDisaster> the amount of stuff our visual system makes up is almost unbelievable
<Scolar_Visari> Psht, I get more content with Space Engine.
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<UmbralRaptor> Well, your cameras then?
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<Scolar_Visari> Crappy 90's era webcams.
* Scolar_Visari begins their Rogue Servitor playthrough, hoping to migrate all biological life in the galaxy from planets into secure habitats and ringworlds.