Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Space has been cancelled. Go home now!
<UmbralRaptop> No space, only time
<Scolar_Visari> I guess that really would make time linear!
<UmbralRaptop> Assuming you don't define a sufficiently pathological metric
* UmbralRaptop may be taking a GR class
* Scolar_Visari wonders if the cars going against the direction of the spin tend go fast enough to negate the "gravity"
<UmbralRaptop> heh
<Scolar_Visari> At least Babylon 5 had the more sensible mass transit system running near the rotational axis.
<Scolar_Visari> Whoever designed Pinterest should be hanged, drawn and quartared.
<Scolar_Visari> It's like navigating through the Warp with a dowsing rod and a Gameboy.
* UmbralRaptop fails to come up with a "Geller field" pun
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<packbart> There is no spoon?
* darsie used spin stabilization to maximise atmospheric drag during Duna/Mars atmospheric entry.
<Scolar_Visari> At least I found a chart of DropShips and JumpShips
<Scolar_Visari> Oh yeah and even WarShips
* Scolar_Visari actually likes the redesigned, four hardpoint Intruder better
<darsie> I wonder if that torus is large enough to better make an O'Neill cylinder instead.
<Scolar_Visari> Most of that's just to house the K-F Drive.
<darsie> KF?
<Scolar_Visari> An Invader-class only requires a crew of 24.
<Scolar_Visari> The Kearny-Fuchita Drive, Battletech's rather well worked out FTL system.
<Scolar_Visari> Though, if there was *one* thing I could change in Battletech, it's where the jump points are positioned. Currently, the primary points are always stationed above the poles of a star at about ~1 AU depending on the star's mass. This is really, really, really inconvenient from a delta-v point of view.
<Scolar_Visari> Also, for reference: An old style Invader-class with jumpsail deployed and Davion livery
<UmbralRaptop> I sort of assumed that the ships had several thousand km/s of ΔV for Reasons?
<lordcirth__> More like 10's of kkm/s if you expect to routinely do 90deg plane changes.
<Scolar_Visari> Probably hundreds of thousands, and changing the location to what are now, "pirate points" (supposedly Lagrange points) would reduce the needed exhaust velocity of the DropShips down from faster than the speed of light.
* Scolar_Visari notes DropShips, in addition to having ridiculous fuel economy and isp, also travel at ~1G!
<lordcirth__> vroom
<Scolar_Visari> There's also that matter of the JumpShips also needing some way to station keep.
<darsie> Scolar_Visari: Maybe the jump points are there because there's less danger of collision.
<Scolar_Visari> darsie: The lore says it's because it's the farthest removed from the gravitational intereference of the host star and planets.
<Scolar_Visari> Collision shouldn't really even be an issue given how yuge planet-star Lagrange points are in spite of the minimum safe distance required between K-F Drives.
* Scolar_Visari looks up cutaways of Battletech, gets giant cutaway of Babylon 5 instead
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<UmbralRaptop> oops
<Scolar_Visari> Good thing they have an open airlock policy!
<kmath> YouTube - Babylon 5 - 4.08 'The Illusion of Truth': Ivanova + Sheridan
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Scolar_Visari> This was after Babylon 5's secession.
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<packbart> how do I donate to KSP development? ok, I could probably buy another download of KSP but that feels weird
<Rolf> hmm who owns ksp now?
* packbart just bought a DLC-bundle for Euro Truck Simulator
<packbart> I spend money on such stuff, I'd like to give some to KSP
<Rolf> could always buy toys
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<Fluburtur> they dont need more money now that they arent independant
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<Mat2ch> packbart: do you have the KSP DLC?
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<kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
<UmbralRaptor> Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Event Horizon Telescope livestream
<kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
<Althego> what, did they make the picture?
<UmbralRaptor> probably!
<Althego> hehe their last nes is from 1st of april
<Althego> about presenting results
<Fluburtur> will probably look like a bunch of blurred pixels
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<Althego> yes apparently they present the result now
<Fluburtur> the general public which doesnt know much about space probably expects a super clear picture like in the movies
<Althego> actuallty the longer they run the procesing with more data, the better the image will be
<Althego> so we may have a sharper picture in a year
<Fluburtur> yeah but it will never be scifi movie level
<Fluburtur> since there is stuff in the way of the black hole
<Fluburtur> like, half a galaxy
<Althego> nthere are plans for have ing readio telescopes in space and form an interferometer bigget than earth
<GlassYuri> I spent over a week looking for my drill bits, now I can't find the right collet
<UmbralRaptor> 20 μarcsecondsacross, right?
<Althego> store them in drillbytes :)
<Althego> this stream stopped several times already. need to refresh it contantly
<Fluburtur> there is black holes closer than the central sucker
<Fluburtur> but they probably dont shine
<Althego> and they are a lot smaller
<UmbralRaptor> ^
<Fluburtur> if there was an active one it would probably be easier to watch
<Althego> ~remember that one is a supermassive black hole
<UmbralRaptor> A stellar blackhole with the same angular size as Sgr A* would be inside the oort cloud
<Althego> i am still at work, show that picture already
<Fluburtur> I underestimated the size of that thing then
<Fluburtur> but brains are not made to picture such scales anyways
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<Althego> hehe blurry pixels
<Fluburtur> orb
<UmbralRaptor> M87 first, huh
<Althego> omniORB
<Fluburtur> extremely serious science nerds
<Althego> cant wtach it like this
<Althego> got the picture
<Althego> will watch the other things later
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<Fluburtur> "yo pic is blurry"
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<JVFoxy> so if someone with bad eyes looks at it, does it look better or about the same?
<Fluburtur> im gonna ask them to install the good hardware in my 90cm sat dish to look at black holes
APlayer has joined #KSPOfficial
<APlayer> Yo people!
<Fluburtur> oy
APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to:
<APlayer> Uh, did I just delete the topic?
<Fluburtur> yeah
<APlayer> Well, congrats to self
<APlayer> I wanted to check if it includes the EHT image already, turns out this client suck and interprets "/topic" as "set topic to nothing"
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<JVFoxy> oh.. pics of black hole being a thing now?
<APlayer> Anyone got the old topic text by chance?
<Fluburtur> Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Event Horizon Telescope livestream
<kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
<APlayer> JFVoxy: One of the reasons why I suddenly appeared :D
APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Event Horizon Telescope livestream
<APlayer> Thanks, Fluburtur
<JVFoxy> was going to sit back, wait for things to settle down, then look into it myself... wasn't sure if people trying to make it a big deal than its really?
<Fluburtur> well, first direct observation of a black hole
<APlayer> Hey, that's a huge deal. We can actually resolve a black hole, how awesome is that? :-)
<Fluburtur> as direct as it is
<kmath> YouTube - Simple way to Make Complex Shapes on CNC - Marble Machine X #76
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch
<JVFoxy> does it look like someone pulled a plug in a tub, all space stuff swirling around, dropping into blackness? Somehow I feeling its something a little different han that
<APlayer> It is a grainy ring around a black spot.
<JVFoxy> I don't know.. part of me is glad those things so far away.. not sure I wanna know exactly what they look like. mass of several solar systems down to the size of a tiny planet..
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<Fluburtur> well a large one would be a bit safer because of the more gentle gravity gradient
<Fluburtur> so if you were a safe distance from an inactive giant black hole you wouldnt die immediatly
<JVFoxy> what determines the gradient though? I know of a gravity 'curve'...
<Fluburtur> well in a 2d space, all black holes have the same "depth" but the curve is more agressive on small black holes
<JVFoxy> though its more of a how tight an orbit sorta thing than how fast it changes from center, going outwards
<Fluburtur> on large ones it is spread over a larger area
<JVFoxy> depth? I thought it goes farther /down/ the heavier the object is...
<Fluburtur> but if you are far from a tiny black hole you would still be safe, it would appear much smaller however
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: yes?
<Mat2ch> This is CNC hell!
<Mat2ch> :D
<JVFoxy> 40b km wide black hole... whoa..
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<JVFoxy> eh... nose section?
<Fluburtur> yes
<Fluburtur> I cut the front off to be smaller
<Fluburtur> easier to store and transport
<JVFoxy> I've been wanting to do a sort of space helmet or something out of paper mache..
<JVFoxy> kind of like how people make halo armor cos-play stuff
<Fluburtur> not sure how well paper would work, you can make anything look good if you put some effort into it
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<JVFoxy> it wouldn't be just paper... I've seen people use paper mache as a sort of base, then guessing resin.. fiberglass or something to help give it a smoother finish.
<Tsar_Bomba> what are we talking about
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<Tsar_Bomba> is anyone actually on? plz reply
<umaxtu_mobile> Tsar_Bomba, we're all hiding cause a nuke just walked in
<JVFoxy> ugh.. no nukes please. I've been up too long already no thanks to earthquakes in stomach.
<JVFoxy> talk'n with Fluburtur on some craft stuff, showed a pic of plane they work'n on
<Fluburtur> a lot of peoples also use flexible foam for cosplay
<Rokker> Fluburtur: APlayer you were about an hour to an hour and a half late on that livestream
<Fluburtur> I was watching it live
<APlayer> I received a notification from another source, did not watch the conference
<Rokker> Fluburtur: yeah but you didnt point it out here until an hour after it started
<Fluburtur> APlayer dleted the topic so I sent bac the link
* APlayer is good at deleting things, isn't he?
<Tsar_Bomba> well I don't see the ksp talk
<umaxtu_mobile> its just slow right now
<Tsar_Bomba> why is it when I get hear no one talks
<Tsar_Bomba> im gonna change my name
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<inventor_lego> hi I am back
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<umaxtu_mobile> welcome back
<Fluburtur> we dont talk about ksp that often here
<Althego> hehe
<inventor_lego> oh that makes sense
<Althego> #fluburturbuilds
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<Althego> falcon heavy in 8 hours
<Althego> basically demo 2
<inventor_lego> this is my mc username
<kmath> <KSpaceAcademy> Kadet Jeb reporting for... duty? ⏎ ⏎ #JustJebThings
<inventor_lego> and my mom made it a long time ago
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<JVFoxy> ok so it did get delayed..
<JVFoxy> an actual payload that's going to do something...
<Althego> ince i 1-2 days ago
<JVFoxy> I saw it was meant to launch yesterday but they pretty much figured on monday, the weather was going to scrub it till today or so
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<Althego> hmm wintergatan 1 hour ago
<inventor_lego> this is about WHAT?
<Althego> that depends on what you mean by this
<inventor_lego> never mind im bout to leve
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<Althego> lol little boat on the wooden waves
<Althego> marble machine x. a series of tubes
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<packbart> Tubular Mar-Bells
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<Althego> tomorrow i expect a video from scott about flacon heavy and the event horizon picture. otherwise i will be disappointed :)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: with or without drugs? (pain medication!)
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<kubi> :)
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> hehe veritasium had correctly shoed the image drawn by hand one day before the actual reveal
<kmath> YouTube - How to Understand the Image of a Black Hole
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<Althego> oh wait, tomorrow is thursday, so probably new pbs spacetime, maybe about the black hole pic
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<kmath> YouTube - Worlds Smallest Tesla Valve? - Shrinky Dink (Shrink Film) Microfluidics
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<Althego> i cant believe i havent seen this all this time (klingon style)
<kmath> YouTube - KLINGON STYLE (Star Trek Parody of PSY - GANGNAM STYLE)
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<kmath> YouTube - 4 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole in M87 - Event Horizon Telescope
<Fluburtur> scott
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<Rolf> amazing isnt it
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<UmbralRaptor> s/4/6\.5/
<UmbralRaptor> (Bad Scott!)
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<JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone's done a whole system mod for KSP?
<JVFoxy> oh.. looking at shadowzone's vid on 1.7... hmm..
<darsie> what?
<JVFoxy> what what?
<darsie> <JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone's done a whole system mod for KSP?
<JVFoxy> basically kerbal solar system mod... sorry, not game system mod. I've been wonder what it takes to make such a thing
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<JVFoxy> solar system I have some stats for, wanted to do. Though, given that kerbals are scaled down, realized it may not work very well unless if I do RSS as well.
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: If you stare into the Event Horizon long enough, it stares back with Hawking Radiation.
<Scolar_Visari> A LEGO O'Neill Cylinder?
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<Tank2333> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
<Tank2333> good day Modbot o/
<UmbralRaptor> lo