UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Поехали!
<Rolf> darsie: exclusive license!
<Rolf> jeez
<darsie> You agree not to ... make a copy of the Software or any part thereof (other than as set forth herein);
<darsie> Licensor retains all right, ... to, ... audiovisual effects, themes, characters, ... artwork ... .
<darsie> exclusive is wrong, IMO.
<darsie> ohh, right, exclusive.
<darsie> So I grant them an exclusive right to use the screenshots I make. So I can't use them.
<darsie> Does that mean Scott is not allowed to post KSP videos on youtube?
<lordcirth__> Technically yes.
<Eddi|zuHause> well... technically, screenshots are a derivative work based on the game, so the game's authors have to give you a license to publish them
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<Eddi|zuHause> ianal, but large swaths of that thing are probably void anyway
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<darsie> in various jurisdictions
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<LtDenali> there we go \o/
<LtDenali> So is it just me, or in the new expansion, the dV readouts on upper stage engines dont account for the dropping of previous stages?
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<MaryDO> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, MaryDO
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<lordcirth__> MaryDO is a spambot, just PM'd me
<Rolf> !ops
<Mod9000> Rolf, if you need me to call the moderators, please say 'modcall'
<Rolf> modcall
<Rolf> !modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Rolf
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Rolf
<Rolf> oops
<TheKosmonaut> Interesting
<TheKosmonaut> AVENGERS
MaryDO was kicked from #KSPOfficial by TheKosmonaut [MaryDO]
<TheKosmonaut> Did I do that right
* TheKosmonaut notices the rust on his jackboots
<JVFoxy> ... maybe?
<lordcirth__> you banned the username and the IP, seems good to me?
<JVFoxy> bit of an odd ip.. though what I know?
<TheKosmonaut> Spambots
<TheKosmonaut> Banning is pointless really
<TheKosmonaut> But oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<JVFoxy> well.. do they even bother attempting to return after a kick? Usually its just 'someone else new' from another place that eventually comes in
<JVFoxy> eh well..
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<Tank2333> @TheKosmonaut well done sir, im proud of you
* JVFoxy pokes net, "bots least of my worries over here... sigh.."
<TheKosmonaut> JVFoxy: depends. Sometimes it just triggers them
<JVFoxy> mm.. fun, agressive bots then
<JVFoxy> in other news... debating if I should dock a lander to the crew vehicle or send it out seperately... certainly got enough DV. But will the extra weight drop it enough that can't return?
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<JVFoxy> oops... isp is 345.. not 245. Using DV calculator and well... wondering why didn't have the 3k dv originally.
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<KimberlyS91994> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, KimberlyS91994
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<kmath> YouTube - Tesla Autonomy Day
<Mat2ch> So, that will happen in 6 hours.
<Fluburtur> just a livestream of someone driving a car?
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: self driving
<Fluburtur> euro truck simulator with mods
<Mat2ch> In real world environment
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<Fluburtur> thats not a bass cover
<kmath> YouTube - Daft Punk - "Get Lucky" - Bass Cover
<Fluburtur> this is a whole band cover
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<Althego> the guy with the bass means business
<Mat2ch> some dogs are more intelligent...
<Althego> first a dragon capsule, then a tesla burns to crisp. tough week for elon
<Althego> i think this was the best part of the game
<kmath> YouTube - Diablo Theme Tristram Music 10 HOURS
<Althego> must be chinese copied battery :)
<Fluburtur> eh just a cell that went bad
<Mat2ch> Althego: ICE cars burn all the time and nobody cares...
<Althego> do you mean the german intercity express?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: internal combustion engines
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<Althego> cars kill thousands each year, and nobody cares
<Mat2ch> Althego: they do here
<Mat2ch> but their main solutions it regulate the top speed
<Mat2ch> because it may save 100 of the 3400 who get killed every year on our roads.
<Fluburtur> we had the same issue here recently, head morons decided to chnage all the roads with a 90kph limit to 80 instead of solving the actual problem
<Fluburtur> and now there isnt less accidents, maybe more
<Fluburtur> because it is usually long straight road so peoples fall asleep going slower
<Fluburtur> but it was sure cheaper to change the signs than solving each dangerous crossing or low visibility area or even fixing the roads which are in a bad state
<Mat2ch> funny thing is, the people here use the French motorways as example. But because they are mostly toll roads many people avoid them and drive on the urban roads, which are mostly bad roads and it's more likely to have an accident there...
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<Eddi|zuHause> there's a road here which was subject to heavy traffic jams, and in these traffic jams there were frequent accidents. and the rules say if there are frequent accidents you must lower the speed limit. which had no influence on the accidents, because traffic was still jammed and still the same amount of accidents, so as per the rules they lowered the speed limit again...
<Mat2ch> lol
<Eddi|zuHause> ... meanwhile there hasn't been a traffic jam on that road for a long time, but the ridiculously low speed limit is still in place, because there exists no rule to lift the speed limit
<Fluburtur> "but the rules say so"
<Mat2ch> yeah, that needs a political decision, so you have to write your parties and annoy them
<Fluburtur> yeah but someone wrote those rules
<Fluburtur> it is like when I say things that dont exist and my excuse is "languages evolves"
<Eddi|zuHause> nobody is actually interested in changing the rules, because you can now set up a speed detector there and earn a shitload of money
<Eddi|zuHause> ... and the people who could change the speed limit are not the same people as the ones that write the rules, so they point at each other saying "not my responsibility"
<Fluburtur> so when do we cancel politics
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm not sure that would help anybody :p
<Fluburtur> that would surely amuse me
<Eddi|zuHause> not the same thing :p
<Eddi|zuHause> i heard the latest trend is electing comedians into high offices
<Eddi|zuHause> let's see how that works out :p
<Fluburtur> they probably know more about life than the usual politicians
<Fluburtur> having player plenty of roles and such
<Fluburtur> Arnold did well I think
<Eddi|zuHause> sure, but how does that help them changing the rules of politics?
<Fluburtur> idk im no expert on that
<Fluburtur> I would like to totally ignore politics but I cant sadly
<Mat2ch> .oO( luckily it's easter, so all the mods are on vacation and nobody complains about being off topic too far ;)
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: everything you do has something to do with politics.
<Eddi|zuHause> i mean, look at how the italian 5-star-movement is just under the thumb of the right wing extremists, unable to do anything. and that ukrainian president who has 0 party members in the parliament?
<Mat2ch> you can't avoid it or run from it.
<Fluburtur> sadly
<Mat2ch> The problem is not politics, it's the way it's done.
<Fluburtur> I want to be young and ignorant again
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: well, showing the people what's wrong and who's responsible for it is sometimes enough to start
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<Fluburtur> looks like raptor has some internet issues
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: that way he can't scold us. :D
<UmbralRaptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, UmbralRaptop
<Fluburtur> ok real question
<Fluburtur> how do I cut out the fretboard out of that plank
<Fluburtur> do I just cut it slightly oversize and sand it down?
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<Mat2ch> use a CNC mill!
<Mat2ch> oh, wait. :D
<Mat2ch> probably oversized and sand it down
<Althego> 3d print it! :)
<Eddi|zuHause> when do we get replicators?
<Mat2ch> soon
<Fluburtur> I cant exactly 3d print a fretboard
<Fluburtur> I already printed the sanding block to sand it down to the correct roundness
<Eddi|zuHause> ... as long as you don't get the idea of throwing marbles at it to make it play...
<Fluburtur> I cant guarantee I wont send it to martin
<Fluburtur> but I have a guitar planned for him
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<kmath> YouTube - Tesla Autonomy Day
<Mat2ch> 8 minutes!
<VanDisaster> after hearing some opinions of tesla's development practices from automotive software engineers I'm gonna run the opposite direction to that
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<Eddi|zuHause> you think other ones are better?
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<VanDisaster> no idea, haven't heared anything
<VanDisaster> I think most of the automated kit in current cars is all from one source, other than tesla's stuff, haven't really dug into it
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<Mat2ch> Well, Tesla is late
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<Althego> what is that, a sadder keanu?
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<Fluburtur> this is still the best music video
<kmath> YouTube - ECHOES - Death to the fad of metal (Official video)
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<Althego> lol
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<Mat2ch> 90 minutes of presentation and I'm only here for the demonstration, although I understand all of it...
<Mat2ch> (and most of the viewers wont...)
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<kmath> YouTube - Nerdy Gurdy
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<Fluburtur> can wood dust be bad for the lips
<Fluburtur> because my lips have been dry since I spent hours sanding my bass
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<Mat2ch> It can even be bad for your lungs
<Mat2ch> cancer stuff and such nice things
<Fluburtur> well I dont really have exotic wood and I usually avoid breathing in stuff
<Fluburtur> I remember last time I got high on glue
<Fluburtur> apparently flat wound strings are not the best for slapping because of the more mellow sound
<Fluburtur> but I wanted a mellow sound on the bass im making
<Fluburtur> but apparently some peoples like the sound of slapping flat wound strings and the pickup I got is supposed to be rather loud
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<Eddi|zuHause> but the real question is: did they do something with the _interesting_ end of the hippo? :p
<Eddi|zuHause> the power-ejecting end i mean :p
<Fluburtur> im not sure anyone wants to do anything with this end
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