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<packbart> well, not in my KSP resource universe ;) a crew of 9 doesn't produce enough CO2 for the SSPXr greenhouse to supply additional missions
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<taniwha> minmus is made of copper carbonate, lots of CO2 available
<taniwha> carbon and oxygen are the two most common elements (after hydrogen and helium) in our universe. which means, our moon is quite an oddball in its lack of carbon
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<darsie> If the Moon was created by a planetary collision I guess all the carbonates pyrolysed to CO2 and oxide and before hte fragments formed the Moon the CO2 settled on Earth.
<darsie> Maybe the Moon got hot enough during accretion to expell CO2 from minerals, too.
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<Guest88197> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest88197
<Guest88197> I need help installing ksp tundra exploration
<Guest88197> it keeps saying that im missing a part
<Guest88197> and i keep reinstalling everything and differnet versions
<Guest88197> but
<Guest88197> nothing works
<Guest88197> any suggestions
<JVFoxy> does it say which part?
<Guest88197> TE.Ghodprah.Erector
<Guest88197> or sorry not that its TE.Ghidorah.Erector
<JVFoxy> are you installing through ckan or manually?
<Guest88197> i tried both
<JVFoxy> looking at the mod...
<Guest88197> ok thank you so much
<Guest88197> I have tried so many things
<Guest88197> cant figure it out
<JVFoxy> well.. Kottabos Games video on it is dated back from 2015....
<JVFoxy> Did you look through the forum thread on the mod?
<Guest88197> yeah i cant find anything on the bug
<JVFoxy> there is a list of required mods
<JVFoxy> if its a single part... sounds like something got left out by accdient perhaps... it tells you the part, maybe you can find it by searching?
<Guest88197> hmm
<JVFoxy> looks like the mod is still active at least, going by dates on the forum
<Guest88197> yeah
<Guest88197> which is weird
<packbart> updated 5 days ago
<JVFoxy> thank you packbart
<Guest88197> thank you!
<Guest88197> so do i just couple this code?
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<Guest88197> or try and find the wrong code?
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<Guest88197> where do I put this code?
<packbart> Guest88197: is the error a missing part TE.Ghodprah.Erector or TE_Ghodprah_Erector? (would that make a difference in KSP?)
<packbart> the zip file from spacedock contains the TE_Ghidorah_Erector part, title "Ghidorah Launcher Platform"
<Guest88197> it is TE.Ghodprah.Erector
<packbart> I guess the part was renamed and the example files were not updated?
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<Guest88197> i suppose so
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<JVFoxy> sigh.. if router wasn't such a spaz ever since she switched it... sorries
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<packbart> so you'd need to change TE.Ghodprah.Erector to TE_Ghidorah_Erector in the craft file
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<packbart> or maybe KSP used to replace . with _?
<Guest88197> hmmm
<packbart> or maybe that was something else and I'm confused
<Guest88197> let me try that
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<Guest88197> went in and changed it and nothing happned ;(
<packbart> Guest88197: yeah, I just figured as much when I looked at my own craft files and parts
<packbart> part some_thing becomes some.thing in the craft file
<packbart> have you checked that there's a TundraExploration/Parts/FALCON_CLAMP/FALCON_CLAMP.cfg file in your GameData directory?
<packbart> other than that, I'm out of ideas ;/
<Guest88197> yeah its there
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<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, five year visa wohoo
<Fluburtur> I somehow managed to cut myself with the non cutting side of a cutter blade
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<darsie> I stepped on a blunt screw and pushed it all the way in my foot.
<darsie> a threaded bolt
<GlassYuri> ouch
<darsie> It healed.
<darsie> Wasn't too bad.
<GlassYuri> Fluburtur, I have cuts all over my fingers from using a sawblade with my bare hands
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<packbart> turn it upside down. the serrated side towards the work piece ;)
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: nice. I got mine last month too
<TheKosmonaut> Probably gonna PR next cycle
<GlassYuri> packbart, I did that
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, I will qualify for PR after another renewal I think
<GlassYuri> assuming I don't get charged with industrial espionage in the meantime
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<TheKosmonaut> I could've applied this time around I think but I just didn't think about it.
<Althego> gmm, electron launch in 2 days
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<Althego> very old
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<LordFerret> greetz. anyone know if the forums is having issues? i'm getting error messages here trying to read threads.
<LordFerret> *crickets*
<sandbox> LordFerret, sounds like they are getting DDOSed
<LordFerret> Cloudflair error 1020; Are you getting the same?
<sandbox> This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
<LordFerret> Yup, that's it.
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<packbart> same for me
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<Althego> taking shape nicely
<Fluburtur> there is foam shavings and dust everywhere
<Fluburtur> I can barely see the floor
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<Althego> foam shaves are always rising to eye level :)
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I did some milling today...
<Mat2ch> came out pretty nice. But took hooooouuurrrss
<Fluburtur> nice
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<JVFoxy> spent a bit of this morning just messing around, seeing where a plane design ended up evolving into in KSP....
<JVFoxy> Giado (Japanese for 'Guide')
<JVFoxy> oops.. Gaido, ya not enough coffee I guess
<JVFoxy> oh ya... also morning. Almost noon... -tries not to inhale another whole mug of coffee. >_<
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<RoboFreak> oh yes, new gtoger video, 9 hours ago
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