TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<darsie> Hehe, on the launch pad I can start an engine and when I shut off the tanks will be refilled via the clamps. LOX gets refilled faster than used, so it doesn't get less. LH2 does.
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<kmath> <haya2e_jaxa> [TD1-L08E1] 2/22 at 7:48 JST. We have confirmed the spacecraft began to rise as planned. This was announced by the…
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<Draconiator> Zipping up my KSP folder for backup purposes because don't really play anymore. Had a great run though.
<lordcirth> Draconiator, any particular reason?
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<Draconiator> RL stuff mostly, no time anymore
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<Guest36591> I broke my game if anybody wants to see if they can figure out what i did. lol
<JVFoxy> depends...
<JVFoxy> what was the first sign you broke it?
<Guest36591> i broke communications. the entirety of it. i can put a probe on the launch pad and get no signal
<Guest36591> a save i have from a few days ago works great but obviously is Way outdated
<Guest36591> i tried to compare the sfs files to see the diffs but its 157,000 lines long so knowing were to look would be a good start :)
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<Guest36591> in the tracking station The CommNet Visualization shows nothing.
<JVFoxy> eh..
<JVFoxy> no idea then? maybe place the save in some place, then try a reinstall?
<JVFoxy> I'm guessing stock game?
<Guest36591> its a problem with the save
<Guest36591> if i load a different game everything work
<Guest36591> no its lightly moded
<Guest36591> k.E.R., alarm clock and the like
<Guest36591> running through ckan
<Guest36591> V1.6.1
<JVFoxy> then not sure..
<Guest36591> ok thaks
<JVFoxy> remote tech?
<Guest36591> nope
<Guest36591> but that might fix it lmao
<JVFoxy> I don't know..
<JVFoxy> all I can suggest is may have to try debugging.. finding out what could possibly be doing it
<JVFoxy> was it a recently started save?
<Guest36591> no i made it maybe 3 months back
<Guest36591> debugging in what way
<JVFoxy> if you were to start a new game with things as is... does it work like it should or do you now have the same problem?
<JVFoxy> its to see if it was a glitch..
<Guest36591> works like a charm. both new and other save all behave properly
<Guest36591> even that old save i have from a few days ago works great
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<JVFoxy> if you create another craft.. does it still refuse radio connection?
<JVFoxy> if thats the case, sounds like an issue with the game stats for that particular save got messed up somewhere
<Guest36591> all new and old crafts have no signal
<Guest36591> ^ now i just need to find where lol
<JVFoxy> ya sounds like game states got messed with
<JVFoxy> I would have to spend time looking into things, mostly just comparing from good running game and hte bad one
<Althego> wait a sec
<Althego> dont you know there are automatic backups for saves created by the game?
<Althego> you could try to look inside that dir and see if some not so old version works
<Guest36591> TRUE
<Guest36591> stand by
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<Guest36591> i dont know why i dint think off that
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<JVFoxy> stupid router keeps booting then refusing
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<Guest36591> nope backups are broken aswell
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<JVFoxy> I meant... if creating a new game, sitll have same problems
<JVFoxy> beyond that.. I don't know. never come across broken coms
<Guest36591> nope new games work
<JVFoxy> one craft I made though, did end up wtih half a strut.. I had already launched it so edited the craft file to fix things a little
<JVFoxy> k.. then sounds like persistance file got bugged
<Guest36591> indeed
<JVFoxy> could see if dropping a copy of the craft in a new sandbox game, if coms still broken
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<JVFoxy> I'd say new career but sounds like you might be in it quite a ways already, won't have enough unlocked to make copy of the craft for testing
<Guest36591> my entire commsat network is in the same boat
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<Guest36591> they all worked previously
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<JVFoxy> best I can say is, drop the broken presist file into a notepad, see if commnetprams is ok compared to a good working version
<Guest36591> every single vessel in the entire game acts like kerbal space center got sucked into a blackhole
<Guest36591> did that
<JVFoxy> tracking station isn't busted?
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<Guest36591> nope its 100%
<JVFoxy> then nto sure.. may have to give up on the season, start a new one. Unless you can find whats wrong with the save files. sounds like game is ok but something's messed the save data
<JVFoxy> you did say you have a few mods at least so... who knows
<JVFoxy> sorry but .. need to afk for a little
<Guest36591> animated decouples,easy vessel switch,,KIS,Scansat,KAC,Tweakscale
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<Guest36591> ok im going to batch copy paste and see if i can bandage a functional save
<Guest36591> thanks for the help
<Guest36591> Anybody know of a docking port alignment indicator for 1.6.1
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<Guest36591> gnight
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<packbart> Tweakscale is weird. and a performance hog, too, it seems, even if no part is scaled
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<taniwha> so it still does its scaling in Update?
<packbart> I don't know the details ;) I just tested TweakScale a few days ago (just before the new release with warnings ) and even smaller vessels would suddenly lag noticeably
<packbart> removed TweakScale and was back to green clocks
<taniwha> and people wonder why I won't touch it
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<Fluburtur> b
<Fluburtur> apparently the led modules I want to use are super bright so I probs wont have to use the full brightness
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<Althego> ok i have to admit the next version of the rcs block looks nice
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<UmbralRaptor> I sort of feel like current dev has a lot of "Yay, we can use 10s of GiB, so now we can redo all the models and textures!"
<Rolf> "futureproof it by mking textures 10x more detailed than nesscary!"
<Althego> the previous abandoned rocket parts project existed because of the same reason, those parts looked dated compared to the new parts
<UmbralRaptor> Good: fancier looking. Bad: should be obvious here.
<Althego> i think it is ok that they dothis. what is not ok, that they dont do anything else
<Althego> they also said that even though these parts look better they also consume less resources from the engine
<UmbralRaptor> eh, there are other things.
<Althego> yes tiny changes
<UmbralRaptor> Though I'd call the stock ΔV calc the most important change in 1.6
<Althego> yes that was long overdue
<Althego> in fact it should have been there in 1.0
<Althego> but that was rushed anyway
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<lordcirth> I don't care much about space on disk, as long as it runs just as fast.
<Althego> i understood that statement as that it will make them render faster
<UmbralRaptor> eh, I'm thinking more of RAM. My wintendo has 16 GiB, but everything else is at 1-4.
<lordcirth> Yeah, I guess RAM is more relevant
<lordcirth> I have 32GB for no good reason
<UmbralRaptor> (Okay, granted there are those two raptops with 32bit processors…)
<Althego> hehe, must be ancient
<UmbralRaptor> yeah >_>;;
<lordcirth> On Linux systems, install zram. It's great, saves you a bit of RAM
<lordcirth> A slight CPU cost, but since most systems bottleneck on single-threaded stuff, it's not a problem
<kubi> I've installed memgraph
<kubi> and bought +16GB RAM
<kubi> then allocate some gigs of heap, so in-editor shuttering stops
<lordcirth> I keep meaning to try that
<UmbralRaptor> I mean, on Linux I keep on ending up using i3…
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<Althego> i guess this is the kind of future that we deserve
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> how is the israeli lander doing?
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<UmbralRaptor> Last I heard it was fine
<Fluburtur> im at the mountain house, blowing super hard into the trumpet is fun because of the echo
<Fluburtur> never let me near a noise making machine
<Althego> then you build opne
<Althego> like martin
<Fluburtur> I have many things to build already
<Althego> have you seen the self blowing pipe on action lab?
<Fluburtur> no
<Fluburtur> arent those called bagpipies
<Althego> noise making devices
<kmath> YouTube - Can You Figure Out the Mysterious Self-Singing Pipe Experiment?
<Althego> metal rod and pipe
<Althego> work great
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<Guest84024> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest84024
<Guest84024> I have a question
<Althego> shoot
<Guest84024> Are they going to add tethers so that kerbals cant just float away from the spacecraft
<Althego> there is a mod for that :)
<Althego> but i dont know of such plans in the bas egame
<Guest84024> But I am doing it in physics class and we are not allowed to use mods
<Althego> i have never seen such plans from them. probably not on the table
<Guest84024> I made a satellite and I went eva but I put a light in between ladders so I had to jump off and I couldn’t get back on
<Fluburtur> last decent thing they added was parachutes
<Guest84024> Now he is floating in orbit
<Fluburtur> and now that they are basically just cs:go reskinning everything and making DLC I wouldnt hope much
<Guest84024> That sucks
<Guest84024> I’ll have to just terminate him to end his suffering
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<Fluburtur> I can hit notes fairly accurately with the trumpet so maybe I should try actually playing something
<Althego> heh 7500 m3 dense veldspar. oh if i still had the mackinaw
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<Guest13838> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest13838
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<Guest61914> Is there an easy way to get a kerbal back to a spacecraft after they float away
<Althego> rcs?
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<Althego> not exactly easy without practice, especially because the buttons behave differentluy
<hoglahoo> lol
<Althego> i hink this is the same guy as before
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<Althego> not exactly easy without practice, especially because the buttons behave differentluy
<Althego> anyway, the kerbal should have some eva fuel normally
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<Althego> so after pressing r, you can use wasd and shift and control
<Althego> i swear...
<Eddi|zuHause> press "R" and then WASD/shift/ctrl
<Althego> quit already
<Eddi|zuHause> also, never talk to people called "guest<whatever>", rarely has useful outcome :p
<hoglahoo> thats discriminatory!
<hoglahoo> profiling!
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure these people entered IRC illegally and we should build a wall!
* hoglahoo starts work on firewall and makes efnet pay for it
<UmbralRaptor> …
<Althego> mad max fury wall :)
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<Althego> what do you know, and this line was orange
<Althego> clockwork corange :)
<clockwork> sup
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<UmbralRaptor> why are people like this?
<Althego> bad parenting :)
<UmbralRaptor> On an unrelated note, happy cat day!
<Althego> caturday is tomorrow :)
<Fluburtur> im starting to have a concerning amount of pictures of me wearing fursuit heads
<UmbralRaptor> No, no. Because in Japan, "February 22nd" can sound like "nya nya nya"
<Althego> hehe
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<packbart> shift/ctrl were the most important EVA controls for me, I found about them very late (finally reading )
<packbart> second most important thing was to disable the rotate-to-camera option
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<darsie> I think I went up to fast. With more fuel, lower TWR I hit the sound barrier higher up and it worked out.
<hoglahoo> I read that as: with more fuel, you went farther
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<darsie> I added a Communotron 32 and the rocket stops accelerating at the sound barrier again :(.
<darsie> 250 m/s
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<darsie> Removing the Communotron 32 doesn't help :(. I must have changed something else. I removed and put back the interstage fairing.
<Althego> if the game thinks stuff is not inside the fairing that could cause extra drag
<darsie> hmm
<Fluburtur> why is scolar not here, I want to talk about ace combat 7
<Althego> hehe
<Fluburtur> wyvern best plane
<Fluburtur> also you can do the kulbit maneuver
<Fluburtur> but it has no point really
<Fluburtur> the railgun does insane damage tho
<Fluburtur> like, equivalent to 4 standard missiles I think
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<darsie> I think everything is inside the outer fairing.
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<Fluburtur> also the music is really good
<kmath> YouTube - "Sol Squadron" - Ace Combat 7 Original Soundtrack
* darsie tries restarting KSP.
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<darsie> Ohh wow, restarting KSP cured the excessive drag :)).
* darsie puts the Communotron 32 back on ...
<Althego> hehe
<hoglahoo> did you try turning it off and back on
<Althego> with the whole game
<JVFoxy> darsie drag huh?
<darsie> Yeah, near the sound barrier the rocket stopped to accelerate.
<darsie> Stayed at ~250 m/s.
<JVFoxy> ok weird...
<JVFoxy> guest earlier was complaining wasn't getting any com links even from pad
* darsie plays RO/RSS/RP1
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* darsie restarts again ...
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<darsie> The cats are n-body. The heavy cat seems to walk away from the COG.
<darsie> Well, unles they have SOIs.
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* UmbralRaptop forgets if they're basic Euler, leapfrog, RK4, or something fancier.
<JVFoxy> big cats do seem capable of running at crazy speeds..
<JVFoxy> btw... RSS is which.. uses real time weather data?
<Althego> hehe is there such a mod?
<Althego> actually sounds plausible now, with all the sats you can get at least a cloud cover
<Althego> maybe winds and rain too
<darsie> broken.
<JVFoxy> guessing RSS and RO, just replicates real time solar system..?
<Althego> that reminds me, how is the weather on mars :)
<Althego> what, no data for the last two days?
<Althego> at least now there is a complete video
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Phew! 😅 What a thorough arm workout. I’ve released my heat flow probe on #Mars, and now I can check “instrument pla…
<JVFoxy> arm game sure took a while...
<JVFoxy> heat probe starting to thump down into hte ground. wonder if that'll mess up the sis sensor. :)
<Althego> actually not
<darsie> Would be pretty silly to do that if it could.
<Althego> they will use it as a short range signal generator for the seismometer and see what is under the lander
<JVFoxy> well.. sis sensor did pick up winds hitting the lander so..
<Althego> but a thumper... could attract a sandworm :)
<JVFoxy> or halflife, scare away anything underground
<JVFoxy> mind you.. those machines were pretty massive
<darsie> restarting doesn't seem to help the drag :(.
<kmath> YouTube - Prototype - Things To Come part 1 of 2 - Defend the Bloodtox Pump
<Althego> quite hard, against the two super hunters
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