TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Eddi|zuHause> what are we looking at?
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<nate> Is there a way/mod to view COM/COL/COT while on-strip/in-flight?
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<taniwha> camera points at COM by default
<taniwha> the rest: how much does your craft want to turn? :)
<taniwha> (mod, dunno)
<JVFoxy> I built a plane with cockpit on one side.. someone kept insisting the plane would pivot around the cockpit... eh..
<JVFoxy> the view may pivot.. but plane actually turns around center of mass.
<nate> taniwha: A lot, all planes, even pre-built ones, even though everything during build-mode looks absolutely fine. I was trying to debug it a bit in-flight and see if something (one of the various mods) might be doing something to change them on actual flight some how
<JVFoxy> Taniwha sorry, my router reset me... whats going on? You asking about plane's tendency to want to turn, despite being completely mirrored?
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<JVFoxy> .........
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<JVFoxy> regarding the plans turning in flight... I found there might be an issue with the body lift on certain mirrored parts
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<Webchat080> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
<Webchat080> hi
<Webchat080> hi
<Webchat080> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
<Webchat080> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
<Rolf> lol
<nate> JVFoxy: They were responding to a question I had
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<JVFoxy> nate ok.. what was question again if you don't mind?
<nate> JVFoxy: I was asking if there was a way to see the COM/COL/COT from the air strip/in-flight
<JVFoxy> ah.. right.. I think is a mod?
<nate> That was the question, if there was such a mod that existed
<JVFoxy> according to one thread.. someone mentioned mechjeb.. but was from 2 years ago. I haven't used it personally myself save for one brief moment, far larger ago
<nate> I've got that, I'll double check it's interface, lots of options to that so I didn't dig through all of it yet
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<JVFoxy> I should probably take another look at it again... when things get a bit more... complex for me. I do pretty good as it is..
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<Althego> hah during the night the cynabal was sold. luckily the other people selling were not paying attention to my price :)
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<Rolf> cynabal?
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<Althego> that ship was areound 10 years old. i shot its bpc in nullsec and built it long ago.
<Rolf> lol interesting
<Althego> but now i have the mackinaw again, a manace to the asteroids in solo mining
<Althego> i sold that many years ago when it was ice mining. useless in empire space. i brought that up from nullsec in a blockade runner, packaged. but during the years tiericide happened and mackinaw became different
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<Sep> Hi, Where can I fine BDA for 1.6.1?
<Sep> nvm
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<Althego> hehe
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<Rolf> $100 fine for using "fine"
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<Althego> $150 towing fine :)
<Althego> they tried to get microphones for the cams but they just couldnt make it work, so all talk is always on the screen as text
<Rolf> geez.
<Rolf> if guy warned me about parking I'd listen and leave if it wasnt place i know I have specific permit to park at.
<Rolf> watching other, and seeing truck back in. why do truck drivers ALWAYS back in?
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<Rolf> and often badly.
<Rolf> Althego: lol i'd rather go way past time expired meter and get ticket than towed and pay lot more money
<Althego> there is so many concentrated veldspar here that i think i am going to switch the crystals to veldspar and go through this belt once again. amazing how this system is so underutilized. i could make a whole corp just to mine this
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<Rolf> Althego: drt thanks
<Rolf> i cant stop watching that channe;
<Althego> hehe i did that a few weeks ago
<Rolf> "no more jeep things!" LOL
<Althego> i watched it for days
<Althego> and you dont even hear the theme o the towtruck. when it appears that theme starts playing
<Rolf> he always shows hashword for that so eh good enough
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<Rolf> i had to come in and tell office about truck that was later towed away at college
<Rolf> site was famously full of bad parkers but that trucker dang
<Rolf> guy parked in TINY cars parking lot
<Rolf> and he was offset to side and front by 2 feet
<Rolf> so hes taking 4 parking lots in very full and very tiny parking spots (huge parking lot but small cars only)
<Rolf> even with bad parkers tow guy got truck out
<Rolf> I bet you tow guy dont play teris because its easy compared to taking huge truck out of tiny parking spaces
<Rolf> if youre not sure how tiny spots it is, i can barely drive in with my toyata camry
<Rolf> and its midsize lol
<Althego> hehe 4 slots. that is the epitome of idiotic parking
<Rolf> yeah. but picture this. tow truck is big right? and truck is huhe
<Rolf> my car is midsize and i have diffulity getting though and parking
<Rolf> he got truck out.
<Rolf> with his tow truck.
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<Deddly> Eek. I just dropped below 40k fuel
<Deddly> Fluburtur, I feel this is going to be a very close call...
<Deddly> On the plus side, fuel efficiency has greatly improved
<Deddly> It is really fun when you find little shortcuts by discovering that a peninsula turns out to be an island :)
<Fluburtur> nice
<Deddly> If it hadn't taken me months, I might be tempted to do the whole think again, but in a submarine
<Deddly> thing*
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Who am I kidding... I AM tempted
<Althego> that would be even slower
<Fluburtur> my sub was quite fast
<Althego> but funny enough in ksp airplanes are way more fuel efficient than ships
<Fluburtur> but needed to refuel often
<Deddly> I was thinking of doing it in a nuclear-powered sub with an electric prop.
<Althego> just because jets are the only propulsion
<Deddly> I've never made a good bearing though
<Deddly> I was kinda hoping the devs would release a DLC with robotic parts or something
<Deddly> Hinges and bearings would dramatically change the game
<Fluburtur> how about not a dlc
<Deddly> Well, that would be even better, but even less likely
<Althego> yes stock bearings are hard
<Althego> i could never fit an electric prop in the 1.25 m size fairings or body parts
<Deddly> Not only are stock bearings hard, they are also quirky, unreliable, and very sensitive to game updates
<Althego> i made one that was successful on kerbin and eve, but was a bit big
<Althego> i also made bearings not suitable for propulsion but moving hinges from thermometers and the ball shaped rcs
<Deddly> Nice
<Althego> this latter is quite small but not stable enough for propulsion
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<Deddly> Is that the one Jim invented?
<Althego> i dont know
<Althego> i saw it in some video
<Althego> but these bearings, it doesent matter that there is a video, and you follow it, if something is off by a pixel they dont work
<Althego> that is why we need a stock electric prop
<Althego> now that we have delta v meter, that is the highest on my list
<Deddly> I made the classic Stayputnik-inside-a-structural-tube bearing. But it was messy and unreliable. I quickly gave up
<Althego> yes exactly
<Deddly> Electric props would be interesting, but a bit OP
<Althego> the only one i could make of this was surrounded by cubic... and thus it didnt fit into the tube
<Deddly> Actually, it's the RTG that is OP
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<Althego> next one is superconductingcat
<Althego> hehe yes
<Althego> hehe louis: steve, you want a spicy burrito? it is not an euphemism
<Althego> they were ordering food
<Deddly> Does anyone know at what altitude Kerbals pop without helmets on?
<Althego> test it? :)
<Althego> probably tied to pressure
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<Deddly> I can't because I'm busy doing Fluburtur's challenge :P
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<Althego> didnt find it on the wiki,aside from the mention that now they die from oxygen from 1.6
<Deddly> Yeah, same here
<Deddly> I guess I'll have to do actual science to find that out
<Deddly> I was interested in comparing that with the altitude of the highest mountain
<Deddly> That is cool... is it real?
<Deddly> I mean... is that a real engine or an electric motor?
<Fluburtur> electric
<Althego> electric
<Althego> inside a 3d printed radial shape
<Deddly> Thought so. Would have been even more awesome otherwise :P
<Deddly> Aaah yeah I see the signs of 3D printing now
<Deddly> Yours, Fluburtur?
<Fluburtur> I dont think there is any 9 cylinders rc radial
<Fluburtur> yea
<Deddly> Nice
<Althego> yes that 9 cylinder seemed unusual
<Althego> he showed the 3d printed part some time ago
<Deddly> Ah
<Fluburtur> if it looks good enough to trick you then it is good
<Deddly> You and your cheaty foreknowledge
<Deddly> It is goo, Fluburtur.
<Deddly> good*
<Althego> mystery goo :)
<Deddly> :)
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<Althego> these mining crystals are aging lot faster than i thought they would
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<Guest61701> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest61701
<Deddly> Hy there Guest61701
<Deddly> Hey*
<Guest61701> How are you doing DeddlyDeddly
<Guest61701> lol
<Deddly> Good thanks :) You?
<Guest61701> I am good. Hello Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<Guest61701> this seems like a cool spot
<Deddly> It is, if you can cope with some quiet periods of time
<Deddly> But it's a great place to get quick answers to KSP
<Deddly> to KSP questions*
<Deddly> And also all manner of science questions
<Deddly> Also, if you like RC planes, Fluburtur builds them himself
<packbart> Great. Kerkin crashed the workshop rover. It took lots of mining to build that with GroundConstruction
<packbart> otoh, Minmus makes for some nice slow-mo action scenes with a Kerbal jumping off a tumbling rover and jetpacking to safety
<Deddly> Hehe, this is true
<Guest61701> I would like to learn how to create a RC myself, ho can help?
<Deddly> High-speed rover flips seem to always be fatal for the rover on Minmus
<Deddly> If Fluburtur is around, he knows pretty much everything there is to know about RC planes, Guest61701
<Fluburtur> what
<Deddly> He's around
<Guest61701> Hello Fluburtur
<Fluburtur> I have been summoned
<Guest61701> lol
<Guest61701> whats good?\
<Fluburtur> im soldering 18650 cells
<Deddly> I have to go. Seeyas later
<Guest61701> nice
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i thought 18650 pieces
<Fluburtur> and im doing it the exact way it shouldnt be done
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<Fluburtur> idiot discorvers it is possible to short batteries with solder
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> clickbait title
<Althego> now if you had a video of it...
<Fluburtur> it made sparks
<packbart> the gap between + and - is quite narrow
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<Fluburtur> im charging the battery and it havent exploded yet
<Rolf> nor have it changed to zpf eh?
<Rolf> *zpm
<Fluburtur> well nothing bad happened yet
<Althego> hehe zpm
<Rolf> nman do I wish we have zpms.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i dont want all the ancients, goa'ulds wraith and ori thing that goes with it :)
<Rolf> that is true
<sandbox> watching my dad set up a new printer...
<sandbox> he used to be pretty good with technology, but this is just embarrassing
<Rolf> we all age
<Rolf> only posive thing - for me - is that I have no kids to be embarred on my lack of tech skills in future.
<Rolf> but then flip side, no free help. lol
<Fluburtur> heh
<Fluburtur> I do tech help for some of my neighbours
<Fluburtur> but I get free chocolate so worth it
<Rolf> :)
<Rolf> heh that comic does get dark VERY fast.
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<Althego> in the french academy of air pirates
<Fluburtur> I needed a 3d model of my head
<Fluburtur> and it happens that I dont have a 3d scanner and I only need a "good enough" one for modeling stuff around
<Althego> photogrammetry with multiple camera shots?
<Fluburtur> well im too lazy to do that so instead I just took two pics with a scale reference
<Althego> other possibility is livecast, but you cant do it alone
<Althego> lol
<Althego> dont tell me it is for the furry mask
<Fluburtur> it is
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<sandbox> two hours later
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<Althego> sandbox: still setting up the printer?
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<sandbox> Althego, I think he's done, but he's still wandering about aimlessly
<Fluburtur> guy on the right has a nice cowboy beard
<Rokker> Fluburtur: that's the one and only Burt Rutan
<Eddi|zuHause> i have a feeling "cowboys" usually didn't get that old
<Eddi|zuHause> also "movie cowboys" probably look nothing like actual cowboys :p
<Rokker> Fluburtur: y'know, the most prolific aircraft designer alive today
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Althego> isnt the right guy burt rutan?
<Rokker> Fluburtur: and because the branch of the museum I work in is the events section, my bosses were in charge of their talk and personally introduced me to them
<Fluburtur> have you told them about me
<Rokker> Althego: yes, and his brother Dick on the left, who was the first man to fly around the world nonstop unrefuled
<Rokker> unrefueled
<Rokker> also he was shot down in nam
<Rokker> Fluburtur: I was too busy listening to various stories from him
<Fluburtur> tell them to hire me so I can build small models of aircrafts
<Althego> found a channel where ex vegans confess how many health horrifying problems they had when they were vegans
<Althego> not that i ever wanted to be vegan, but now it is certain i never will be
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<Fluburtur> have fun with like, no protein or vitamins or crap like that
<Althego> and as usual i cant imagine how the people behind proxmox envision the creation of a container from scratch. you just cant. you have to have a template. you can create vm but not an lxc
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<GlassYuri> Althego, I envision the creation of a container from scratch to involve a lot of sheet metal and a few castings ;)
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<Althego> hehe, no
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<GlassYuri> Rokker, how BRRRRRT do my online shopping recommendations make you feel?
<GlassYuri> I have no ideas where all these tanks come from btw
<nate> I really hate when there's something apparently pushing off the aerodynamic angle on a rocket that's built symmetrical and I can't figure out what lol
<GlassYuri> I really hate [...] aerodynamic[...]s
<GlassYuri> seriously what substances did the algorithm abuse to come to the conclusion that my shopping habits are 70% tanks 30% women's clothing
<Althego> lol
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<packbart> New Rule: If I can demonstrate that a rendezvous with the fuel station is possible, I may refuel in LKO using HyperEdit
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<packbart> that station is just too big and laggy to actually fly the whole docking and undocking
<Ezriilc> packbart: Good rule! I use it myself.
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<klesh> hello everybody
<umaxtu> Yo
<klesh> I'm wondering if anyone might be available to assist me in making a MM patch? I've made a couple basic ones before, but I can't seem to figure this current one out.
<packbart> ask away
<klesh> I've done my due diligence, I have the syntax sheet open from github, and I've been reviewing already-posted patches, but what I'm trying to do I can't seem to find exact examples of. Essentially I am trying to add a button to the PAW of the 3 Making History Service Modules that will disable the staging of their decoupler (jettison function) in th
<klesh> e same way fairings and decouplers have (seemingly differently labelled) buttons that achieve the same end result to the user.
<klesh> Im a jazz musician that never learned one lick of coding, so I'm trying to learn!
<klesh> I've managed to determine, I think, the way to select the 3 service modules... @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleServiceModule]]:FINAL
<klesh> the service modules use ModuleJettison, whereas the other parts (fairings and decouplers) that have a similar staging-removal button do not use that module
<packbart> I think that should match them, as far as I can see
<klesh> I tried: hideJettisonMenu = false
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<klesh> (defaults to true) but that seems to act on only one pannel. I wonder if this would require one button for each of the jettisonable panels
<packbart> ah, now I see. I confused ModuleJettison with ModuleFuelJettison
<klesh> so, that means I am currently wondering if this is even possible.
<klesh> yes, regular jettison is apparently various panels
<packbart> there are multiple ModuleJettison in the part. otoh, HAS: should apply to all of them
<packbart> oh, wait
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<packbart> klesh: how do you edit the Module?
<packbart> maybe add ",*" to edit all the matching Modules in a part. not just the first one
<klesh> packbart Yes, I think so.
<klesh> ooh, good idea
<packbart> you'll probably end up with multiple buttons
<klesh> yes, Im starting to realize this. Jettisoning the pannels is multiple actions, one per pannel, so there is no one-button function to disable all those at once
<klesh> is so frustrating, because I have never once wanted to remove the panels from my service modules, yet every flight I have this fairing stage for the panels hanging around indefinitely
<packbart> ah, I see. they can't be disabled in VAB as with payload fairings
<klesh> well, thats what I'm trying to find out. But as a total beginner, I think I picked a difficult one (perhaps impossible) to work on, lol
<klesh> its weird, because payload fairings can have any number of sides, but they arent treated as multiple panels, rather as one big stage
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<klesh> packbart would it be this: @MODULE[*][ModuleJettison] to select multiples
<packbart> klesh: maybe try stagingEnabled = False
<packbart> looking at Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield2.cfg
<packbart> it has a ModuleJettison that can be disabled
<packbart> klesh: I'd say @MODULE[ModuleJettison],*
<klesh> packbart okay, lemme go try this
<klesh> packbart (thanks so much for helping too btw
<klesh> packbart okay, firing it up now... this seems like it would remove the feature altogether rather than a button, which frankly is cool by me. Lets see what happens :D
<packbart> yeah, I was wondering about that. The heatshield staging can be toggled in the VAB, I seem to remember
<packbart> or is that the decoupler module in the heatshield?
<packbart> klesh: you could clone the parts with +PART and a new name, so you'd have both version as different parts if you need them
<klesh> packbart okay this seems to have had no effect, the fairing stage of the service module is still in staging. That sounds like it would be the Jettison Heatshield button found on heatshields, which never has a staging option
<packbart> hmm, right. that ModuleJettison in the heatshield jettisons the shroud
<klesh> packbart who knows though, my text might be all wrong as well. I am the world's wort programmer, lol
<klesh> I can play ya some john coltrane all day long though, haha
<packbart> that's why it has stagingEnabled = false. make sense now that I think again
<packbart> I could use a syntax simulator for ModuleManger, too :)
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* packbart adds more struts
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<kmath> YouTube - mavic pro altitude record 9654 m, quadcopter with gimbal altitude world record
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<packbart> BonVoyage is an interesting rover background pilot mod but it has its quirk. I'll probably keep it, though
<packbart> switching to a rover can be explody. ok, there's probably not much else it can do other than to position the vessel a bit above the surface and hope nothing breaks when it lands
<packbart> in one test, it parked the rover underwater a few metres from the shore. I probably clicked exactly that spot, the map doesn't zoom in far enough
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* darsie didn't consider that solar panels produce less EC at Mars and didn't have enough energy for both antennas.
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* Draconiator dismantled an old failed hard drive to throw it a bunch of Torx crews from it and I may be able to do something with the spindle motor...
<Draconiator> In one of them there were NO magnets though, weird...
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* darsie sends a new rocket with bigger solar panel to Mars.
<darsie> Already half way there.
<darsie> Now 20 min RCS burn.
<UmbralRaptop> Obviously the answer is a proton + boron-11 polywell.
* darsie hates stupid RCS algorithms that needlessly waste fuel.
<darsie> It's not even an oscillating ship.
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