TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Althego> hah daily weather
<Althego> but i thought it can go up to 20 or so in the summer
<Althego> hehe the air humidity percent is missing, probably pointless to measure because it is too low anyway
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<TheKosmonaut> Dedicated to Opportunity :(
<Althego> nice
<Althego> but the dunes should be redder (if such wor exists)
<Althego> the sky too if it is daytime
<Althego> but the sun is low, so it may be a sunset, then the sky becomes blue, so the sky may be ok
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<Deddly> I like that a lot
<Deddly> But, you know, prophecy says that Opportunity shall arise from slumber
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<Deddly> Was that hand-painted, Kosmo?
<TheKosmonaut> Althego: they should be
<TheKosmonaut> But you see
<TheKosmonaut> My iPad had tinted orange
<TheKosmonaut> Being evening
<TheKosmonaut> So my colors were off
<Deddly> I mean, it looks digital, but did you use a stylus?
<TheKosmonaut> Deddly: yeah a pen
<Deddly> LOL painting in night mode :D
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah it screwed me over
<TheKosmonaut> I could go back but my iPad is at 3% battery
<Althego> just do some postprocessing
<Deddly> I would have thought the iPad should automatically turn off night mode when you open a painting app
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<Deddly> I never noticed before how rough the edge is on the southern ice sheet
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<packbart> ah, well, it was a last-minute botched job. customer decided to change the specs and all that. now the Fjords, they were designed with beauty in mind!
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<Deddly> I am completely missing context on that, packbart
<Deddly> Oh wait... HH Guide, right?
<packbart> Indeed. I thought it could stand without context, too ;)
* packbart remembers the No Culturual References rule on IETF mailing lists
<Deddly> For some reason I thought you were replying to Kosmo, but that makes more sense ;)
<Deddly> Slartibartfast = best character
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<TheKosmonaut> Ugh he isn’t online
<Deddly> Althego is ALWAYS online. What's going on??
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<GlassYuri> Deddly, private server that receives and caches messages while offline
<Deddly> Yeah but he's not here...
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<Webchat835> my launcher is stuck on checking for
<Deddly> Hi Webchat835
<Deddly> Hmm
<Deddly> OK the launcher really doesn't work very well
<Deddly> Webchat835, do you have the version from the KSP Store?
<Webchat835> yeah
<Deddly> So the best thing you can do is to log into the store and download the latest version. Sorry about that
<Deddly> The launcher did work for a while, but I think it's broken again.
<Webchat835> thats ok thanks
<Deddly> That's assuming you want the latest version
<Deddly> If you're OK with the version you have now, you can of course launch KSP from the executable instead of the launcher :)
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<Webchat835> do u know how i get to the executable?
<Deddly> It's there in the same folder as the launcher, Webchat835
<Deddly> It's called "KSP_x86-exe"
<Webchat835> ok thanks
<Deddly> You're welcome :)
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<Guest52229> i keep getting a mono.dll access violation?
<Eddi|zuHause> how unfortunate for you
<Deddly> Oh that
<Deddly> Guest52229, I believe that has something to do with mods
<Deddly> Guest52229, wrong version of something... hmm I can't quite remember :/
<Eddi|zuHause> i was just about to say, try without mods?
<Deddly> I think it means one or more of your mods is the wrong version
<Deddly> If you're not sure which, you can try removing half of your mods and restarting the game. If the problem is solved, then you know which half of the mods contains the problem.
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<Deddly> Why do I get the feeling that Guest52229 has forgotten that he has an open tab on IRC :(
<UmbralRaptor> >_<
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<Guest52229> no i was messing the mods i found the problem
<Guest52229> it was virgin kalactic
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<Deddly> :/
<UmbralRaptor> >_<
<Deddly> Well at least the person found the problem
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