TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Althego> the last few days the moon seemed unnaturally big. is this a supermoon?
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<JVFoxy> .... wonder if I can fit 4 probes into a single service bay..
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<JVFoxy> 4 probes.. yes.. relays no...
<JVFoxy> messing with things, maybe if someone did a rotary relay launching for the service bay? :P
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<sandbox> so there's been a drone sighting at Dublin Airport now
<sandbox> who could've predicted this?
<Althego> borg drone? rogue drone?
<UmbralRaptop> Did it launch an AGM at the terminal, or something?
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<sandbox> if it's that easy to shut down an airport, why wasn't anyone prepared for the inevitable?
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> the last few days the moon seemed unnaturally big. is this a supermoon? <- the difference between moon low on the horizon and high in the sky is usually bigger than the difference between moon is close and moon is far away
<Rolf> 7% bigger I recall
<Rolf> (currently that is, from average)
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<Fluburtur> a
<Fluburtur> is it possible to use a IR led and sensor to determine if a persons eyes are open or not
<Althego> may be
<Althego> but i gues you have to try
<Fluburtur> also, how bad would it be for the eyes
<Althego> have you tried looking into a tv remote?
<Althego> that bad
<Althego> it is nothing
<Fluburtur> it is for a fursuit like that
<Fluburtur> but I want a led matrix to cover the whole face
<kubi> I need some UV LED
<kubi> for underwater UV photo & video
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<darsie> kubi: What's the UV transmission spectrum of water?
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<Althego> probably not very good
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<Althego> in fact there is a reason life remained so long in the water, because without oxygen there was no ozone layer and water protected against deadly uv
* darsie has a high power 365 nm LED.
<Althego> andwe have a sun
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<Eddi|zuHause> it's not a fractal unless you can zoom in further and it exposes the same shape again
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<Althego> less than 7.5 hors until spacex
<Althego> not the crew dragon yet
<Althego> i have to spread this feeling
<Althego> to get rid of it
<Althego> oh yes, i forgot, the text for it was: No pane, no grain.
<Althego> scott
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<JVFoxy> going against hte grain...? c.c;
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<Fluburtur> I might need a 5v 20a regulator for the fursuit head I want to make
<Fluburtur> for reasons
<Althego> 20 ampers for a head?
<Fluburtur> for the led matrix
<Fluburtur> because it will be a protogen and those are basically cyborg furries
<JVFoxy> ouch.. 20amps?
<Fluburtur> 50ma for each led and 400 of those
<Althego> but if you dont need all of them on all of the time...
<Althego> just some fo them
<Fluburtur> yeah but I want to have animations with all of them
<Fluburtur> like scrolling rainbows and whatnot
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<JVFoxy> would love to do a pressure suit of my own.. slight anime'ish and halo style mixed in
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<Althego> hah finally, after almsot 2 weeks the last genolution implant is sold
<JVFoxy> .... oh Eve
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<Fluburtur> would it be better to have a 3amps regulator every 60 leds or a big 20 amps one for the whole thing
<packbart> I'd use several small regulators from a central 12V line
<Fluburtur> yeah actually since it will be used in a helmet it will be compact enough
<Fluburtur> and use less space than a big regulator
<Fluburtur> will free some space for the electronics and battery space too
<Fluburtur> would probs need close to a 10k mah pack
<Fluburtur> so I can power the helmet for a full day
<JVFoxy> what about heat sinking?
<Fluburtur> will have a fan or two in the helmet
<Fluburtur> and the modules are small enough that they will dissipate their own heat
<Althego> i upgraded the mining laser, now it makes 607 m^3 / minute
<Althego> but i really need that mackinaw. too bad i sold one years ago when it was ice miner
<Fluburtur> I intended to have the matrix agenced lije that
<Fluburtur> poor matrix, pinged so many times
<Althego> still less likely than snow :)
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<JVFoxy> I sometimes wondered, building a b/w LED matrix tv screen.. :)
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<Althego> lol
<JVFoxy> why? well why not... just something to try out
<JVFoxy> LEDs can dim right?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> also can pwm
<Althego> which is probably better
<Althego> but white leds are already special
<Althego> i would go with green then
<JVFoxy> heh.. good ol' green video monitor
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<kmath> YouTube - The Kids Aren't Alright on FLOPPOTRON
<Althego> just becasue of the green text
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<Raptop> nya~
<lordcirth_> darsie, you haven't seen that before??
<Raptop> I forget as to whether or not the cats follow proper n-body gravity.
<darsie> nope
<darsie> Is it in stock?
<lordcirth_> darsie, no, it's MM, iircx
<darsie> ok
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