TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
<Scolar_Visari> bees: There will at least be a mini-chopper.
* Scolar_Visari glares at the Mars Helicopter Scout.
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<Scolar_Visari> None may leave the Garden
<darsie> OBT doesn't do anything noticable.
UmbralRaptop is now known as ObservatoryRaptor
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* darsie cheated a tiny marker craft into a specific orbit that allows a Mars maneuver without plane change and will aim for that orbit with the Mars relay rocket.
<darsie> Mars encounter*
<darsie> "cheated"
<darsie> KVIrc swallowed the "" again.
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* Scolar_Visari still ponders what, exactly, it is that SpaceX has against propellant depots.
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<lordcirth> Scolar_Visari, how so?
<Rolf> vurious also
<darsie> What's the point of depots if you can bring propellant up on demand?
<Scolar_Visari> The problem is that Starship is projected to stay in orbit and wait for tankers, and this means there's a reduced margin of error. A delay or launch failure without a huge amount of contingency times could mean you'd miss your launch window.
<Scolar_Visari> It also means Starship has to hold more contingencies in crew consumables and stationkeeping propellant as it waits in orbit. If there was a propellant depot, you'd just need to dock once and then depart.
<darsie> ok
<Scolar_Visari> A propellant depot arguably need just be a Starship with the crew compartments ripped out.
<Scolar_Visari> And since it doesn't need to reenter, a reflective boil-off mitigating surface in lieu of heat shielding in addition to active refrigeration.
ObservatoryRaptor is now known as CursedRaptor
<Scolar_Visari> The observatory is cursed!?
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<CursedRaptor> Something like that
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<CursedRaptor> The software, uh, really died.
<Scolar_Visari> The power of Herschel compels you! The power of Herschel compels you! Begone spirit!
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<packbart> "Added support for TacGenericConvertor in Unloaded Resource processing" - hm. new TacLS makes my station lose water fast in the background. reverted BackgroundResources.dll and it stops
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<JVFoxy> stupid time dialations ;P
<Althego> einstein's demon?
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<Althego> impossible. a fuse blown on a macbook
<Rolf> ohhh
<Rolf> apple isnt perfect
<Rolf> ?
<Althego> it isnt. to the point where fuses newver blow
<Althego> so chips, connectors or the board simply burns
<Rolf> so its so bad fuse dont blow, and you were impressed one actually did?
<Althego> yes
<Rolf> lol ok
<Rolf> what happened?
<Althego> who knows. i am just watching louis rossman macbook repair videos. i dont care about macs. but somehow he makes them enjoyable
<Rolf> got linjk? some guys dop great repair videos
<Rolf> been watching my mate vence videos, hes far from expert and makes mistakes but interesting anyway
<Althego> no captions on the main channel
<Althego> automatic on the live streaming channel
<Althego> not recommended
<Rolf> bleh ok
<Rolf> some people just strips captions. dunno why
<Rolf> maybe its ego thing "i dont speak that badly!"
<Althego> hehe he got superchat on valentine's day: roses are red, violets are blue. my love life is dead, but my pp bus is g3hot for you. (pp bus g3 hot is an important bus that is needed for the mac to power on)
<Rolf> lol
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<Rolf> lol ya saw it before
<Rolf> wow
<Rolf> 12 years old.
<Rolf> you really dug up it out of youtube dust pile
<Althego> opportunity. lived 15 years. we will miss you
<Althego> i was still in university when it landed
<Rolf> indeed. its amazing for something designed for 90 days,.
<Rolf> i was in college lol
<Althego> the 90 days limit came from the expected speed of dust accumulation on the panels. they never expected the cleaning events
<packbart> Rolf: the wonders of the Internet. I just remembered the phrase "I don't need subtitles" and it was the first hit on Youtube
<packbart> horrible video quality back then ;)
<Rolf> yeah i remember the news on that first time. amazing.
<Althego> i watched one of the landings live
<Althego> on an 56k modem
<Althego> stamp sized video
<Rolf> fun lol
<Althego> with hiccups
<Althego> it was like 5 in the morning
<Althego> the other one was in a really bad time so i couldnt watch it
<Rolf> i only read news on those.
<Althego> i slept through curiosity. i was in geilenkirchen and really busy. i occurred to me around noon that the landing happened, and checked if it was successful
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<Althego> i respect intellectual property, i respect trade secrets. if anybody has a source for the isl9240, it would be wrong and immoral to email that source to spelled with 2 s-es and 2 n-s
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<Althego> that is what he said
<Rolf> ?
<Althego> obviously he needs the ic for repairs, but they are unavailable because of apple, so he cant say it on stram thet somebody should email him a source that can send the ic
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<Rolf> ahh ok lol
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<packbart> fun fact: drills on a rover keep working at up to 10m/s
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* darsie sent the Mars relay on its way, but still has to put a stonger antenna in orbit to reach it far away.
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<Eddi|zuHause> you noticed how in surviving mars they have a spacebar, but no marsbar?
<darsie> no. Or I forgot.
<darsie> Wait, surviving mars? The game?
<darsie> I didn't play that.
<darsie> I thought about The Martian.
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, the game
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<darsie> What's the "Select Tracking Body" in the OX-VL PV array for? It doesn't track the sun.
<Althego> lol auto or sun
<Althego> not much of a choice is it
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Could be proxima centauri :)
<Althego> maybe support for multi sun system mods
<Althego> if there are such
<darsie> It would be great if I could track the sun.
<darsie> Hmm, maybe it's just not a tracking panel but still has these settings I haven't noticed before.
<darsie> I thought it might control the RCS.
<packbart> I think the Kopernicus controller doesn't expect deployable panels that don't track the sun
<packbart> s/the sun/a star/
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<darsie> Is there a way/mod to mount stuff centrally?
<Althego> what do you mean by that
<darsie> Like mount a solar panel in the center of the circular end of a cylinder.
<darsie> Or an antenna.
<Althego> put it there manually
<darsie> That's tedious to get exact.
<Althego> in fact you can put many things in positions where they cant be normally
<Althego> apply symmetry, when the parts overlap, remove symmetry
<Althego> then click
<darsie> how?
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<darsie> ahh
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<Althego> the thing is, when you put it there manually and dont let the game snap it there, the node will remain free
<Althego> so you can put more things there or hide stuff
<darsie> There is no node on solar panels.
<Althego> i thougth oyu want to put the panel on the cylinder
<Althego> there are nodes on those
<darsie> There is no node on solar panels.
<Althego> and?
<darsie> I watn to put it in the head face of a cylinder, a pod.
<Althego> put panel on cylinder but dont use the node. the node is still free on the cylinder to continue building
<Althego> for example this way i usually put an antenna and a parachute on top of a crew cabin
<darsie> But it's tedious to get the center exactly, so the rocket is symmetric.
<Althego> as i said symmetry shows you when it is in center. and you dont need it to be perfect, just goodenough
<packbart> I use Editor Extensions. It has shortcuts to center surface attached parts
<darsie> thx
<darsie> packbart: That seems to work only on one axis.
<darsie> x (or y).
<darsie> Rotating the parent part doesn't activate the other axis.
<X> Pick y
<darsie> Also repositioning the parent part snaps the centered part back to the original position.
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<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Robin Kerman testing his aim 🎯🏹 #BowAndArrow #KSP ⏎ by SWDennis ⏎ ⏎
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<kmath> YouTube - Hunnu Guren - Batzorig Vaanchig & Auli
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<darsie> I have an interstage fairing in the payload fairing cause I have the solar panel at the bottom of the top stage without mount point.
<darsie> I even made the payload fairing a bit bigger in case it collides with the antenna.
<darsie> There are still tiny contacts at the top edge of the antenna.
<darsie> I'll try the egg fairing.
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<darsie> dang, the rocket stopped below Mach 1 and shut down with vapor in the feed lines.