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<Fluburtur> time is an illusions
<Fluburtur> it is always chaning
<Fluburtur> changing*
<Althego> perspective cat
<Fluburtur> I never know what day it is because it take me at least 2 days to learn what day it is and by then it is already another day
<Althego> up is this way
<darsie> How long ago was 1?
<Althego> time is precious, time is fleeting, time is what you have very little of - dark prince
<Althego> tick tock prince, tick tock :)
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<sandbox> that looks comfortable
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<darsie> Where can I get xenon for the NSTAR?
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<packbart> does it need a different kind of Xenon?
<darsie> I think the terrestrial isotopic composition is just fine. I just can't finde a tank to hold it.
<darsie> This is nstar from RO, not dawn from stock.
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<darsie> ahh, special xenon tank. The procedural ones don't have it.
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<darsie> Ah, the octagonal fuel augmented strut has it, too.
<darsie> But the xenon container packs more.
<packbart> ah, I was thinking of the RO engine but stock Xenon tanks. I guess they're a bit smallish
<darsie> yeah, stock tanks are there.
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<darsie> I just normally use procedural ones.
<darsie> The service module didn't have xenon, either.
<darsie> Looks like the nstar does 108 mN.
<darsie> KER says adding more large xenon tank decreases dv.
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<darsie> Same with medium xenon tanks.
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<darsie> Ahh, filling them with xenon helps :).
<darsie> Not much, though.
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<Althego> hill sphere?
<hoglahoo> Newpa?
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<UmbralRaptop> Sphere of Influence, but not. (measure of distance from a body where it can keep things on orbit)
<UmbralRaptop> hoglahoo: yeah, I often have a different nick on freenode
<Althego> some guy on fox news said he does not wash hands because bacteria do not exist since he does not see them
<sandbox> it was a joke
<Althego> cant joke about that
<JVFoxy> on the flip side.. room mate hates using anti bacterial soap and cleaners, creates superbugs
<Althego> the world is full of science deniers
<Althego> yes dont use those
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<packbart> but, superbugs create superhumans!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> if you call dead people super
<packbart> evolve faster! ;)
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<sandbox> I misread someone's comment earlier, I can't remember what it said, but I read it as "why would an astronaut ever contemplate coming back to Earth?"
<packbart> my personal dream is that the Next Big Thing will come from the garbage patches in the oceans. hydrocarbons, additives, sunlight + time -> new life. blend in some crude oil spills and energetic waters from Fukushima, stir well, wait.
<Althego> conditions are not really favorable for new life to arise
<Althego> mostly because of oxygen
<packbart> we'll get rid of that ;)
<Althego> but i can imagine new bacteria
<Althego> possible garbage eating
<packbart> humans are just catalysts for turning oil into plastic (George Carlin, wise man ;)
<Althego> because earth didnt know how to male plastics
<Althego> make
<Althego> save the planet? earth is not going anywhere. we are
<packbart> I see you have been enlightened by the Big Electron
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<Althego> also i am a modern man :)
<sandbox> we need to destroy it!
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<JVFoxy> we've created a way to turn plastics back into oil..
<Althego> now if we had a way to turn back carbon dioxide and water into oil too :)
<Althego> (that does not create more carbon dioxid)
<JVFoxy> maybe something with trees.. a lot of them
<Althego> doesnt work
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't be surprised if there's something come from bacteria or algae..
<Althego> yes that could work
<Althego> the first mast extinction was caused by them :)
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<JVFoxy> I remember reading, using plans to create O2 in stations, was some cases there was too much O2 being made.. mind you that was back in teh early days
<JVFoxy> plants...
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<darsie> Newest measurements suggest the nstar produces 100 mN.
<darsie> And it does not use electricity.
<darsie> O2 toxicity in humans happens at about 1.6 bar pO23
<darsie> O2 toxicity in humans happens at about 1.6 bar pO2.
<Althego> nstar?
<hoglahoo> RO engine
<Althego> i thought it was a real engine
<hoglahoo> maybe it is
<hoglahoo> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> as you annonced the thrust it sounded like something real
<hoglahoo> The NSTAR ion thruster was first used on the Deep Space 1 (DS1) spacecraft, launched on 24 October 1998. ... NASA engineers state that NSTAR engines, in the 5-kilowatt and 0.04 pound-thrust range, are candidates for propelling spacecraft to Europa, Pluto, and other small bodies in deep space
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<Althego> ksp is 50% off gog
<Althego> minmus base, huh? https://i.redd.it/cj9nq2qjpsf21.png
<packbart> MechaJeb?
<hoglahoo> rofl
<Althego> so elon is boasting about the raptor chamber pressure
<Althego> it is really surprising that there was so little innovation in rocketry that the russians could hold the highest pressure title for this long
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<Guest43182> How do I do when my rocket starts spinning wildly?
<Althego> badly :)
<Althego> iaround what axis?
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<Guest43182> i'm sorry, I'm a beginner, how do I see the axis ??
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<Althego> ok this is a plane, but the rocket would use the same axes
<Althego> typical thing is that the rocket flips at around 7-15 km during ascent and points back towards the gorund
<Althego> but that would be a completely different failure if it spins around its longitudinal axis
<Althego> anyway, if the rocket flips around, fins, ciontrol surfaces and gimbaling nozzle helps. random roll usually happens when it hass side boosters and those bend because of thrust, struts or autostruts fix it
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<Althego> i tried it
<UmbralRaptor> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<hoglahoo> that definitely looks more like things I build in ksp
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