TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<JVFoxy> been pondering something while traveling today: navigation markers in KSP... would people make use of them? I understand there is something of a instrument mod type thing but what of being able to place a marker like a flag but for navigation sorta thing?
<darsie> I "cheated" a small ship in an orbit, planned the trip to Mars from there and then flew to that orbit to make it so.
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<darsie> Seemed like something we'd do irl.
<JVFoxy> was thinking more ... ground based. although, space navigation buoys could be a thing too I suppose.
<JVFoxy> what go me going on about things was having markers on the end of the runway to help with landing....
<darsie> You could put rovers with lights there.
<darsie> But the runway is lit at night, I think. Adn visible in daylight.
<JVFoxy> nah.. don't need lights on markers.. just a little icon I can see
<JVFoxy> a while back, I tested it out by putting a wheeled probe at 1km out from the end of the runway, and another at 2.5km out
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<lordcirth> JVFoxy, you mean Waypoint Manager?
<JVFoxy> hmm...
<JVFoxy> lordcirth I suppose... though I guess my idea was just places on surfaces. Something you'd have to go out, setup as a kerbal in EVA. Be it a beacon or full on nav facility.
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<JVFoxy> waypoint manager.. just lets you put waypoints where ever with nothing? Just visible as a marker in flight or on map?
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<Eddi|zuHause> what happened to placing flags?
<Eddi|zuHause> waypoint manager is effectively like mission target markers, something you do while planning a mission before going anywhere
<JVFoxy> flags as waypoints are ok... though they'll be grouped in with other flags. I guess something of a different flavor. I mean.. suppose you could just setup everything digitally, not even having gone there. Even in midspace if you wanted.
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<lordcirth> JVFoxy, yeah, you can just put a pin on the map, iirc
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<JVFoxy> lordcirth suppose.. but where's the fun of actually going out there, placing a marker. (or building a nav point) ;P
<JVFoxy> er... weres the fun in just placing a point in a menu as opposed to actually going out there
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think that's the right question
<Eddi|zuHause> where's the fun in playing a computer game as opposed to actually going out there?
<JVFoxy> meh... people rather everything, right away, easiest way possible...
<JVFoxy> no work involved..
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<Althego> utánam jöttek a gecik
<Althego> hehe not here
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<Rolf> thats not purebread, eyes arent bread
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<Althego> must be artificial eyes for a blind cat
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<Rolf> lol
<Althego> mrrrrrrr-pfft the asteroid is depleted
<darsie> What size?
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<Mat2ch> Sooo, we will really see Crew Dragon fly on 2nd March
<Mat2ch> and the SuperDraco engines can be used for orbit insertion if something goes wrong
<Mat2ch> woah
<Althego> technically for landing too, but probably not intended to be used as such
<Althego> because they were too lazy to go through the certification for that
* darsie launched successfully. Maybe waiting for the launch time at the launch pad triggered the sound barrier drag.
<Mat2ch> Althego: NASA doesn't want it.
<Mat2ch> And they have other priorities, I guess
<Mat2ch> maybe we'll see a landing later on
<Althego> they are focusing on the new rocket anyway
<Mat2ch> or they go for a smaller starship ontop of F9
<Mat2ch> I mean, it would make sense to create a smaller starship
<Mat2ch> you get a reusable second stage, can perform landings, etc.
<Mat2ch> and all without poking holes in the heat shield
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<Althego> hah the event horizon episode i was waiting for (i thought it should have been on previous week)
<kmath> YouTube - Does Planet Nine Exist? Featuring Dr. Konstanin Batygin
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<Althego> maybe it was. seems somebody related to the guy died
<Althego> (who makes the videos)
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<Althego> scott
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<Althego> hah i didnt know there was a virgin galactic flight yesterday
<kmath> YouTube - VSS Unity’s First Passenger
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Respawn++
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: We will bury them!
* Scolar_Visari ponders how many stars there are in this photo
<Althego> what if they want to live?
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: Then my Heavy Tanks will bury them alive.
* Scolar_Visari runs over Allied rocket troopers.
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<Scolar_Visari> Today I read an op-ed which used described a fringe group as having politics beyond the Kuiper Belt.
<Scolar_Visari> I wonder how many people understood that.
<Althego> i dont :)
* Scolar_Visari would've also accepted Beyond the Oort Cloud.
<Althego> wjat scott didnt mention there is also an electron rocket waiting for launchj
<Althego> bveyond the oort cloud would mean an other solar system
<Althego> beyond the kuiper belt means only just far out
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<darsie> Nice cooling ribs :).
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<Fluburtur> the mockup engine is on the bell of the motor so it will spin too, will look nice
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