TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Draconiator> - It's going to start with Amazon.
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<Deddly> Sounds like a fascinating read, UmbralRaptop
<Deddly> Mat2ch, are they sure that's not due to heat?
<Deddly> Yes, apparently, they checked for that
<Deddly> "The researchers performed a second experiment with a longer fiber and continuous–rather than pulsed–laser light and found similar results. The tip of the hanging fiber moved sideways like a pendulum by about 30 microns, which agreed with the tiny force (less than a billionth of a Newton) that they predicted. The team also verified that thermal effects, such as heat expansion, would be too small to influence the fibe
<Deddly> r’s movement."
<Deddly> Although not a definitive answer, it's a very interesting study.
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<Deddly> Yo Fluburtur
<Fluburtur> ay
<Deddly> I'm heading SOUTH!
<Fluburtur> nice
<Deddly> Due South. That was a great series, but I digress
<Deddly> 22k fuel remaining
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<Fluburtur> sounds like enough
<Deddly> I'm about half way between the arctic ice sheet and the equator
<Deddly> Noooo more than that
<Deddly> More like 2/3 of the way
<Deddly> 28° 37' N
<Fluburtur> how long did the mission take so far?
<Deddly> I don't know because the mission timer reset every time I launched one of the auxiliary craft
<Deddly> Oh heck, and I just realised I was on a collision course with a land mass
<Deddly> Sailing at night is dangerous from map view
<Eddi|zuHause> i've tried reading the link, but i still didn't figure out whether they say that light increases or reduces momentum in denser material
<Deddly> So it says "Total mission 10 days 4 hours" but that's only since I last launched another craft from it
<Deddly> Just so you know, Fluburtur this is all at 1x physics warp
<Fluburtur> do you have the date of when you launched the mission?
<Deddly> I do, in another save. So I'll be able to get the total mission time
<Deddly> Or maybe I have it in a screenshot...
<packbart> Eddi|zuHause: "the light gains momentum when it hits the air" - if the fibre is more dense, it reduced the momentum. that's what I read in it
<Deddly> No I don't have a screenshot of the date
<Deddly> I'm gonna crank this think up to full speed as soon as I get to the last section, if I have the fuel for it. I'm dying to know how fast it can go.
<Deddly> I've only used two engines on less than 1/3 throttle for the entire trip, but I needed six to be able to get it moving when fully fuelled
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<darsie> Time to look for a Mars transfer window for my great rocket :).
<darsie> Merlin 1D++ + hypergolic AJ10. Before I used the RL10 (hydrolox) and any excess would evaporate.
<darsie> Now I can use it for plane change and Mars orbit insertion.
<JVFoxy> watching some vid on moon rover buggy thing... didn't realize they wanted to try a mobile lab for a two week stay up there.
<darsie> SpaceIl?
<JVFoxy> something called mo-lab..
<darsie> planned? cancelled?
<JVFoxy> cancelled.. it would have been 8,000lbs, needing a dedicated Saturn 5 to get it up there.
<darsie> :)
<darsie> SSSH
<darsie> ahh, 1968
<Althego> super ssh?
<darsie> starship superheavy
<UmbralRaptop> secure SSH, obviously
<UmbralRaptop> Hrm. How far beyond the Titan IIIE would that be?
<JVFoxy> they talk about it in this video, along with a static test to see if people could actually 'live' in it for 18 or so days:
<kmath> YouTube - Lunar Rover
* UmbralRaptop also vaguely gestures at the 34D and IV
<JVFoxy> Molab starts at 7:20 mark if interested
<darsie> If they used that during a lunar day they would have increased the chance of getting into a solar storm.
<JVFoxy> layer of water on the roof would have helped quite a bit
<darsie> Water and piss :)
<darsie> Or regolith
<JVFoxy> was a lot of unknowns at the time of the designing. main thing they talked about was not knowing what the surface was going to be like even.
<JVFoxy> aw... watching couple of old guys relive toying around with a model moon buggy they built from back in the day
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<darsie> What level is the average sea on Phobos? "ASL gravity"=0.00139 g, but GM/r2/9.81=0.00149 g.
<darsie> Maybe they use average altitude, which is above the spherical body.
<darsie> Ok, 118 TWR should be enough :).
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<JVFoxy> 118 TWR.. with or without kerbals?
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<darsie> without
<darsie> On Phobos
<JVFoxy> was thinking how many G's it would pull..
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<darsie> 55.7 N * 4, 139 kg.
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<JVFoxy> sorry guess not fully awake.. ugh
<JVFoxy> wasn't expecting to be up 4am
<darsie> 0.16 g
<Fluburtur> ;wa energy of 1.8kg at 120kph
<kmath> Fluburtur: kinetic energy->, mass->1.8 kg (kilograms), velocity->120 km/h (kilometers per hour)kinetic energy->1 kJ (kilojoule), = 0.2778 W h (watt hours), = 6.242×10^21 eV (electronvolts)
<JVFoxy> uh...
<JVFoxy> oh right TWR more to do with being close to a surface thing.
<darsie> not really
<darsie> Just the surface may be different.
<darsie> g is independent of surface, though.
<JVFoxy> I was wondering more max accel vs TWR...
<darsie> Weight only exists if you are attracted to something :).
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<JVFoxy> 118 though.. head thought that was stupid crazy lot.
<darsie> Well, there's weight in any accelerated system, I guess. Centrifuges, rockets ...
<JVFoxy> I guess i usually seen stuff like 2-4TWR...
<darsie> On Earth. Or Kerbin.
<darsie> Things are different on Gilly :).
<JVFoxy> did a lander probe thing for minmus... designed to do a landing, hop to another biome, then back to control craft. Not sure it can do the same thing on mun
<darsie> Why would you?
<JVFoxy> why would I what?
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<JVFoxy> ugh, stupid wireless...
<JVFoxy> sorry, why would I what?
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<Althego> wintergatan
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Judge_Dedd is now known as D-e-d-d-l-y
<darsie> JVFoxy: biome hop on Mun
<darsie> With a science lab you can get enough science from Minmus to complete the tech tree.
<darsie> From 3-4 biomes
<JVFoxy> haven't the lab yet
<darsie> ok
<kmath> YouTube - Instrument Dummy Assembly - Marble Machine X#70
<darsie> JVFoxy: You could land at a triple biome junction.
<JVFoxy> also wanted to test/show you can control a probe from a ship when out of LOS of kerbin
<darsie> Jeb can do that :).
<D-e-d-d-l-y> It's a perfectly valid mission profile
<Fluburtur> back from flying the glider, I beat both of my records
<Fluburtur> 1km high and 4km out
<D-e-d-d-l-y> That's awesome, Fluburtur
<darsie> Definitely. I made missions after completing the tech tree.
<D-e-d-d-l-y> Must be an amazing experience
<Fluburtur> video feed wasnt that great at 1km high because I wasnt far enough and signal polarisation was a bit of an issue
<Fluburtur> while flying away it was quite good, signal was horrible on the way home tho
<Fluburtur> so it did most of the way home on autopilot
<Fluburtur> I flew the final 1km while gliding manually at an average speed of 90kph
<JVFoxy> well... jeb + either another pilot or certain probe cores
<darsie> And a relay antenna.
<JVFoxy> eh ya.. relay though I normally add a pair on anyways
<JVFoxy> I had a bit of head scratching when designing the lander probe that could pack into a service bay.. then found out was a bit more space for refueling tanks, batteries, relay and solar panels
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<Althego> where is the curve? :)
<Fluburtur> well this is a wide angle lens
<hoglahoo> down the small of the back
<Fluburtur> so there would be a curve if the horizon wasnt exactly in the center
<hoglahoo> was that taken from something you built
<hoglahoo> and piloted
<Fluburtur> yeah, the plane is a kit
<hoglahoo> sweet
<JVFoxy> smoke'n
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<Judge_Dedd> Fluburtur, do you have an easy link for that challenge map? The one in your thread isn't loading for me
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<Fluburtur> i DONT THINK i HAVE IT
<Judge_Dedd> Never mind, I just started working again
<Fluburtur> woops caps
<Althego> cruise control for cool :)
<Althego> also fortran :)
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<Judge_Dedd> Fluburtur, I'm rounding the last continent between be and KSC
<Judge_Dedd> Just heading east around the peninsula now, then it's the little upside-down V and I land at KSC
<hoglahoo> how's fuel
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<Judge_Dedd> 18k, looking very good
<Judge_Dedd> It took about 7k to get here from the northern ice cap
<Eddi|zuHause> what would anyone do with a cruise control for fortran?
<Althego> write awesome code? :)
<Althego> oh wait, WRITE(*,*) CODE :)
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<darsie> Dang, I forgot to accept the Deimos/Phobos landing contracts.
* hoglahoo smacks darsie
<darsie> thx :)
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<darsie> And the flyby contracts.
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* hoglahoo smacks darsie once again
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* Judge_Dedd smacks darsie, because why not.
<hoglahoo> ⁵
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<Draconiator> - High speed data transfer lol
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