TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Shadow404> darsie: ok
<darsie> hey :)
<darsie> maybe also #ro for realism overhaul
<darsie> <Shadow404> darsie: if i select 1.3.1 in beta and do a download, does that pull 1.3.1 or the most current verson? <-- should pull 1.3.1
<Shadow404> okies
<Shadow404> checking that, first launch of fresh install after beta select 1.3.1
<darsie> I'm building a relay for Mars:
<Shadow404> is that a high gain?
<darsie> yeah
<darsie> 8.77 Gm, 2° beam
<darsie> There are narrower beams, though.
<Shadow404> that should cover some distance
<Shadow404> but with enough accuracy should work
<darsie> Accuracy is automatic.
<darsie> You can select to point to the active vessle, a planet/moon etc.
<Shadow404> ah, cool
<Shadow404> weird, now ksp wont even launch after i downloaded 1.3.1 sits at the preparing to launch in steam
<Shadow404> maybe need a reboot to clear
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<darsie> I launch the x86_64 binary directly
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<Shadow404> that fixed it
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<Shadow404> where is this "Recommended mods: Please download all the mods that RO and RP-0 recommend (it's a tab on CKAN). That will get you the full experience" tab/
<Shadow404> ?
<darsie> Shadow404: The recommendations show when you press commit or so.
<darsie> or apply, which isn't the final confirmation.
<Shadow404> ah, ok
<darsie> gn
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<Althego> Pinky And The Brain Theme - Postmodern Jukebox (ft. Emily Goglia, Rob Paulsen, Maurice LaMarche)
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<Rolf> Althego: nice!
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<Eddi|zuHause> are those the original voice actors?
<Althego> yes
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<Mat2ch> yeeeeesssss
<Mat2ch> Althego: a masterpiece!
<Althego> dont tell taht to me
<Althego> i didnt make it
<Althego> i still have 4 genolution implants (ca-1 and ca-2) on sale in dodixie, go buy them
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<Althego> wasnt it von spitz?
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<Althego> hehe "followers of the church of elon"
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<packbart> so, the idea of building a large space station from just an Orbital Workshop docked to an asteroid and some starter resources basically works. It just takes huge amounts of ore
<packbart> I need to find a 3+ kiloton roid to make 100k MaterialKits
<packbart> which then turn into 230 tons of space station
<packbart> 130 tons are already in the kit. that feels weird
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* darsie built a Mars rocket, but now I have to figure out when to launch it, cause the fuel would evaporate if I waited in orbit.
<JVFoxy> Darsie don't have anything like radiator or chiller panels?
<darsie> hmm. no
<JVFoxy> just watched Scott's vid on the proposed moon mission... ouch, 60t craft if going to use a 'gateway' station there?
<darsie> my craft is 39 t.
<Althego> yes, too heavy
<Althego> at least the single stage version
<darsie> for a relay to Mars.
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<JVFoxy> darsie you could try out kerbal alarmclock..
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<darsie> I have that.
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<darsie> KCT uses it.
<JVFoxy> so.. high elliptical orbit would cut down on delta-v needed to get to the station, sure but... puts a bit cost on surface missions
<JVFoxy> ok
* darsie does a test launch.
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<JVFoxy> ok now I really wanna do those ksp videos been meaning to work on...
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<JVFoxy> although.. scott did RO, and now I'm wondering if its worth doing stock still or switching to RO and testing things out.
<darsie> I'd play stock before RO.
<darsie> Maybe a few mods.
<Althego> stock is not really realistic
<darsie> It's a game.
<Althego> sizes, delta v requirements, isps are completely different than reality
<JVFoxy> I know stock is a lot smaller, RO makes it a very different game simply because of the scale
<JVFoxy> its just.. I searched KSP videos on youtube, noticed quite a lot of them don't even have views. Makes me wonder sometimes if its worth it
<Althego> hehe mine dont have views either
<JVFoxy> I've a few already up, but set private...
<JVFoxy> huh... 3 and 4 years ago, to videos I did still private. And one, I streamed for an hour from a year ago...
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<Althego> "this time it aint gonna work, because richard kerman is unconscious, he hasnt moved for 82 years" :)
<Althego> normally that is what we call dead
<sandbox> he's dead, Jim
<Althego> (in a matt lowne video)
<JVFoxy> blep?
<JVFoxy> James.. not Jim
<JVFoxy> eh... well he's James... but anyways.
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<Eddi|zuHause> i've never understood this american habit of nicknames
<Eddi|zuHause> William -> Bill, James -> Jim... ?
<Eddi|zuHause> Richard -> Dick?
<Eddi|zuHause> what? why?
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<JVFoxy> jim, jimmy... jimmie... will, william, willy...
<JVFoxy> willie...
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: You wanna know how I got these scars?
<UmbralRaptop> Is there a booster trick?
<UmbralRaptop> (like the pencil trick)
<Scolar_Visari> Well, one day, some one said to me, "Hey, let's mine the Moon for helium-3".
<UmbralRaptop> Now you have two problems
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<Scolar_Visari> So they started sobbing when I told them that helium-3 fusion isn't really a thing, and I wanted to cheer them up. So I took took my knife like THIS and made a new smile and asked them: "Why. So. SERIOUS?"
* Scolar_Visari grumbles at the headlines, "NASA heading back to Moon soon, and this time to stay".
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<Scolar_Visari> That's not so much as counting one's chickens before they hatch but counting one's chickens before chordates come into being.
* UmbralRaptop shouts angrily in LRO, LCROSS, LADEE, and GRAIL
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: Well, the articles were referring to new manned missions. Mind you, the proposals for the missions' architectures are due next month.
<UmbralRaptop> Ah. Well, I guess we'll see with those.
<Scolar_Visari> Yeah, I can totally pull out a design reference architecture in a couple of months. It'll be written on the backs of napkins, of course.
<Scolar_Visari> "As you can see on slide number 2, our concept depends on propellant depots in Low Earth and Low Lunar Orbit. Keep in mind that this crayon drawing is merely a pre-visualization and the actual tanker will be to scale with the stick figure seen in the upper left hand corner after our exploratory budget is approved."
* Scolar_Visari severely doubts that the recent announcement will amount to anything.
<UmbralRaptop> Yay for space robots, at least
* Scolar_Visari warily eyes New Glenn and BFR/Starship
<Scolar_Visari> Also, I've worked on it and I think getting to Mars will require, like, six propellant tanker rendezvous for a Starship.
<Scolar_Visari> Why u no propellant depot!?
<UmbralRaptop> Something something lunar mining?
<Scolar_Visari> Lunar volatiles mining be more difficult than Mars volatiles mining.
<Scolar_Visari> At least that precious, precious water on Mars doesn't hide.
<UmbralRaptop> well, yes
<bees> nuclear thermal mars hopper pls:(
<darsie> What is the OBT parameter in the set orbit cheat menu? (There are 7 parameters instead of 6).
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<UmbralRaptop> uh, pic? (not at a machine that runs KSP)
<darsie> I could see what it does.
<UmbralRaptop> Yeah. I'm not sure =\
<darsie> ok
<darsie> Or I just ignore it. The others are what defines teh orbit, I think.
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