Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Fluburtur> delta 4
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<darsie> How do I turn the remotetech antenna activate/deactivate power threshold on?
<darsie> The antenna window says "Auto threshold: off".
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<jgkamat> omg have you guys seen danny's newest video
<jgkamat> apparently there's no limit on part move distance if you undo a removal
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<UmbralRaptop> yep. also, apparently kerbin was… reallocated
<Rolf> classic danny: "lets mess with this"
<darsie> Why is it off?
<Rolf> wow
<Rolf> danny done it.
<Rolf> he broke game so hard
<Rolf> good thing reality is better programmed. ;)
<UmbralRaptop> [citation needed]
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<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> i cant picture it if danny did same thing to earth
<UmbralRaptop> Low temperature physics is weird
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<Althego> hehe reds rhetoric. i am a plumber from florida, what do you not know about rockets :)
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<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
* darsie slaps Mod9000 around a bit with a large bit.
<darsie> How do I turn the remotetech antenna activate/deactivate power threshold on? The antenna window says "Auto threshold: off".
<darsie> Is it normal to be off? Am I missing a mod?
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<darsie> anyone playing remotetech?
<Althego> not me
<darsie> k
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<Fluburtur> I uploaded the video yesterday, why am I not youtube famous yet
<Althego> hehe
<Fluburtur> with ace combat 7 coming out and this plane being one of the most famous of the series it should get some attention
<Fluburtur> but well, give it time
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<Tadatala> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tadatala
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<Fluburtur> botphobia
* darsie bytes Mod9000.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> is this for the furry mask?
<Fluburtur> yes
<kubi> your neighbours will see lots of UFOs
<Althego> they must have already
<Althego> probably they know about the crazy kid :)
<Fluburtur> most of them probably do
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<Althego> lol
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<Althego> an os for foxes
<Fluburtur> manually soldering all those leds is a special kind of hell
<Althego> build a wave soldering machine :)
<Fluburtur> they are held on a plastic matrix
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<Althego> das blinkelgights :)
<Fluburtur> soldering 10 gave me a headache
<Fluburtur> so I cant imagine soldering like 200 for the fursuit
<Fluburtur> wait
<Fluburtur> since I now have many rgb leds
<Fluburtur> I could finally make myself a lightsaber
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<Fluburtur> I know peoples that cross the road without watching in all the wrong spots of a city
<Fluburtur> I wish I coukd run them over
<Fluburtur> bunch of morons
<Althego> i especially like the name. zombie lights
<packbart> I wonder how long they'll last. Lights in the pavement have a stressful and often short life
<packbart> Ooh, Scrollable PAW. nice. not running steam, I didn't see the latest news posts (and the usual outrage in the comments section... m)
<Althego> based on the post 1.7 is soon here
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: when will we get part 2? :D
<packbart> stupid old business model. free updates don't pay the rent, only new sales do ;(
<Fluburtur> patience
<Mat2ch> packbart: depends a bit on the light. Some models use fiber optics and the light itself is embedded securly in the ground
<packbart> I must have spent more on "premium" stuff levelling through free-to-play Fishing Planet than I paid for KSP in a sale on Steam
<Althego> make it free to play. a pirate jebediah skin for a mere 2 euros :)
<Althego> rainbow rocket exhaust 5 euros :)
<packbart> you won't believe what some of the fishing guys pay for a mere Nice Hat DLC ;)
<packbart> (ok, it's Massive Multiplayer Online Fishing, so everyone gets to see your shiny expensive hat :)
<Althego> lol
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<Althego> lol greater sapien to flat earthers: i have facts. what do you got?
<Althego> epic
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: 25 viwes already!
<Mat2ch> *views
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> nice
<Fluburtur> I should get single strand wire for that
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<bEagle> adwwa
<darsie> .
<bEagle> sorry, the network just says i'm banned on a channel and i can't figure out which one
bEagle is now known as Black_Eagle
<Black_Eagle> got it
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