Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<JVFoxy> 'if nasa had the us military budget' thread on imgur.... safe to repost here?
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<Althego> and finally the main dish of the morning, reds rhetoric vs flat earth jesus
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<darsie> hey
<darsie> Anyone playing remotetech?
<Althego> still not :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I should ask in the KSP forum.
<darsie> Do you think if I comment on the RT thread it will be noticed? It should bump it up, right?
<Althego> probably
<Althego> but i dont use forums
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* packbart ponders starting a new sandbox to play with the CommNetConstellation mod
<packbart> it segregates CommNet into multiple frequencies, so I'd need more antennas on relay sats
<packbart> but it makes the CommNet lines in map view flicker. that's quite annoying :)
<Althego> turn them off
<Althego> they get annoying after a while anyway
<darsie> packbart:
<darsie> Are you playing remotetech?
<packbart> I like them. I use the "CommNetVisualisation" to remove unused network lines
<kubi> RT & Scansat are the best
<packbart> no, no remotetech (yet) for me
<packbart> I didn't find a real use for Scansat, so I finally removed it
<darsie> How do I turn on antenna enable/disable power threshold?
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<Althego> whoever controls dune, controls the spice :)
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<packbart> darsie: If I interpret the code right, that field is always "Off" and not saved
<Althego> hehe,sounds useful
<packbart> hmm, I might be wrong though. not quite sure how the KSPField magic works
<darsie> Hmm. How do I activate it, then?
<Althego> probably nothing short of a debugger
<packbart> - GUI_DeReactivation_Status isn't mentioned elsewhere besides showing/hiding the GUI
<darsie> Well, it doesn't hibernate when power is low.
<packbart> oh, right, I grepped too short
* darsie is excited.
<Fluburtur> my title on the flite test forums is "cardboard boy" but I should probably change it to "foam boy" since I dont build much cardboard planes anymore
<packbart> so basically, "Auto threshold" isn't anything you could turn On/Off
<darsie> hmm
<packbart> the sliders below it should probably set the hibernation limits
<darsie> now I can't activate SAS.
<Althego> hehe, sliders
<Althego> anyone remembers that?
<darsie> yeah :)
<darsie> vaguely.
<darsie> Were they the ones cooling themselves to near death experiences?
<Althego> no, they were going to parallel earths
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<packbart> I seem to remember that
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<darsie> I found it on the third page of the autopilot :).
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<Fluburtur> Rokker I asked one of my friends to record a bit of video to put in one of mine
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<Fluburtur> im out of wood glue
<Althego> better to be out than in wood glue :)
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<Rokker> Fluburtur: what kinda visei
<Rokker> video*
<Fluburtur> part 2 of the falken build, talk about the glue and paper technique for covering airplanes
<Rokker> interesting
<Fluburtur> he did that a long time ago
<Fluburtur> and I figured having him in my video would give me some traction
<kubi> ehh
<kubi> I'd love to have a small workshop
<kubi> but living on the 5th floor on 65m2...
<kubi> I was watching making aerofoil videos, but can just dream about it
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<Fluburtur> I visited the locals and was given some glue
<Rokker> Fluburtur: dayton wen
<Fluburtur> idk
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<darsie> Vesta is an asteroid. Or is it?
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<Althego> nice hexagonal solar panel
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<darsie> Yeah. just 2 kg. Need to be careful where you point it, though.
<darsie> Level 4, highly efficietn.
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<darsie> The Klaw won't grab Vesta, cause it's not an asteroid. Mission failed (partially).
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it should be able to grab planets too. silly restriction
<Althego> once i wanted to hang stuff from a mun arch, and couldnt because the claw didnt grab it
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<Althego> scott
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<darsie> Is that a keyword meaning he published another video?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> it is a space what-if
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<packbart> after restarting KSP several times debugging a mod, the fix is just to remove two lines. less is more :)
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch 31 views
<Fluburtur> this is not going as fast as I would like
<Althego> spread it
<darsie> How do I find asteroids in RO/RSS/RP1?
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: give it time.
<Althego> let him have it
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<sandbox> space bees
<Althego> time ants
<RarestIowa> universe spiders
<Althego> ew
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<darsie> dimension worms
<Althego> it is getting worse
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