Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<packbart> why would you want to use Unity?
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I'm wondering, too
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<kubi> the same reason as for using java, corba, cobol etc
<kubi> it is a religion
<Althego> then it is not suitable for this channel :)
<darsie> I declared science to be my religion when it seemed possible to give me near immortality.
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't know at which stage of game development he is, but i have my doubt that it's the right moment to pick unity as the development engine
<Eddi|zuHause> ... if you pick an engine too early, all you're going to do for the next two years is complain about the shortcomings of that engine
<kubi> it is true for all coding
<kubi> without a conscious decision you will be in trouble
<kubi> but this is a learning curve
<kubi> you need to know or have fairly good assumptions about the use cases you have and might have in the future
<Althego> btw what are we talking about?
<kubi> idk
<Eddi|zuHause> i mean, it's perfectly valid to go "i want to learn unity, let's make a game in it", but you should be ready at any time to go "ok, unity is not the right tool, let's consider another one"
mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
<nate> Considering there have been some pretty fantastic games made in unity engine you guys sound like disgruntled devs that couldn't figure it out :P
<nate> I feel more so considering we're sitting in the KSP channel lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes ksp is in unity too
<Althego> and in the beginning it was a good choice
<Althego> not anymore
<nate> It's still okay so long as you don't go nuts on the modding
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<Fluburtur> I cant live with that
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: we neeeeeddd moar video!
<Mat2ch> also you need to redo that part ;P
<Fluburtur> im just gonna make it symetrical
<Fluburtur> im still waiting for confirmation from my guest in video 2, otherwise I already recorded everything for this one
<Mat2ch> Can't the guest appear in video 3?
<Fluburtur> nah
<Fluburtur> I want to have Peter Sripol explain the papaer and glue trick
<Fluburtur> and that is in video 2 because that is part 2 of the wings where I do that
<Althego> start making 2 in the meantime
<Althego> and upload them on the same day ehwn both are finished :9
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<kmath> YouTube - Does Mei's ICE BLASTER Work? OVERWATCH BUILD
<Althego> but... never blast a person from a fire extinguisher. can cause freeze injuries
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<Althego> lol
<JVFoxy> There is metal.. then there is heavy metal.... then there is just mental..
<umaxtu> speaking of metal... I stumbled across this the other day
<Althego> html in itself is not that complicated. with css and js it is :)
<umaxtu> true
<JVFoxy> lol... I know html can be hell if you don't use it often enough.. or even when you do and get into stupid habits
<umaxtu> they've also done one about driving a stick
<Althego> i tell you a worse hell. any wiki markup
<JVFoxy> oh ya... ran across HetalJesusRock... some gamer dude on youtube a while back
<JVFoxy> ... MetalJesusRock... -eyes coffee mug- ya.. guess I didn't drink enough yet
<umaxtu> hes neat. he has the only North American Retail N64DD known to exist
<JVFoxy> Huh... didn't realize they attempted trying to develop one that late in the game. I still remember pictures of the first attempt
<JVFoxy> I still remember when our school used CD caddies for PCs...
<JVFoxy> in other news.....
<JVFoxy> found myself last night digging through some of my old KSP creations...
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: How did you get Peter to visit you? :D
<Fluburtur> he will just record a bit of video I can put in my video
<Fluburtur> thats the plan at least
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<Althego> no plan survives contact with reality
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<Fluburtur> uh I get like a sub or two every time I upload a video
<Fluburtur> almost like doing something was productive
<Althego> hehe
<Fluburtur> but my guitar video is still the one getting the most views
<Fluburtur> uh
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<Althego> i didnt know such things existed
<kmath> YouTube - How Dangerous Can Ocean Waves Get? Wave Comparison
<Althego> do i hear a german accent? :)
<Fluburtur> it is even the good font
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i use it daily
<Rolf> SCP store is secrely Fountain SCP storage space.
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