Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Draconiator> And potentially a gigantic fuel savings to via direct insertion to Laythe.
<Draconiator> - Maaaade it to Laythe, but the tail wheel came off when I staged, oops
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<Eddi|zuHause> a mun encounter sounds like a good way to save fuel if used right
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<hoglahoo> its a marginal way to save fuel
<TensorRaptop> ^
<TensorRaptop> For a hohmann to Jool in particular, it's marginal
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<taniwha> at best, a Mun encounter can help a little with plane-change shenanigans
<taniwha> at worst, it makes setting up the Jool encounter from LKO much more fiddly
<taniwha> orbital mechanics is inherently chaotic, so every encounter along a trajectory increases the chaos
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<TransitBiker> hmm
<TransitBiker> i am going to have to design at least two tugs around te klaw
<TransitBiker> some of the crew compartments can be ejected, and they have the smaller docking port on one end, but no dicking port on the inboard end
<TransitBiker> docking* heh
<TransitBiker> oops
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<packbart> that's a strange video still
<darsie> How much of that rocket is fuel?
<Fluburtur> darsie the bottom part made of whute tube is the actual engine
<Fluburtur> rpcket weights 121g and about 70g of that is fuel
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<Guest25555> bu
<Guest25555> ))))
<Guest25555> <>...<>
<DeadRaptor> uh
<DeadRaptor> Use your words?
<Guest25555> o/
<Althego> lol
<Guest25555> I'm so sorry (((
<Gasher[work]> english,..., do you speak it?
<darsie> Did you kill Jeb?
<Gasher[work]> Fluburtur, my rockets fly lower lol
<Guest25555> I actually figured out but there are nuances
<Gasher[work]> nuances like in that joke?
<Guest25555> why accuracy is not a strange point but it is a fact
<Guest25555> I have assembled a Cruiser but have not built Lencorn yet it is difficult
<Gasher[work]> it's called battleship in english
<Gasher[work]> not linear ship
<DeadRaptor> … is lencorn a transliteration of a Russian term?
<Guest25555> not there you can design your own models. I found out about it in the middle of the game and was glad
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<Guest25555> I divided the classes of ships: frigate, cruiser, battleship more did not come to my head more information
<Gasher[work]> DeadRaptor, linkor actually "lineynyi korabl' " - "line <war>ship" aka ship of the line
<DeadRaptor> ah
<Gasher[work]> Guest25555, carrier also. Corvettes also
<Gasher[work]> missile/torpedo boats
<DeadRaptor> destroyer, also
<Gasher[work]> oh that yeah
<Guest25555> I never thought about it
<Guest25555> cool you inspired me to new models
<Gasher[work]> DeadRaptor, btw in russian it's 'esminetz' - squadron mine-carrier, mine in a sense of self-propelled mine, torpedo and 'squadron' in sense that it is a seagoing long-range ship in contrast to torpedo bat
<Gasher[work]> * boat
<Guest25555> okey ))))
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<DeadRaptor> hm
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<Fluburtur> well the rocket launch was a semi success
<Fluburtur> one went smoke on the pad and one farted off
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<Althego> hehe
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<Fluburtur> they blew the nozzles again so i guess presure was a bit too high
<Fluburtur> next ones will have a wider nozzle
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<Fluburtur> Deddly
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<Althego> wait, the isrealei lander has landed?
<Fluburtur> althego you missed the video
<Althego> at least it flew a little
<Althego> not just an engine test
<Fluburtur> also we made an ejection charge with powdered rocket candy
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<hoglahoo> lol that little hop
<Althego> not kerbal enough, no explosions
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<Fluburtur> have you heard the engine
<Fluburtur> it was an explosion powered solid rocket
<Althego> what, no landing video? even the chinese could give us a landing video
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<Althego> hehe that was nice
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: CoM is too far behind of CoL ;)
<Althego> wintergatan
<Althego> hehe dragon tears
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<Althego> hah, this is computer tomography in reverse
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<Althego> huge
<Althego> this one really needs some cleaning
<sandbox> Fluburtur
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> must have pressed space with something
<sandbox> cat?
<Althego> not that predicatble
<Althego> probably some object on the keyboard
<Fluburtur> that wasnt planned
<Fluburtur> I guess a roll of tape fell onto my spacebar
<Fluburtur> no cats in this room
<Fluburtur> just plenty of crap on ym desk
<Althego> and nobody is going to watch my links
<Fluburtur> I was about to say that the ejection charge test made the 3d printed nose of the rocket go soft
<Fluburtur> so it means it was probably over 80°c inside
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<Fluburtur> now what we are debating is wether the ejection charge should burn fast or slow
<Fluburtur> fast being under 0.1 second and slow being around 0
<Fluburtur> 0.5s
<Fluburtur> I think a slow burn with lots of gas is better, less strain on the rocket than a high presure wave
<Althego> if it burns fast probably it has no time to heat it up
<Althego> why do you need that? parachute?
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Althego> what ignites it?
<Fluburtur> no parachute on my rockets but my friend will want one eventualy
<Fluburtur> it is ignited by a delay fuse that is ignited by the end of the rocket burn
<Althego> ah, no electronics
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<Fluburtur> nah
<Fluburtur> mine will probably have a flight controller for active stabilisation and eventual parachute deployementy
<Althego> because then you could maybe use a spring and omse kind of latch
<Fluburtur> however, I might discard the rocket entirely and have the brain of the rocket land in a separate capsule because more realistic
<Fluburtur> pyrotechnics are more fun
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> sleep time
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<Fluburtur> you know about that bohemian rhapsody cover I wanted to do
<Fluburtur> my grandma has access to the local church and she knows peoples who sing there
<Fluburtur> imagine playing that in a chruch with a full chorus and organ
<Fluburtur> that would be spankin
<Fluburtur> my grandma likes that song I should tell her about that
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<Rolf> Fluburtur: yep didnt want to go down that rabbit hole lol
<Fluburtur> that solves the issue of grabbing peoples for the choir
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<Eddi|zuHause> Fluburtur: that sounds like a way better idea than grabbing random family members :p
<Eddi|zuHause> what's an "SCP universe"?
<Fluburtur> the SCP foundation
<Fluburtur> the collective horror writting thing
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