APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 | Dragon V2 Maiden Flight on Saturday https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/28/spacexs-crew-dragon-rolls-out-for-test-flight/
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<Eddi|zuHause> i never actually played RCT
<Eddi|zuHause> also, i got parklife expansion for C:S, and haven't even started it since then
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<darsie> still feeble gravity.
<darsie> Phobos*
<UmbralRaptor> Slightly different moon
<darsie> yeah. I was on Deimos before.
<darsie> That crater in the big crater has some odd slope.
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<JVFoxy> I know there are transfer windows from kerbin to duna... you just fast fowards to it, or launch anyways, just sit around till you can get near?
<UmbralRaptor> I'd fastforward before launching -- higher timewarps are available
<Fluburtur> I need to get good at stellaris one day
<JVFoxy> I was debating going sandbox, figuring out when the first launch window was, see about designing an orbit only vehicle to visit out there as my first time
<darsie> I used to check for transfer window in orbit and FF in the tracking station.
<darsie> Final few days I use the next orbit buttons of maneuver.
<JVFoxy> I know there is a way to do it viewing from map, and angles between planets but... guess I like to know more precisely, and how long till the window comes up
<darsie> In RSS I looked up windows at http://sdg.aero.upm.es/index.php/online-apps/porkchop-plot .
<JVFoxy> oh right.. RO..
<darsie> Didn't match exactly, but worked.
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<Fluburtur> "Made in Paris between 1948 and 1958" yeah so my microphone is really old
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<taniwha> angles works just as well in RO
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<KerbalChucker> Anyone alive? :D
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<Supercheese> Aye
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<kmath> YouTube - Scientist Suggests 'Oumuamua May Be A Lot More Incredible Than a Solar Sail
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<Althego> what have we done?! an artificial flat earther https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV-92Bq96Co
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<taniwha> I'm not going to worry until one of those does a flying kick
<Althego> damn these npcs, they mine the belts faster than all the players combined
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<taniwha> interesting idea for oumuamua
<taniwha> very plausible, but a great way for aliens to disguise a probe ;)
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> Uh, I have to set an alarm for tomorrow so I get up for the launch!
<Gasher[work]> well tomorrow's saturday so if i don't set up my alarm i'd get up just in time for lunch :)
<Mat2ch> I can't sleep long anymore :(
<Mat2ch> I wanted to get a good long sleep tonight, but woke up at 5:30 :/
<Althego> hehe i dont, just in time for me
<Althego> probably eating breakfast
<Mat2ch> Uh and Model 3 for 35k USD
<Mat2ch> Which means that today in all German car companies the management will think about resigning
<Mat2ch> or are running around like headless chicken
<Mat2ch> or still think that they can catch up and don't want to see the reality
<Althego> have to face it, internal combustion engine cars started to die when tesla appeared
<Mat2ch> I talked to the chief designer for the i3 once
<Mat2ch> I wanted to cry, because he ignored the reality
<Mat2ch> even when told, he defended it
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<Althego> in a few years batteries can be good enough to have the same range
<Althego> now couple better torque,easier maintenance, less polution
<Mat2ch> They will have the same range, soon
<Mat2ch> just wait what Tesla and Maxwell will do together
<Mat2ch> I bet we'll see 150 kWh accu packs soon
<Althego> if the coveted solid state batteries make it to market, end of fuel era
<Althego> ok, lot of fuel is burnt by airplanes, no replacement there except for small craft
<Mat2ch> well, most of the flights are short distance hops
<Mat2ch> we only would need fuel for long distance flights
<Mat2ch> with a bit of intelligent controlling we could reduce this very much
<Mat2ch> yes you would maybe have to change planes or the plane would do more stops, but it'd be much much cheaper
<Mat2ch> also cargo ships have a huge impact. This will be harder.
<Althego> and they burn the worst fuel too
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> maybe they can be run on bio gas
<Mat2ch> or even hydrogen
<Althego> technically we could go back to sailing, just with computer controlled vertical wings
<Mat2ch> but it's easier to create methane from hydrogen and CO2
<Mat2ch> Althego: have you seen those? http://inflatedwingsails.com/
<Althego> nice
<Mat2ch> No sheet to control them
<Mat2ch> they're pushing you forward and put themselfs always in the right position
<kubi> nice
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<kubi> however on sea salt will build up and starts to scratch the material
<kubi> but I'm waiting for the real first world problems when people start to complain that ryanair did not let my sails in to the cabin (and I was cheap to pay for a suitcase)
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> Sounds like a real scandal. :D
<kubi> there were some nice, column shaped sails
<kubi> would be interesting to combine
<Mat2ch> column shaped? Do you have a picture?
<Mat2ch> And why didn't you just mail them?
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<Deddly> New episode https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166447-the-moderation-nation-space-program/&do=findComment&comment=3549477
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> what have we done?! an artificial flat earther https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV-92Bq96Co <-- well, that's also the case for the "real world". for most people, it makes no difference whether the earth is flat or curved.
<Deddly> I really, really don't want to click on that
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<Eddi|zuHause> Deddly: this is what "framing" does to your brain
<Eddi|zuHause> you would approach that link very differently if it said "this robod can go up stairs"
<Eddi|zuHause> *robot
<Deddly> Absolutely.
<Althego> i waould have watched anyway
<Althego> i was always very interested in legged robotsd
<Deddly> But stairs are a myth. Everyone knows stairs are unnecessary on a 2D earth
<Althego> hehe
<Eddi|zuHause> 2D lifeforms can't have both a mouth and an ass at the same time
<Althego> thing is even the most advanced robots today just mimic our movements, they waste a lot of energy. normally as animals walk or run they store energy and recover it, thus moving more efficiently
<Althego> one mining crystal is off by 20%... not good
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: human walking isn't optimized for energy saving, but for endurance
<Althego> for long distance
<Althego> funny enough in long distance walking you can beat a horse easily
<darsie> Althego: I doubt that.
<Althego> the horse has higher maximum speed
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, horse-based systems like the persian mail network relied on exchanging the horses at regular intervals
<Althego> but a human can keep 5 km/h all day
<darsie> Horses sweat, so you can't persistance hunt them, IMHO.
<Eddi|zuHause> well, maybe horse is an extreme example
<Eddi|zuHause> especially now that we have bread them for centuries, but for most other animals, that is probably true
<Eddi|zuHause> well, land-based vertebrates
<Althego> how awesome would it be to ride feathered dinosaurs :)
<Althego> oh wait, that already exists, ostrich riding
<darsie> We extincted those giant birds.
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i heard somewhere that all modern birds evolved from like 3 species of dinosaurs that managed to survive the extinction
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<Althego> bacon better
<Althego> tranquility offline. patience, my plagioclase and veldspar will be there soon :)
<Althego> hah 5 minutes of downtime. when i was young it used to be almost an hour
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<Althego> "scientists got bored of watching the earth spin, so after 24 hours they call edit a day" (we dont forget red5)
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<Gasher[work]> red5
<UmbralRaptor> We have reinforced the g in gif with bulk carbon nanotubes
<Althego> hehe
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<mabus> what happened to red5
<Fluburtur> legend says he will come back one day
<Fluburtur> he already blessed us with his presence once in the past year
<Deddly> Every now and then he still makes posts on the forum
<UmbralRaptor> apparently his job is taking up too much time
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<Fluburtur> Judge_Dedd https://youtu.be/qKcY0NXqGgI
<Judge_Dedd> Not able to watch videos right now, sorry
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<Althego> hah new gtoger video
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<Guest33782> any idea wher to get the older versions of KSP.. The Steam "Beta"links are not working anymore.
<UmbralRaptor> Generally, they get phased out after a while, so you want to copy old versions outside of your steam folder
<Guest33782> UUUggghhh... I missed the 1.4.5 version
<Guest33782> anyone with a file link
<Guest33782> I have 1.3.1.. Was playing R.O. I wanted to see improvements with 1.4.5
<Guest33782> I have been playing the 1.6.1 DLC... but it is not very good when compared to R.O
<Althego> it is not intended to be realistic
<Althego> just historic style
<Guest33782> So I am frustrated by the fact that R.O is only up to 1.4.5.. and I have only 1.3.1 in my older versions.. I am looking for 1.4.5 but steam no longer offers the older versions as "betas"
<Guest33782> anyone have a BETA key for steam older versions.. I have opened a steam support request.. but htey take days to respond
<Eddi|zuHause> looks like space engineers isn't going to run under wine :/
<Guest33782> what do you mean?
<Eddi|zuHause> which part is confusing?
<Guest33782> ?wine?
<Eddi|zuHause> WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator
<Eddi|zuHause> you can use it to run windows programs under linux
<Guest33782> ahh,....
<Eddi|zuHause> (well, theoretically you can also use it to run windows programs on windows :p)
<Guest33782> I was just asking for a link to KSP version 1.4.5
<Eddi|zuHause> (like, if compatibility mode wasn't working)
<Guest33782> Steam used to have them all under the "betas" link.. now that is closed
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, i saw that, and i wasn't replying to you.
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<Guest33782> My last older version is 1.3.1
<Guest33782> I am about to get rid of Steam over stuff like this
<Eddi|zuHause> hm, i have 1.4.5 in my betas selection
<Guest33782> I click on it and it requests a beta code
<Eddi|zuHause> are you sure? usually the beta code is for things that don't show up in the list...
<Guest33782> I clicked it and then went ot download.. lets see what it downloads
<Eddi|zuHause> when you select it, it should automatically download
<Guest33782> almost done
<Guest33782> Ahhhh... I would not download from that page.. but it did download 1.4.5 when the box is chosen and I downloaded form the main page
<JVFoxy> did a sandbox test mission to Duna... there a known issue with using NERV engines and the delta-v nodes thing?
<Guest33782> So.. Problem solved.. I now have 1.4.5
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: i had loads of issues with deltav display
<Guest33782> they just changed the way the betas page worked
<Guest33782> Thanks Eddie
<Eddi|zuHause> Guest33782: dunno what page you're looking at. for me it all worked as it always did
<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause ok granted I had a little lander docked, with its engine and fuel tank disabled.. but any time I did a delta-v change, it would get stuck at 24 minutes thrust time and whole bar was red
<Guest33782> right click on game from library... choose properties.. then betas..
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: yeah, i think it gets confused with the Ox requirement
<Eddi|zuHause> but i'm not sure about that
<JVFoxy> do a tiny change, nope, wants to say you need 24 minutes burn, and nope, not enough fuel. ugh
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: i still have KER open because of that
<JVFoxy> ya.. I was wondering about that.. I had something like 30k fuel onboard.. went through about half reaching duna, then sling shotting around into Ike orbit
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: because with NERV you don't have any Ox with you, it thinks the whole stage has 0 dv
<Eddi|zuHause> that's how i imagine it goes wrong. could be totally different reason
<JVFoxy> I did have Ox on two tanks but it was mostly for lander fuel. Probably could have brought along 10th of it... those tanks are kind of giant compared to the little lander's tank
<JVFoxy> surprising how sensitive it was getting a proper sling shot around Duna.. lol, used aft RCS thrusters on the docked lander to do minute changes
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<JVFoxy> Eddi|ZuHause KER.. kerbal engineer Redux right? WAsn't there some other engineer type mods too? Jeb-whatsitcalled or is that now defunct?
<Eddi|zuHause> MechJeb
<Eddi|zuHause> never used that
<Eddi|zuHause> no clue how it works
<Eddi|zuHause> i suppose it's for people that go "well, i made this maneuver 100 times already, just make it on autopilot for me"
<JVFoxy> lol
<hoglahoo> same
<hoglahoo> I'm weird, I still want to make the maneuver myself the 101st time though
<JVFoxy> I'd probably do well with Kerbal Alarm clock... more than maneuver stuff
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<JVFoxy> anyone seen this vid: Neil Armstrong's interview from 2011?
<packbart> I fiddle with the nodes myself but let MechJeb do the driving ;) unless it gets it wrong, which it sometimes does
<JVFoxy> ok maybe Mechjeb isn't what I thought it was... you make nodes, it does the piloting for you?
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<Eddi|zuHause> it can also make the nodes for you, if i understand correctly
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<Eddi|zuHause> as in you click a button "i'm in low kerbin orbit, put me into low mun orbit"
<Eddi|zuHause> and it goes there
<Althego> oh i have seen that
<Althego> wait a sec
<JVFoxy> lol... ah but does it put you in orbit or free-return orbit?
<packbart> lots of useful buttons indeed. I use the "zero velocity" button on docking
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<packbart> hmm. I'm at Kerbin's north pole but KER displays the biome as Southern Ice Shelf. I didn't bring a scanner :/
<Mat2ch> Fly one over!
<Fluburtur> a tank shot me in the air in ace combat 7
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<Althego> dont forget, spacex in half a day
<Mat2ch> Ohhhh yeah
<Althego> wait, scott the movie reviewer? he doesnt do that normally
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Does it count as a launch failure if the payload makes it to its orbit albeit as debris?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> how do you come up with these greeting sentences?
<Scolar_Visari> Simple: I find a version of myself in an alternate universe who came up with one, murder them, and then use that.
<Scolar_Visari> Luckily, the Multiverse Authority hasn't caught up with this . . . Yet.
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<Scolar_Visari> Well that was weird.
<Althego> the multiverse strikes back
<Scolar_Visari> Anyway, having started to re-watch Babylon 5, I have concluded that the Narn Regime did nothing wrong!
<Althego> orbies... but will it blend? and even mentioned not to breath it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2IxUW1iQIo
* Scolar_Visari ponders if the Crew Dragon will have issues.
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<darsie> probably some minor issues, I guess.
* darsie ponders a Vesta+Ceres flyby.
<hoglahoo> oo
<hoglahoo> i've never visited either
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<Althego> lol the rocket saw. absolutely idiotic and funny
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<Eddi|zuHause> nobody ever visits Dres, so why would that be any diffrent with Ceres? :p
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<UmbralRaptop> Well, for one thing, Ceres actually exists…
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<darsie> I visited Dres.
<darsie> If you slap me now, I'll report that to UmbralRaptop ;).
<darsie> Because, why not?
* hoglahoo slaps darsie around a bit with a large trout
<darsie> smack*
<darsie> s/ UmbralRaptop/ Judge_Dedd
* UmbralRaptop receives a report of one (1) 🐟💢
<darsie> Ahh, it was you, hoglahoo.
<hoglahoo> too late
* hoglahoo absconds scot-free once again
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, so we know hoglahoo isn't in California…
<Judge_Dedd> Hmm?
<UmbralRaptop> scot(t manley)-free
<hoglahoo> we descend once again
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