Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Neal> ;choose fire up john the ripper | generate new ssl certificate
<Neal> kmath where have you goon
<Althego> generate!
<Neal> it's from an openvpn setup that was very long and annoying to go through
<Neal> seriously that thing took forever
<Neal> I don't even remember creating my passphrase but I think its under 12chars
<Neal> ascii
<Neal> can't take that long to crack
<Neal> idk if I should use hashcat or jtr though
<Neal> oof thats still a lot of bits of entropy
<nate> unless it's under 8 or pretty basic characters, probably gonna take a while
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<Rolf> yeah lol wonder how long that bug lasted
<Rolf> he have done very strange stuff, but tht video is just tops it
<Mat2ch> The whole physics calculation in KSP seems sometimes like a very dirty hack ;)
<Rolf> isnt ther quote where ksp got physics by bashing someone in alleyway and grab it and run?
<Rolf> or was it quote from somewhere else
<Gasher[work]> sounds more like ArmA physics really
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<Gasher[work]> i'd say you just can't make 'physics' in a game, it will be approximation which sometimes comes over its own boundary of application
<Gasher[work]> and looks fun as hell in this case
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<Rolf> if we managed true physics in sim we'd be able to make actual universe.
<darsie> actual universe is infinite :p
<Rolf> doubtful.
<darsie> And nobody says a universe has to use our physics. Any physics work.
<Rolf> depends on what universe extents is. did it appear in space already existing, or did it make space time as it grew?
<Rolf> latter its definite not infinite.
<darsie> The idea is that the universe expanded from an infinite singularity.
<Mat2ch> But what about the Planck length/time? Doesn't that make the universe somehow finite?
<darsie> dunno
<Rolf> matter and energy is definitely limited, but spacetime itself well dunno
<Rolf> same time we have echoes from big bang utself isnt it impile that it somehow bounced off ends of universe?
<darsie> Please provide arguments/sources that matter/energy is finite.
<darsie> "definitely finite".
<Rolf> assuming it starts at infinite
<Rolf> then part of it is infinite
<Rolf> each point of space would have infinite energy/mass
<Althego> actually holding shift allows you to override offset limitation
<Althego> this is a way to build stock props
<Althego> lol the planet
<darsie> Rolf: A finite density can collapse into an infinite density singularity, so the reverse might happen, too. I'm no phycicist, so I can't tell you how an infinite singularity can expand to finite density, though.
<darsie> Big bang is a big mystery.
<Althego> nobody knows
<Rolf> Althego: yep he did very very bad things to planet
<Althego> as always
<Althego> but this is new
<Rolf> dunno I remember his planetkiller system
<Althego> with the 2 claw and the kerbak
<Rolf> killed all planets and moons but jool and ker
<Althego> but even that didnt make surface like this
<Rolf> yeah it just wiped world
<Rolf> turned it into "glossy glass planet"\
<Rolf> but man
<Rolf> he broke all ksp records
<Rolf> on speed that is
<Rolf> .33 second to cross entire galaxy and days for universe
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<Althego> interesting scott
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<Althego> fat rocket? almost as revolutionary as the fart powered jet boots in beyond good and evil
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* packbart believes that the universe is a vapour bubble in a huge blob of universal goo
<Althego> mystery goo :)
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<Mat2ch> And I watched, as the work piece slowly crawled up the drill, wondering what to do. I stood next to the emergency stop, but it didn't help me. It all went fast, but felt like the world was in slow motion. The drill snapped and seconds later I realized that I had to stop it. And so I stopped it. But it was too late. The drill had already broken in half.
<Mat2ch> And waht do we learn from this? Attach the freaking work piece properly.
<Mat2ch> *what
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch have you seen the progress
<Eddi|zuHause> it's a UFO?
<Fluburtur> only a fictionnal advanced superfighter
<Althego> wong
<Althego> wing
<Althego> nacelles and nose missing
<Eddi|zuHause> something weird happened
<Eddi|zuHause> i didn't write "an UFO" like i used to
<Eddi|zuHause> (different pronunciation /u:/ vs /ju:/
<Eddi|zuHause> )
<Althego> because english people say it wrong :)
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<Eddi|zuHause> but apparently i picked up the wrongness
<Althego> annoying when it is possible to say it yet they spell it
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<UmbralRaptop> Apparently you're supposed to call NACA "The enn aye sea aye" instead of "nah ka"
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: now I have :)
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