Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
FLHerne has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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<jeans> Hey I won
<lordcirth_> jeans, won?
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<UmbralRaptop> grats?
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<jeans> Wrong channel
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<Althego> what, the elctron flew? i didnt expect it to do anything
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<Eddi|zuHause> when did electrons ever do anything for us?
<Althego> since times immemorial
<Althego> all of chemistry, so life too, is run by electron
<Althego> s
<Eddi|zuHause> now you're spreading conspiracies
<Althego> it is all the electron's fault
<packbart> Flat Electron?
<Eddi|zuHause> more like illuminati?
<Eddi|zuHause> secret society that runs every aspect of your life?
<Althego> yes they cause illumination too :)
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<bees> black hole Electron?
<packbart> isn't it awfully bright inside a black hole?
<packbart> ok, the Internet has the best answer: Nobody knows. Probably. Maybe. Depends on the definition of "light"
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<Eddi|zuHause> i'd maybe start with the definition of "inside"
<Althego> volume enclosed by the event horizon?
<Eddi|zuHause> like, just because you passed the schwarzschild-radius doesn't mean you've stopped falling down...
<Althego> you may not even notice
<Althego> maybe a bright flash of all the light going around at the edge
<Fluburtur> well I would guess if you look exactly away from the center of the black hole it would get progressively brighter the further in you are
<Fluburtur> becaues light will fall exactly downward more or less so any direction other than up will be dark pas a certain point
<Fluburtur> however it will depend on the mass of the black hole, a massive one you could probably see outside quite well for a while
<Althego> how is the plane doing?
<Fluburtur> I have been lazy today
<Althego> hehe, this reminds me of something. plane is not doing. a... is doing
<Fluburtur> building the side cheeks is so complicated im tired before even doing it
<Fluburtur> and yes, only one try god to do everything
<Althego> wjat do you think about the end of daylight saving in 2021?
<Fluburtur> less confusing
<Althego> or more, because countries can choose which one they keep
<Althego> i hope we dont end up with striped timezones
<packbart> lots of embedded computers will need calendar software updates
<Althego> hehe
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<packbart> darsie: I just installed RSS and Asteroids pop right up in the tracking station from the beginning. You must have a fudged Kopernicus config ;)
<darsie> htx
<packbart> (I started a sandbox. You'd need a level 3 tracking station, AFAIK)
<darsie> I have that.
<darsie> starting ksp ...
<darsie> I also have RO and RP1
<packbart> I don't. Besides the Squad dir, there's just KSCSwitcher, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll, RSS-Textures, RSSDateTime, RealSolarSystem
<packbart> (KSP 1.6.1)
<darsie> 1.3.1 here
<packbart> from 95 applied MM patches to 7678. RO and RP patch a lot of things.
<darsie> I have Kopernicus installed. Dunno how to configure it.
<darsie> Are you sure it's for asteroids?
<packbart> darsie: same with RP/RO. a couple of unknown object appear right from the start. GameData:
<packbart> darsie: yes, at least the latest RSS uses Kopernicus for Asteroids
<darsie> I have Vesta and Ceres, but they don't count for asteroid contracts.
<packbart> they're "bodies" in Kopernicus
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<packbart> and both NEO and asteroid belt objects appear as expected
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<darsie> I see nothing unusual in /home/bernhard/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/KSP-RSS/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Asteroids/Asteroids.cfg
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur:
* darsie tries sandbox.3
<darsie> -3
<Fluburtur> ooo nice
<Mat2ch> saaaanding all night long...
<Mat2ch> well, afternoon :D
<Mat2ch> Needs more sanding though
<darsie> No asteroids in sandbox.
<darsie> Ohh, retired astronauts are unrecoverable.
<packbart> maybe 1.3 is too old? RSS claims to support version 1.4.5
<darsie> IIRC the highest KSP version for RSS/RO/RP1 is 1.3.1.
<packbart> well, works for me on 1.6.1
<darsie> rp1 is stuck at 1.3.1
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<packbart> oh. right. I downloaded RP-0
<packbart> what's RP1?
<darsie> realistic progression, the tech tree (and other stuff I was told).
<packbart> ah, ok. RP-0 is RP1, it seems. "Realistic Progression Zero/One"
<darsie> They put the version number in the name.
<packbart> I started a sandbox, so I didn't test the career.
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. was just thinking about that myself recently..
<packbart> well anyway, I'll start a RSS sandbox mission in 1.6.1. let's see
<JVFoxy> I got pondering what mods to get, that would make the game look nicer, but not mess with the gameplay too much.
<JVFoxy> first thing came to mind was clouds...
<JVFoxy> speaking of RP-0/1, there a map of teh techtree they use?
<packbart> so many different parts
<packbart> JVFoxy: I removed the shiny mods, too much lag. I'll probably need a better GPU first
<packbart> I should buy a new Dell Precision laptop. They usually have good graphics
<JVFoxy> eh.. didn't mind shiny... I guess they could have added option for shiny or not in-game
<packbart> if a mod does the job, it doesn't have to be in stock ;)
<JVFoxy> I was thinking if the stock parts with shiny on them is causing problems for some people...
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<packbart> hmm. I think RSS is too complex to me ;) so I need to distinguish between pressure-fed and pump-fed enginges? and there was something about igniter resources, if I remember?
<darsie> I don't think that's in RSS.
<packbart> that's probably the RO part
<darsie> Yes, you need pressurised tanks for non pump fed engines.
<packbart> adds all kinds of different engines
<darsie> Most real engines have limited ignitions.
<darsie> You also get ullage.
<packbart> I know. I was just missing how to build a rocket in RSS/RO. It's not as easy as control pod, fuel tank, engine, launch ;)
<darsie> If you fuel happens to float away from the pump and you get gas in the fuel lines, the pumps fail.
<JVFoxy> pressure and pump engines and igniters I think was from real fuels mod
<JVFoxy> if fuel is liquid, ya it'll float around, till you get gravity to push it back down. If fuel is just a gas, not such a big deal..
<darsie> Gaseous fuels are untypical in rocketry.
<JVFoxy> small thrusters
<JVFoxy> or cold gas RCS
<darsie> yeah, nitrogen, helium.
<darsie> They can cure ullage.
<JVFoxy> I was reading up on the ol' MMU and the development that followed in the SAFER project
<packbart> "Object reference not set to an instance of an object FXModuleAnimateThrottle.FixedUpdate ()" - well, I guess some part of it doesn't like to run in 1.6.1
<JVFoxy> the MMU thing because I was wondering what those black flex things going up to the suit's helmet face plate was about
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<kmath> <✔ColU_Official> It definitely went pretty high, by the looks of this. ⏎ ⏎ #ColU
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