Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<UmbralRaptop> oh, right. pi day.
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<Mat2ch> Ewww. Who really wants to be a Microsoft product? *shivers*
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> launch weight: 800t - payload to Minmus: 90t
<Fluburtur> yeah sounds about right
<packbart> and yet it will probably just barely have enough fuel for low orbit insertion. another probe takes over the load and lands it
<Mat2ch> .oO( I really should finish the design of my Jool mission... it's just so huge :/ )
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch I will probably have to use the ancient technique of the poor man fiberglass onto my special project
<Mat2ch> Without a suit and a dust mask? ;)
<Althego> while bathing in asbestos?
<Fluburtur> wont be needed
<Fluburtur> plus I have my old soviet gas mask if needed
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<Althego> cut them, and fry them
<Gasher_> it's cutting, not cutting off
<Rolf> Gasher_: interesting item!
<Gasher_> it's quite practical
<Gasher_> one more thing that i found
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<Rolf> what heck is that
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<Gasher_> geometric chuck :)
<Gasher_> when you want circular patterns cut on a surface without any templates
<Fluburtur> those are not supposed to run on 5v but they work on 5v
<Rolf> weird. ok
<Rolf> was 5v too high or low?
<Fluburtur> too high
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<Rolf> it probably was burning out
<Fluburtur> those are made to blink
<Rolf> i tried one led on 9v lol it was so bright till it changed colors and burnt out
<Fluburtur> this is a rgb led with an integrated driver chip tomake it blink different colors
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<packbart> "I think Matt Lowne would launch a giant SSTO powered only by Thuds, put the entire station inside a cargo bay, and fly it to Eeloo and back for good measure."
<packbart> Is Matt Lowne the Chuck Norris of KSP?
* packbart should watch more Youtube
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no, actually there is one better
<Althego> or rather at least one
<Fluburtur> there is still scott
<Althego> yes, but
<Fluburtur> bunch of kerbal chuck norris memes about him
<Althego> i have to find the guy
<packbart> Yeah, I heard about Scott Manley. There's even a mod that replaces the Mun with his face (or something similar)
<packbart> or was that about Matt Lowne? I should check
<Althego> there was an other one, but it turned out he was sometimes cheating
<Althego> still cool videos though
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<Althego> ah yes, hazard-ish
<packbart> I watched the Purple Space Program by someone. that was interesting, KSC based on Eve
<Althego> ah yes another crazy one
<JVFoxy> uff... some of the things people do in that game.. guess I'm still stuck in the more 'practical' side of things...
<packbart> some interesting constructions, though. Massive Mammoth Clusters
<Althego> i never had patience to design several gravity assist long time routes
<Althego> mammoth clusters are a given :)
<Althego> eventually the biggest tanks and engines are too small for the scale people build
<Althego> even i always felt they are too small
<packbart> I see that :)
<Althego> ok, now we have one biger diameter available
<Althego> or is that the expansion?
<packbart> 5m is in Making History
<packbart> my ships are getting smaller. at first, I sent a small probecore on massive boosters to every planet, so I could look at the artwork ;)
<JVFoxy> sometimes I think big giant crafts are a little over done... maybe something small, medium sized with a lot of practicality? I've done a few cool things, though maybe on a smaller scale.
<Althego> not in case all joolian moons or eve (with surface return)
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<JVFoxy> I would love to get something out to Jool, along with a fuel production plant/station thing.
<Althego> dont miss the intersting spots :)
<Althego> i still have to visit one, but being on tylo it is the hardest
<JVFoxy> I've gotten to Duna once in sandbox... with a hastily thrown together 3 crew ship. Seeing if I could get back, ya... didn't wait long enough. Was more a thought experiment.
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<JVFoxy> I keep wondering about doing ksp videos... I've a few ideas.. one of them looking back at things I created in past versions that I ended up liking and kind of miss.
<JVFoxy> ... or even forgotten about. :\
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<Althego> have to remember, soyuz launch in 3.5 hours
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<Althego> i think i missed a few episodes
<Althego> this wire measurment is interesting
<Althego> i would have just disassembled it :)
<JVFoxy> the case was glued on all around.. they worried if they pulled it off, it would break something else.
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<Althego> hehe, they took a module from a museum piece
<Althego> and maybe it even works
<Althego> so they can replace theirs with it
<Althego> the museus shouldj ust let them use the working one
<Althego> because they use it only for display
<Althego> for that they could donate the not working one
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<JVFoxy> would still have to test to see if its working condition
<Althego> they tested it
<JVFoxy> don't think they tested the whole thing, just the pins they were interested in
<JVFoxy> I guess building a new one sorta out of the question?
<JVFoxy> also 'uff'... *goes to desktop, tells PC to load KSP. Tries to go back to browser, desktop doesn't respond for 5 seconds. KSP splash screen shows. Goes to click secondary monitor desktop, KSP goes into background. Goes to click browser, browser pops up, but only for a few seconds as KSP jumps back up front. Click secondary again, then back to brows
<JVFoxy> er when it shows* I guess I ask too much of things?
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<Rokker> Althego: museum
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i forgot
<Althego> i think we should have a silent handsign or symbol for it :)
<JVFoxy> ... archives
<Rokker> Althego: I've been working at the museum for almost a month
<Rokker> I'm loving it
<Fluburtur> Rokker I test flew the new mystere
<Althego> that is a different franchise :)
<JVFoxy> ok so ... what is the deal with that certain word is said, people freak out?
<Fluburtur> museum is the secret call for rokker
<Rokker> JVFoxy: museum
<UmbralRaptop> Stalk words are fun
<JVFoxy> oh.. just.. had me thinking it was a bad word here or something
<Rokker> I like museums, I practically live in one
<JVFoxy> ah..
<Rokker> so I have it as a ping work to participate in all museum based discussions
<JVFoxy> I did volunteer time at a flight one.. just a little one near where I live. Nearest thing we had to a rocket was a maverick missile
<JVFoxy> ooops my bad... Hughes Aim-4 Falcon missile...
<Rokker> we have... like 8 large missiles
<Fluburtur> those are called rockets
<Rokker> well 6 large missiles, 2 orbital rockets
<Rokker> no
<Rokker> they are called ICBMs
<JVFoxy> most of what we have there is stuff from WWI and II Canadian related
<Rokker> we have.... I think its 2 canadian planes
<Rokker> one is a licensed hurricane
<Rokker> the other is a CF-100 Canuck
<JVFoxy> the regional airport further out from the museum, that gets a lot of commercial flights, has a CF-101 Voodoo on a stand just at the entrance.
<JVFoxy> oh right.. they have a CF-100 too, forgot. There are some still flying craft took, T-6, Staggerwing (sponsored), Tigermoth.. Grummun tracker converted to water bomber by Conair, sits outside, retired, engines still run, don't they'll fly it again.
<Rokker> JVFoxy: I mean I'm lucky enough to have the National Museum of the USAF so I'm a bit spoiled
<Althego> what have i done
<JVFoxy> F-104, I laugh when they say people have cut themselves on the wing edges... more like dull edges, not quite knife sharp
<JVFoxy> think its a Cf-104.. its in green camo
<JVFoxy> ya, I'm a little sad the Beech 18/C-45 is static now.. it was a skydiver plane for a bit before it was retired to the outdoor showroom
<Rokker> JVFoxy: I literally cut myself on the HStab of the YF-23
<Rokker> smacked into it too hard while trying to get a good pick of the XB-70
<JVFoxy> who needs sharp.. I gashed myself pretty good on a re-bar pole sticking out of the ground as a kid.. was running along and next thing I know, on the ground bleeding from the side. old metal sitting in the woods, someone must have pulled up
<packbart> jet wings at museums are dangerous things, especially in the dark ;)
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<Althego> 1.5 hours until launch
<Althego> 22 minutes 30 seconds until coverage start
<JVFoxy> pointed noses can be just as bad..
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<Althego> scott
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<Fluburtur> is there a stream yet?
<Althego> yes
<Fluburtur> 1h
<Fluburtur> I should have time to eat
<Fluburtur> time to watch some old wintergatan videos until then
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<transitbiker> Kerbal Space Program live! Tune in here:
<Althego> sorry, watching soyuz launch now
<Althego> or watch it while you stream :)
<Althego> launch in less than 20m inutes
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<UmbralRaptop> Roscosmos Space Program
<Althego> hehe
<Gasher> space pogrom
<Althego> spice program :)
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<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Althego> ugh olympics :)
<Althego> 6 minutes
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<Althego> 1 minute
<UmbralRaptop> nominal nominal nominal
<Althego> we dont want to hear failure like that time
<Althego> hehe that ok sign
<UmbralRaptop> Yay, m/s and km
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<Gasher> ze end
<Althego> docking in a few hours
<Althego> i am going to be sleeping through that
<transitbiker> 3000 ton (on pad)!
<Althego> partcount?
<transitbiker> 972?
<Althego> that is a fine amount already
<transitbiker> 957
<transitbiker> 3069.31 ton
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<Althego> hehe this ascent takes a while with this framerate
<Althego> even the soyuz was faster :)
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch I might edit and publish the first video of the project tomorrow
<Fluburtur> "radio controlled ADF-01 Falken part 1: wings"
<Fluburtur> needs a good title to get dem traffic
<Althego> you won't believe how a man made wings
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<Althego> i see dead rockets
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<transitbiker> Now to do the new stuff
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* darsie plans to go to Vesta, launching from a 40° orbit to change plane with Oberth effect:
<darsie> 10350.8 m/s from LEO to Vesta orbit.
<hoglahoo> good luck
<darsie> thx :)
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I hope you introduce the Falken properly
<Mat2ch> also give it time
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<Fluburtur> the flight video will be nice
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Could I bother you for a cup of thermonuclear warhead booster fuel?
<Fluburtur> sure
* UmbralRaptop pours Scolar_Visari 8 floz of liquid tritium
* Scolar_Visari guesses Hayabusa actually got more material this time
<UmbralRaptop> \o/
<Scolar_Visari> ADFX-11?
<Fluburtur> nope, earlier
<Scolar_Visari> Wyvern!?
<Fluburtur> still not
<Scolar_Visari> Morgan?
<Fluburtur> getting closer
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<Scolar_Visari> M-27 Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt range?
<Fluburtur> eh
<Scolar_Visari> Oh no . . . It's a Narn Heavy Cruiser! How could I have been so blind?
<Fluburtur> heh
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<Fluburtur> but for real, im building a 1/12 scale falken
<Fluburtur> 1.5m of wingspan and 2m long
<Scolar_Visari> By G'Quan, it's true!
* Scolar_Visari wondered when some one would replace those Narn Heavy Cruisers.
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<Scolar_Visari> The Regime thanks you, Citizen Fluburtur! This is one more tool we can use in the fight to liberate the Homeworld from the Centauri!
<Fluburtur> I was thinking of doing the YR-99 after
<Fluburtur> and maybe a large x-02 with the wing folding mechanism that is impossible to build
* Scolar_Visari ponders if the X-02's are in in universe as maintenance unfriendly as the F-14 was in real life.
<Fluburtur> there is a reason it isnt widely used
<Fluburtur> really expensive and complex
<Scolar_Visari> Also not as useful as it was once thought.
<Fluburtur> well the strike wyvern is still rather good as a multirole
<Fluburtur> but I like the rafale and su-57 too
<Scolar_Visari> The Rafale-M's good in any Ace Combat game, particularly for those anti-shipping missiles.
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> and the pak fa has the guided bombs which are useful
<Fluburtur> also I donthave any american plane expt the stock ones
<Scolar_Visari> The F-15C with the pulse lasers can be pretty dominating.
<Scolar_Visari> The F-15E's also pretty decent, as it comes with the explosively-formed penetrators like the Su-34.
<Fluburtur> I always use the su-34 on cape rainy assault
* Scolar_Visari missed the fuel air bombs from previous titles.
<Scolar_Visari> The A-10's really weaksauce without them.
<Fluburtur> those were really nice in acx
<Scolar_Visari> Also: No superweapon planes!?
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<Fluburtur> well only one and two flying forteresses
<Fluburtur> I guess they wanted to make it balanced for multiplayer or add them later
<Scolar_Visari> Well it's not like they already had single-player only parts.
<Fluburtur> yeah that would work too
<Scolar_Visari> An Ace Combat 05 arcade mode would also be fun.
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<darsie> Did any of you play without loading saves (other than loading the current game)?
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