Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<packbart> efficient BWR
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<UmbralRaptop> Twitter videos often don't work for me. What's happening?
<packbart> waves rolling over the deck of a freighter, I think
<packbart> make that a tanker
<UmbralRaptop> eek
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<Mat2ch> Anyone watching the stream?
<Althego> what stream
<Althego> ah undocking
<Althego> reentry and landing is the interestign part
<Mat2ch> Undocking was interesting, too
<Althego> but i am working
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<Mat2ch> Althego: bad excuse. :D
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<Fluburtur> Althego Mat2ch
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: technically it flew. :D
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you reaaalllyy should make these public, do some more video editing around it and get a patreon page
<Mat2ch> People will pay to see those failures!
<Fluburtur> it isnt good enough yet
<Fluburtur> also some of them are public
<Mat2ch> You have to start somewhere!
<Fluburtur> and my english commentary isnt very good
<Fluburtur> actualyl this video got some views
<Althego> Fluburtur: that peak altitude!
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<Fluburtur> next rocket wont have a nozzle this way I will have something to compare
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<Fluburtur> can a piezo transducer be used in reverse?
<Fluburtur> like send a signal to it and it will turn into a tiny speaker
<Fluburtur> I want to build something like the french army uses, they have a communication system that isnt a headset but a tiny speaker placed on the bone behind the ear that allows to hear stuff clearly in most conditions
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<Fluburtur> where cna I get some mics that can eat 130db right int he face without saturating
<Fluburtur> I need to grab some sound insulation too
<packbart> piezo buzzers
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<Althego> so splashdown in a few minutes?
<Althego> why isnt there anything streaming then?
<darsie> Are we in plasma? Or chutes?
<darsie> On
<Althego> no i mean not even an external view
<Althego> or is that the start of stream rather than the actual splashdown
<Althego> an something is on
<darsie> live
<Althego> the same in youtube
<darsie> youtube was unstable for me at launch.
<Althego> sometimes need to refresh now tooo
<darsie> try the nasa stream.
<Althego> that is delayed
<Althego> like half a minute
<packbart> I get "403 Forbidden" on the stream :/
<darsie> pick your evil ;)
<packbart> Youtube usually works
<Althego> even if streaming was rocket science, nasa should be able to do it :)
<darsie> Maybe I still have some cookies set that makes it work for me.
<packbart> no. but my VPN may be doing some magic trick that Akamai doesn't like. retrieving cookies and video through different IP addresses or suc
<packbart> such
<packbart> Youtube plays fine on the office chromecast. I'll use that
<Rolf> wartching dragon undock. nice
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<Althego> what, several minutes of deorbit burn? how weak are those thrusters?
<packbart> Shift-.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> doesnt work in reality, no buttons
<Rolf> i had more powerful farts
<Althego> i wonder if the finished one is going to use the superdraco for deorbit too
<Althego> because then it would be a lot less, those are high twr
<lordcirth> Restock is released!
<Althego> some image
<Althego> i guess plasma at the back
<Althego> oh wait deorbit burn
<Althego> basically using the rcs
<Fluburtur> they should land the capsule on the boat
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they could
<Fluburtur> use dif thrust of the engines to steer it
<Althego> but not this one
<Althego> also they never certified it for powered landing
<Fluburtur> that doesnt mean it cant do it
<Althego> this one cant, doesnt have the superdraco engines
<Fluburtur> weather here is calm
<Fluburtur> it was supposed to be crap
<Althego> hehe like in mythbusters. we can use crap twice in a show. oh crap.
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<Althego> so is that already in the atmosphere?
<Althego> based on the msl display if it is km, it is pretty low already
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<Althego> nice boat (was a meme many years ago)
<Althego> ah the msl display was for the airplane
<Althego> some small parts are falling off
<Althego> at least it looked like that
<packbart> turn off SAS before chute deployment
<Althego> ok it didnt burn up
<Althego> chutes man
<Althego> where are they
<Althego> here
<Althego> just fine
<packbart> those chutes look familiar
<Althego> 4, even apollo had only 3
<Althego> and they needed only 2
<Fluburtur> more is better
<Fluburtur> just like boosters
<packbart> landing takes too long with too many chutes
<Fluburtur> does it use radar or baro presure for altitude
<Fluburtur> probably external radar from boats actually
<Althego> i doubt it uses its own radar
<Althego> maybe if it was doing a powered landing, but not for this
<Fluburtur> but I guess it needs some sort of radar when approaching the space station
<Fluburtur> or laser rangefinder
<Althego> seems to be quite light, almost all of it is out of the water
<Fluburtur> Hey Vsauce! Micheal here! I have breached containment.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> They could use an accelerometer. When they reach terminal velocity deploy chutes.
<Althego> or pressure altitude
<Fluburtur> reentry speedrun
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> certainly it would land faster without the chutes :)
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<darsie> propulsive landing
<Althego> too bad they gave up on that
<Althego> this lame water landing is annoying
<Fluburtur> backward propulsive landing
<Fluburtur> thrusters pointing up
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<Althego> event horizon of a black hole?
<Althego> probaly trunopet though
<Fluburtur> doot hole
<Eddi|zuHause> was it ever established who this Vsauce character is that this michael greets every time?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: only paint ;)
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<APlayer> I like my dragons crispy
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<kubi> almost new, kept in the garage, owned by an old librarian lady who took it to the sunday church only
<Althego> actually it is even better. it was out of the garage only once :)
<APlayer> I want this in a garage sale
<Althego> cant
<Althego> this is going to fly in the launch abort test
<Althego> maybe after that
<APlayer> "Yo, it's only $ 2 million. Good as new, only used once"
<APlayer> "I only accept cash, though, so bring those trucks"
<Althego> here, i have a bit of moon rock, can i pay with that?
<APlayer> (Takes out a bag of dust from the rainwater gutter)
<APlayer> I wonder how much of the dust we may have somewhere actually originated on the moon
<Althego> there are few meteorites from the moon
<Althego> but everything is made of star dust :)
<APlayer> Well, I'm pretty sure if we found them all, there'd be more than "a few"
<APlayer> I am talking about dust, though. I think there might be, by mass, more dust from the moon than actual macroscopic meteorites
<APlayer> I suppose there must be, even, considering that everything that evaporated during reentry must end up as dust somewhere
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<Althego> what happened in 2016?
<Fluburtur> many things
<hoglahoo> what else besides that
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<UmbralRaptop> other things
<Althego> i changed company in 2016. significant
<APlayer> My birthday was in 2016
<APlayer> Well, one of my birthdays
<Althego> hehe
* APlayer is off
<kubi> mine too!!!!
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<Althego> brain of an alien?
<hoglahoo> bronzed walnut?
<Fluburtur> that is for an album cover for something I am writing with some friends
<Fluburtur> album will be called "power nut"
<Fluburtur> it wont be really serious
<hoglahoo> “boheminut rhapsody”
<hoglahoo> “boheminut wrapingoldleaf”
<Fluburtur> but because I had no gold paint I had to paint this one silver then change the color in computer
* hoglahoo descends
<Althego> as a dragon capsule?
<hoglahoo> yes, humorlessly
<Althego> terrain, terrain, pull up, pull up
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<KrazyKrl> I was expecting a brain.
<KrazyKrl> not an actual nut.
<Fluburtur> the whole album is basically a joke because one of my friends got a testicle cancer and we decided to write musics about that
<Althego> eh
<KrazyKrl> ... coool?
<Althego> a way to process reality
<Fluburtur> actually we were talking abut that a few weeks before it was diagnosed
<Althego> i guess
<Fluburtur> he took it well
<Fluburtur> it is pretty easy to cure, just need scissors
<Althego> so... is he going to lose a testicle?
<Fluburtur> he did, that was like two years ago
<javapony> Hello, I am pretty sure I've stumbled onto a security issue on KSP Wiki. I can't see any way to contact wiki admins. Can someone suggest a way to contact them? Thanks
<Fluburtur> he got a silicon one now
<TheKosmonaut> javapony: ping UmbralRaptop
<Althego> i didnt know there were silicone testicles
<TheKosmonaut> I am getting some weird moderation pings
<TheKosmonaut> Lol
<Althego> you can learn something every day
<javapony> TheKosmonaut, I didn't understand. I haven't used IRC much if that matters
<Fluburtur> I would like to link you the musics once we get them done but I doubt it will be approrioate for here
<Althego> probablythe topic we have been talking about
<TheKosmonaut> javapony: UmbralRaptop deals with the wiki. I am just trying to get his attention.
<javapony> Ah. Thanks then
<UmbralRaptop> ping
<TheKosmonaut> Pong
<UmbralRaptop> TheKosmonaut, javapony: I'd suggest escalating to Squad employees proper
<javapony> UmbralRaptop, I might have stumbled onto a security issue on the KSP Wiki
<javapony> So should I e-mail their main webadmin?
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<javapony> Alright, thank you
<TheKosmonaut> Who is that now
<TheKosmonaut> ManeIT?
<Althego> i can never make good looking cars like this
<UmbralRaptop> unsure, possibly
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<senray> Anyone around knolwedgeable about the innerworkings of USI/MKS? Trying to write a compatbility CFG, and I'm not sure what some modules do
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<Deddly> Sorry senray, I haven't a clue :(
<Fluburtur> well, someone made an article about my vg-33
<Althego> and it wasnt you? :)
<Fluburtur> I have been too lazy to ever finish an article
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: congratulations
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<Fluburtur> that was a long time ago too, I never knew about that
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<Guest42328> wow - irc is still a thing....!
<packbart> yes
<Guest42328> Anyone know where to find a good tutorial on part/mod making?
<Guest42328> I figured this is the best place to ask...
<packbart> there's some in the Wiki
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<packbart> it's probably outdated, though
<Guest42328> Last updated in 2016 :O
<Guest42328> I guess download Unity Editor and play about
<Guest42328> I'm wanting to try and make parts to build a Stockalike X-34
<packbart> I think exporting the .mu file is the important part to get right from what I read. I haven't build any custom models, though
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<Rolf> irc will be there at end of universe.
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<Fluburtur> irc works even without internet
<lordcirth> Any decent messaging system should work in a network partitioned from the Internet. IPFS is cool for that too.
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