Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Eddi|zuHause> oh look, it is infinite video recursion. nobody has ever done that before! :p
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<GlassYuri> 'most popular among shoplifters'
<kmath> <natady_> この角度から攻めてくるポップは初めて見た
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<VITAS> :)
<lordcirth_> VITAS, cool!
<VITAS> you could modify that and use it in streams
<VITAS> so your viewers can watch your telemetry
<lordcirth_> Yeah, that would be neat
<VITAS> if someone would want to do that im up for providing the infrastructure :)
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<Althego> like a steven segal emotion chart
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<Althego> and again, electron launch is one day away. just as every day
<Fluburtur> time is relative, one day the launch will be yesterday
<Althego> did the hopper hop?
<Althego> hehe, probably no, it is still streaming
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<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> I should make more pictures of what I'm doing, too ;P
<Mat2ch> today I made a fire stone age style.
<Mat2ch> Well, almost
<Mat2ch> there might have been some wood dust and a very fast spinning cutter...
<Mat2ch> *involved
<Fluburtur> maybe I should create the patreon for my project now
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<Althego> hmm, next month, falcon heavy? maybe?
<Fluburtur> k Mat2ch you had the idea about the patreon thing so I hope you have ideas for reward tiers
<Fluburtur> actually this can wait for a bit
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I have no idea what a good reward would be. What do others offer?
<Fluburtur> writing peoples names on stuff because apparently peoples like that
<Fluburtur> sending goodies in some cases for high tier rewards but I dont think I will do thay
<kubi> I'd pay for writing something on the sky over Paris or London
<kubi> then make some stunts freaking out all authorities
<Fluburtur> well pay me enough to pay the fine and several years of prison
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: well, displaying names in videos is an easy and quick task and makes the videos longer
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Mat2ch> maybe even reading them
<Fluburtur> scolling them by at the end of the video
<Mat2ch> tier 1: You are listed as supporter
<Fluburtur> or writting them on a paper somewhere in my shed
<Fluburtur> or in a plane
<kubi> I'm just curious who has the money paying for his/her name at the end of a youtube video
<Mat2ch> tier 2: I will thank you in a video for your support
<Mat2ch> tier 3: whatever
<Fluburtur> maybe exclusive videos but I dont want to do that
<Mat2ch> tier 4: I will name a plane after you
<Fluburtur> early access to videos maybe
<kubi> will you provide exciting content, so someone would pay for the shoter time to wait?
<Mat2ch> Exciting crashes!
<Fluburtur> peoples pay for less sometimes
<Fluburtur> but I need an audience first
<kubi> if you'd provide blueprints for the assembly or in-depth making-of video, maybe...
<Fluburtur> well the planes I would build to require patreon funding are more complex than folded foam
<Fluburtur> probs too complex to give plans because they wouldnt be adequate unless you have the exact same tools, patience and skills set as me
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<transitbiker> Minecraft Livestream! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - MINECRAFT LIVESTREAM! RenDog's Dogcraft 1.13 SMP LIVE! (03/26/2019)
<transitbiker> And computer crashes.
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> out!
<Supercheese> Sehr gut, ich gebe Pun / zehn
<Mat2ch> Supercheese: wrong language! :D
<Althego> now aint that cute. but it's wrong
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