APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 | Dragon V2 Maiden Flight on Saturday https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/28/spacexs-crew-dragon-rolls-out-for-test-flight/
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<Althego> ehehe, flaturday night fight, godless engineer vs antonio subirats, this is going to be fun (or rather a train wreck)
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<Althego> this guy has hard time understanding weight
<Rolf> huh?
<Althego> flat earther
<Rolf> remember, flat earthers also have brain
<Rolf> its just flat.
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<JVFoxy> should I risk streaming tonight?
<darsie> What's the risk?
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<JVFoxy> crappy wireless connection..
<JVFoxy> some reason, ever since she moved where my wireless connects to, I've been getting dropped randomly with good signal. :\
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<JVFoxy> oh.. 10 minutes till dockng
<Rolf> got yt link?
<Rolf> thanks
<JVFoxy> position and other possible views: https://www.n2yo.com/space-station/
<darsie> all unstable for me
<darsie> streamlink and youtube-dl -o -|mpv don't work, too :(.
<darsie> What's the problem with RCS exhaust? Unreacted N2O4?
<JVFoxy> don't know.. where you getting nifo on RCS?
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<darsie> They said they put the solar panels in a protective position.
<darsie> To protect from exhaust.
<JVFoxy> station panels? they act like big wings, reduces unwanted forces on the station and protects them
<JVFoxy> though.. I would have expected them to be edge on to where the docking craft is.
<JVFoxy> oh.. the n2yo site.. you can rotate the globe if station moves over the horizon.. ;)
<kubi> your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats
<kubi> ...
<kubi> HTML5 video works with firefox, of course
<JVFoxy> works fine here.. though am using waterfox....
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<Althego> oh docking is underway
<Rolf> on hold it seems
<Rolf> its in holding positiom anyway
<JVFoxy> lol.. whoops, careful, don't mix your miles and meters ;P
<packbart> why is their Windows set to 1/1/2019?
<packbart> .oO(license expired)
<Mat2ch> Why is there even a windows on board?
<packbart> I meant the control screen in the video a minute ago or so
<Mat2ch> Hopefully it doesn't do a forced update :P
<JVFoxy> date probably doesn't matter much.. its just acting as a monitor
<JVFoxy> watching this brings back memories of some fo the earlier space missions..
<Rolf> funny thing about space
<Rolf> something might be 3 feet away or 100 miles away and much bigger
<Rolf> "diffult to see the distance between..." of course.
<Althego> heh the stream is intermittent, i have to refresh it to get it working again
<JVFoxy> oh was reading about the draco engines.. not installed. They will do parachute only landings till engines are flight qualified. (according to wiki)
<JVFoxy> someoen asked why they were covered up yesterday
<Mat2ch> Althego: the youtube stream keeps on crashing for me, so I use mpv :P
<Althego> i asked it
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* packbart tries phys-warp to make Dragon move faster
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<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: but the Draco engines are important for the abort
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<Mat2ch> so on the next flight they have to be installed
<JVFoxy> they'll do an abort test later.. not critical right now, no crew
<Rolf> ya better t test when not critical
<Rolf> man put on sunglasses lol
<Rolf> glare is annoying
<Rolf> finally.
<Rolf> go for docking!
<Althego> this camera view looks like it is going to miss
<Althego> really annoying
<Althego> but it is just the vierw
<Althego> finall
<Althego> this one is better
<Rolf> lol yeah
<Althego> the people are getting impatient
<Althego> there was some murmuring
<Althego> hehe looked like a kerbal magnetic connect
<Rolf> looks like PID correction is good lol
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<Rolf> docked!
<JVFoxy> it is one
<Althego> the most abundant, and the worst control algorithm :)
<JVFoxy> one which I still don't understand... yet
<Rolf> jv lemme link you the super awesome video
<Althego> it is deceptive, looks simple, and in practice, it is hard
<JVFoxy> I've a rough idea... dealing with servoes
<Rolf> enjoy
<Rolf> its video of class teaching on pid, and amazing, taught me well
<Althego> and i am partial to state space based controls :)
<JVFoxy> ripley.... this a aliens refernece?
<sandbox> "Latest innovation in docking tech is copying Kerbal space program’s wobbly docking feature"
<Althego> probably
<Mat2ch> with a small difference: It's captured and doesn't wobble away :P
<JVFoxy> hopefully the -gee thing isn't making reference to ripley's cat..
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<Althego> what are they waiting for?
<darsie> pressurizing the dragon, analyzing its atmosphere
<darsie> and stuff
<Althego> astronauts must be the most patient people on earth... or rather in space
<Rolf> they are also most impatent people thats off earth
<Althego> catastrophic failure alarm?
<Althego> nothing looks catastrophic at the moment
<JVFoxy> alarm on which stream?
<JVFoxy> was afk
<Althego> i meant that they can only become astronauts if they are really patient. and if they are not patient in space that can lead to death. automatic selection
<Althego> it was on nasa live, but probably on all
<packbart> I just start KSP and a failure alarm goes off on the ISP
<packbart> ISS I mean
<Althego> better be on the iss than on my net :)
<JVFoxy> ah.. hard line configuration tripped it
<JVFoxy> may as well been /their/ ISP :P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no cause for alarm
<Mat2ch> is really nobody complaining that the video is stretched?
<JVFoxy> I hadn't noticed?
<Judge_Dedd> What are we watching?
<Mat2ch> the nasa live stream
<JVFoxy> even though I got another stream up that has the same video going as well as planet view stream too
<pthag> a simple trick to make ur ship look longer
<Judge_Dedd> Livestream of what?
<Mat2ch> people who stretch videos are keeping me up at night...!
<JVFoxy> or the worse one: vertical video syndrome... :\
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: uhh, where have you been the last century? Crew Dragon at the ISS!
<Mat2ch> :D
<Judge_Dedd> Oh it's reached the ISS? Link?
<Judge_Dedd> I saw the launch but I didn't know they'd livestream the docking
<JVFoxy> ya docked about an hour ago.. they doing some checks before opening up
<Judge_Dedd> Thanks
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<JVFoxy> they do times for CT and ET, why the prejudice against us on PST? :\
<Judge_Dedd> That is indeed horribly stretched
<Judge_Dedd> Pyongyang Standard Time?
<Mat2ch> Lucky me, watching it with mpv, which can set the aspect ratio :P
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: I need UTC!
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch ISS already run off UTC..
<Judge_Dedd> Seriously, everything should be given in UTC
<darsie> Docking stream continues
<JVFoxy> Love the flags..
<Althego> hehe americans
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: But I'm in UTC+1, so I need UTC for reference :/
<Judge_Dedd> ET is UTC-5
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch UTC-8 for me... at least yo only off by one
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: Thanks!
<Judge_Dedd> So... hatch opening in 28 minutes, I think?
<Mat2ch> So 14:30 for me
<Mat2ch> Means I can go and have lunch :D
<JVFoxy> 0402 for me at the moment
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: uh, 1:30, I think?
<Althego> in utc
<Althego> at least i calculated as such
<Althego> which means it is going to be a while
<Judge_Dedd> Uh...
<Judge_Dedd> Hatch opening at 7:30 ET, correct?
<JVFoxy> watching Matt Lowe while waiting.. c.c;
<Althego> why doesnt xwiki let me move page under a leaf node?
<JVFoxy> *Lowne... oops
<darsie> 0730 central time
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<Judge_Dedd> I could have sworn it said 7:30 ET
<Althego> now it is not stretched :)
<Judge_Dedd> Oh, they fixed the stream
<darsie> rewind the youtube stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
<JVFoxy> 4:3 ratio... good ol tv days
<Judge_Dedd> Thanks darsie
<darsie> yw
<Judge_Dedd> I want a 5-monitor setup like they have
<sandbox> that poor person on the right only gets 3
<darsie> I want an electronic brain.
<JVFoxy> 2 here... 3rd off at the moment. the other PC for it isn't running
<JVFoxy> the 'Mk1' mission control had some pretty crazy hardware when it came to how they projected images on the displays in the day
<JVFoxy> some sort of spinning liquid mirror
<Althego> i think scott had a clip on it
<JVFoxy> ya
<JVFoxy> wiki on it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eidophor
<Judge_Dedd> You mean the mission control for Apollo etc?
<JVFoxy> ya
<JVFoxy> the current mission control, think its the 3rd itteration...
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, and they had (for the time) supercomputers in the basement powering their monitors
<Judge_Dedd> I just realised some of them have SIX monitors
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. the view is ISS mission control..
<Althego> beryllium mirrors, wouldnt want to be near the place that is polishing it
<Judge_Dedd> Cronus, for example
<Judge_Dedd> No wait... 8 monitors if you count the smaller ones as well
<JVFoxy> I remember the big blue curved desks... which are the ones in Huston mission control..
<JVFoxy> Judge_dedd ISS robotics station... drool all you want :P http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/images/iss/robotique/centre-de-controle-id-9481.jpg
<JVFoxy> ooooh... CSA, its from the Canadian side of things.. rock http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/iss/robotics/robotics-mission-control-centre.asp
<JVFoxy> is it bad when I feel bad for geeking out too much?
<Judge_Dedd> Yes
<Judge_Dedd> "Thou shallt not feel badst for ye geeking out"
<Althego> hehe
<sandbox> I didn't know such a thing was possible
<Althego> book of...?
<JVFoxy> oh though geeking out was bad
<Judge_Dedd> Book of Deddly, chapter 1, verse 1
<Judge_Dedd> For geek-out reasons, I always wanted this http://imagehost.vendio.com/a/35071122/aview/lenovo-w710-ds.gif
<JVFoxy> what.. no kindle?
<JVFoxy> heh.. if they had a screen for the other side, could maybe double as vanity mirror ;P
<Judge_Dedd> A laptop, with a pull out second screen. <3
<Judge_Dedd> Imagine if they had done one with a third screen on the left. I think I might have passed out
<JVFoxy> some day... full 360 degree wrap around holo screen...
<JVFoxy> or.. well maybe just in front, but made to look like its 360 as you turn. no point rendering gunk you don't look at unless you've a friend with you
<Judge_Dedd> More likely that VR gets so good you just configure as many virtual screens as you want
<Judge_Dedd> Imagine a laptop with no screen at all, just put the glasses on
<JVFoxy> glasses thing sorta a thing already.. just not wildly used
<JVFoxy> widely... not wildlely... or blah.. ok I've been up all night. stupid sleep routine busted badly
<Judge_Dedd> Hatch opening brought forward!
<Judge_Dedd> 12:50 UTC
<JVFoxy> ya.. head of time, anxious much?
<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, might miss it now
<JVFoxy> here I thought I'd be sleeping by now
<Althego> would be nice to get some sounf
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 | Dragon V2 hatch opening UTC 12:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
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<Judge_Dedd> How can HD be such poor quality?
<Rolf> ya know
<Rolf> houson has double as many montiors per person lol
<Rolf> acually more as they have 5 each
<Judge_Dedd> Some have 8
<Rolf> found 6 but cant find 8?
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<Rolf> drat too late
<Judge_Dedd> Cronos station had 8
<Judge_Dedd> Could only see it from the back
<JVFoxy> very curious how those docking finger things don't get in the way.. folds back?
<sandbox> this person has none :P https://i.redd.it/87xwwbb6kvj21.jpg
<Rolf> JVFoxy: all external
<JVFoxy> swings out of the way before hard dock?
<Rolf> no its outside
<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, ping ping
<Rolf> it grips the ring outside so inside seal is firmly against each other
<JVFoxy> looks like this flanges are just inside the pressure mating ring
<Rolf> nice picture!
<Rolf> yeah. you dont want puncurable stuff in inside for any reason :)
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<JVFoxy> guessing the pedals fold out of the way
<Judge_Dedd> How do they not constantly whack their heads on stuff?
<Rolf> okay found 7 montior monster
<Rolf> still no 8
<Judge_Dedd> Cronos
<Rolf> Judge_Dedd: experence
<Judge_Dedd> Centre left
<Rolf> they are using feet also
<Rolf> found 9 lol
<Rolf> center botton. guy has 2 tiny ones as well
<Rolf> center, middle also has 9. 3 small montiors
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<Rolf> crazy. wonder how they keep track.
<Judge_Dedd> Rolf, two landscape monitors stacked vertically, three landscape, one portrait and yeah, now the operator isn't sitting there, you can see three smaller displays lower down
<Rolf> indeed
<Rolf> now is there any 10? lol
<Rolf> oh hey mr. earth
<Rolf> heh its awkward as heck putting on mask
<Rolf> guys been trying for while
<Judge_Dedd> So, er... seems it would make sense to just have air-quality equipment on the Dragon
<darsie> hatch getting opened
<Althego> somebody was happy
<Althego> looks quite big and spacious
<Rolf> wooot opening and entering
<Rolf> or is it breaking and entering? lol
<JVFoxy> no breaking in space... that would mean big problems
<Rolf> yeah lol
<Rolf> i wonder what they are testing
<Rolf> im pretty sure some of it is gases
<Judge_Dedd> That was cool
<Rolf> lol showmanship of mr earth
<Judge_Dedd> cyas
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<Rolf> looooting the ship
<packbart> reading the manual
<Rolf> rtfm yep
<Rolf> read the flipping manual
<Mat2ch> Oh, Judge_Dedd split. I saw it, while cooking and eating
<Rolf> lol yet its just 8
<Mat2ch> Jep
<Mat2ch> If you need more, combine those ;P
<Rolf> 10* ;)
<Althego> why is the earth plushie moving?
<Rolf> its alive thats why
<Mat2ch> 15!
<Rolf> honestly so many possible causes
<Rolf> all you need is very little force. like maybe moving air
<Mat2ch> Althego: I think they put on the fans
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<Mat2ch> *switched on
<Althego> the fans were on all along (and watching :))
<Mat2ch> ohhhh, what a pun!
<Mat2ch> Rolf: get 10 of these and the rail and build your own: https://www.en.dataflex.shop/dataflex-viewlite-slatwall-monitor-mount-58-402.html ;P
<Mat2ch> Also: 15!
<Mat2ch> Or a OLED wall
<Rolf> lol
<Mat2ch> I'm still waiting for the OLED wall paper
<Mat2ch> it was promised in 2005 we'd get some soon!
<Rolf> Mat2ch: F745
<Rolf> oops
<Rolf> 451F :)
<Mat2ch> huh?
<Mat2ch> Rolf: linkkkk please
<Rolf> 451 f is a book that have wall tvs :)
<Rolf> its old enough to predate lots of things so compyters were not envisioned
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<Mat2ch> Ah
<Mat2ch> ok, so you really meant that book
<Mat2ch> I never read it
<Rolf> you dhoulf read it in least once
<Rolf> same as 1984
<Mat2ch> Uh, I just took a look at the launch schedule... what happend to the inflight abort test?
<Mat2ch> I don't like books like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. If I want to see horror, I watch the news.
<Rolf> other one is handmaiden
<Mat2ch> We already have so many of those survaillance systems already in place, I don't see the point in reading about them, when I already know where they are and how they work
<Rolf> its not all about survaillence
<Rolf> its lot more
<Mat2ch> yes, how people deal with it, find their ways around it and everything. I'm from Germany, I learnt all about the DDR in school and I saw the wall fall on tv, which was truly amazing to see. I don't need to read about it...
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<JVFoxy> hm.. quite the camera they using.. (in the stream)
<JVFoxy> take'n pictures.. wonder if they post for public to see
<JVFoxy> Fluburtur I wouldn't be surprised if that was floor of a data center?
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<JVFoxy> before I went and spilled half the coffee into my lap... >_<
<JVFoxy> was reading up on the docking port they are using, if they really wanted to, can dock two dragons together given the design working both ways
<packbart> At page 56, I have reached the end of the KSP mod catalog on spacedock. Now I have seen them all
<JVFoxy> US Russia Canada.. rock
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<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: that was the plan for the docking ports
<Mat2ch> Having an adapter they can use on all vehicles, no matter what they're meant for
<JVFoxy> ya.. a universal system that can work between ships, not just ship and station only
<JVFoxy> as opposed to the old drogue spike design used for the apollo craft missions
<JVFoxy> am kind of curious how similar it is to the apollo-soyuze docking system...they had the guiding petals on the outside though.
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<goldenpeach> Anyone have trouble docking/undocking with the SM-25 when its side panels are decoupled?
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: No boom today Boom tomorrow. There's always a 'boom' tomorrow.
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<Althego> if you have prboom installed
<Fluburtur> I finished ace combat 7 on hard
<Fluburtur> time for ace nox
<Fluburtur> now*
<Scolar_Visari> Stick with Fluburtur and you'll make it.
<UmbralRaptop> boom! </Ivonva>
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I'm glad someone's keeping perspective!
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<Althego> babylon n+1 :)
<Scolar_Visari> Our last, best hope for peas.
<Mat2ch> Scolar_Visari: well, if you bought a ticket to ride on a Crew Dragon, would you want to have only a girder structure around you?
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<Althego> if somebody somehow sneak on board, would it have worked with the extra payload?
<Scolar_Visari> AHA! Finally found the high-res version of this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtmnOHXUUAAQqdQ.jpg
<Scolar_Visari> Mat2ch: I don't think Crew Dragon's going to have much of a tourist market.
<Althego> the tractor
<Scolar_Visari> Besides, you're already wearing a pressure suit when you're walking in.
<Mat2ch> Scolar_Visari: Oh, I'm not so sure about that...
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: Space Dragon.
<Mat2ch> Scolar_Visari: those aren't pressure suits :)
<Scolar_Visari> Mat2ch: I am, because SpaceX has made it pretty clear they're shooting for Spaceship and they've made no progress in advertising the Dragon 2 for markets beyond the ISS.
<Scolar_Visari> Then the next issue is wondering if Starship will actually happen.
<Draconiator> I think so. Eventually.
<Draconiator> because SpaceX.
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<Scolar_Visari> Confidence born of ignorance, the cycle cannot be broken!
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<UmbralRaptop> Eventually is a long time. It was what, 6 years between the falcon 9 announcement and first launch?
<UmbralRaptop> More like 10 years for falcon heavy
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<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: The delays to the man Dragon have me skeptical of any leaps in Starship's progress.
<Scolar_Visari> Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle/Lander Complexity > Low endurance Earth Orbit capsule.
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* Scolar_Visari also chuckles at a first flight date of 2022.
<Althego> hehr
<Althego> bit too soon
<Althego> ok they have some engine at least
<Althego> but nothing of thes hip
<Althego> especially the sweaty heatshield
<UmbralRaptop> Yeah, they're going to slip. Elon time, etc.
<Althego> time warp :)
<Scolar_Visari> Hah, lucky day, found something else I didn't have https://mdenoya.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/life-in-a-space-colony-by-robert-mccall.jpg
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I think weight gain is also going to be a severe issue.
<Althego> ehehe
<Althego> low g pool
<UmbralRaptop> heh
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I can't imagine that's going to be fun when dealing with large, fully reusable 2-stager.
<Althego> nobody said it would be fun
* UmbralRaptop stares at the ghost of the shuttle
<Althego> at least relatively doable, compared to an ssto
<Althego> still not a word about the skylon
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: And it only needed to stay in space for a couple of weeks at time!
<Althego> that sabre engine is just amazing... if they ever build it
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<UmbralRaptop> ooh, neat poster
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
<Scolar_Visari> Oh this is neat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjyYEjgBpTM
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<Althego> scott
* Scolar_Visari ponders what happened to Bryan Versteeg's website.
<sandbox> who?
<Althego> hehe, open the pod bay doors hal
<Scolar_Visari> Who came up with the linked illustration of Kalpana Two
<Scolar_Visari> Their website appears to have gone back to default.
<Althego> hehe even scott mentioned that it is like kerbal docking
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: THEY USED MECHJEB!
<Althego> it is cheating
<Scolar_Visari> And another with space sheep https://veer.tv/photos/250m-radius-300m-length-cam-59-1391-130896
* Scolar_Visari ponders Space Mutton.
<UmbralRaptop> space gyros
<UmbralRaptop> … I should have intended that pun.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ah planarwalk and team skeptic. this has to be good
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<mrBlaQ> holy shit it's so neat to see the PMA in use again
<Althego> cant use that word here
<mrBlaQ> oh dang you're right
<Deddly> Yes, please be careful
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<mrBlaQ> no
<Deddly> Excuse me?
<Althego> hehe
<mrBlaQ> you're excused!
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<Deddly> What is PMA anyway?
<Althego> i guess the iss front docking position
<Deddly> Ah cool, thanks
<mrBlaQ> not in use since shuttle ended
<Deddly> What do other craft dock to?
<mrBlaQ> i believe the harmony nadir port, or bottom
<mrBlaQ> the cargo dragon at least
<mrBlaQ> oh they'll use nadir or zenith for cargo, cygnus, cirrus
<mrBlaQ> errr not cirrus
<Deddly> It's amazing to me that we have this huge orbiting station and we currently don't have the ability to launch anything like it
<Althego> we never had
<Althego> it went up in pieces :)
<Althego> would be nice kerbal style. build it in the hangar, then put a huge fairing on it, and just add enough boosters :)
<Deddly> I mean we can't even launch the pieces
<Deddly> For all its faults, the shuttle was a capable beast
<Deddly> Also, the only orbit-capable spacecraft (apart from Buran) that looked anything close to sci-fi, which gives it added coolness points :P
<Althego> i just found a channel titled i need more space
<Althego> yes, i do need more space
<darsie> #ineedmorespace ?
<Althego> hehe he interviewed the makers of the behind the curve film (it is about flat earthers)
<Deddly> Well look at that. #ineedmorespace actually exists
<Althego> and cut the elon interview to comprehensible. this is waht elon needs, somebody cutting out the pauses between his words in real life
<Deddly> LOL
<Deddly> Sorry darsie, I couldn't resist
<darsie> np :)
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<sandbox> dead deer
<Fluburtur> is wine something peoples drink while eating nems?
<darsie> What are nems?
<Draconiator> looks like an egg roll
<Fluburtur> no
<sandbox> spring roll
<Fluburtur> good stuff
<Fluburtur> I love asian food
<Fluburtur> exept that I dont like fish which is a bit paradoxal
<sandbox> depends on the fish
<Fluburtur> no fish
<Fluburtur> not that I didnt try, I just dont like it
<jeans> hoglahoo: Hi
<sandbox> prawns?
<Fluburtur> well I didnt try every kind of fish there is
<Fluburtur> too bad, sushi looks like they are good but there is fish
<hoglahoo> o/
<nate> sushi is more than just 'fish', it's a variety of seafood variants
<nate> cali roll for example has crab, boston rolls have shrimp, philly rolls have smoked salmon, etc
<jeans> ^Krab
<nate> there's TONS of variants :P
<nate> Some are cooked, some are raw, etc
<jeans> Some don't even have seafood in them!
<nate> indeed
<nate> I've seen sweet potato rolls, chicken rolls, etc
<Draconiator> Too bad you don't have Brook Trout, Flub, thems good eatin fish right there.
<packbart> right, I should start up Fishing Planet once in a while. They added new lakes
<Althego> a drone of some soert?
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<packbart> Great. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/ksprs.jpg Jebuki got the rover wheel stuck under the station
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