Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
Guest50259 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest50259> ok
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<phantombeta> Heya
<lordcirth> phantombeta, hi
<phantombeta> I'm having an issue where I'll have some categories in the ship editors that break the editor
<lordcirth> phantombeta, part categories? What mods?
<phantombeta> Yeah, part categories
<phantombeta> If I click the category, it raises a NullReferenceException and I can't change categories anymore
<phantombeta> Wait a sec, running KSP so I can get a log file
<lordcirth> What category, and what mod added it?
<phantombeta> I'm not sure, as the category seems to be completely invalid, and it doesn't even have a name
<phantombeta> Hovering it shows no name, and clicking it doesn't switch to anything, it just breaks the editor
<phantombeta> Gonna post a log and mods list in a sec
<phantombeta> mods list
<phantombeta> Here's the log
<phantombeta> Ugh, wait a sec, pastebin is limiting the lines count
<phantombeta> Here's the log, this time not missing most of it
<phantombeta> The exception that happens when I click the broken category starts at line 30706
<lordcirth> I don't see an exception at that line?
<phantombeta> Weird, it's there for me...
<phantombeta> "[EXC 00:07:04.362] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
<lordcirth> Ah, nevermind, wrong keyboard shortcut
<lordcirth> Well, for lack of a better idea, I'd suggest the tried and true method of bisecting your mod list.
<phantombeta> Already doing that, actually
<phantombeta> Apparently it's not switching to the nameless categories, it's switching to the cross section list in the first place
<phantombeta> Okay, something weird happened
<phantombeta> At some point while bisecting the mods list, it stopped showing the textures in the editor's parts list
<phantombeta> They appear as a light blue colour with no textures
<phantombeta> I'm down to just the base game now, too, so it's not a mod breaking it
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<phantombeta> Though thankfully the editor breakage stopped, so it is indeed a mod
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<phantombeta> here's a screenshot
<lordcirth> I've no idea, sorry
<phantombeta> That's alright
<phantombeta> Thanks anyway
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<phantombeta> Heya
<phantombeta> I've managed to track down my issue to Firespitter
<phantombeta> I'm using the latest version from
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<phantombeta> Aha
<phantombeta> I've figured out the issue
<phantombeta> I noticed that, if I put all my mods in except Firespitter, it still did it. But if I put *only* Firespitter, it also broke
<phantombeta> Turns out it's a KSP bug
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<Guest09246> Can somebody help me with an issue that I am having?
<Mat2ch> Don't ask to ask, just ask :)
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<Mat2ch> Wow
<phantombeta> Nice, fixed it quite easily with a ModuleManager patch
<phantombeta> I expected to have to fix every part individually, so that was really nice
<Althego> youngsters these days :)
<phantombeta> Hmm, strange
<phantombeta> My KSP install takes nearly two minutes to load, I think
<Mat2ch> phantombeta: with how many patches and parts and mods? ;)
<Mat2ch> Unity is a slooooow brick, when it comes to game engines
<Mat2ch> Have several Unity games, on all the loading time is skyhigh
<Mat2ch> Also Unity was never meant for something like KSP :D
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<jesterKing> is there a way to create a custom keyboard layout profile for KSP?
<jesterKing> other than remapping everything in the settings
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<Althego> you can modify the config too
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<Rolf> planking is back?? yech
<Althego> lol
<Althego> how many years ago was that?
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<Rolf> dunno
<Rolf> few people died from planking
<Fluburtur> few peoples die from each stupid trend
<Rolf> always
<Rolf> i'd not be surpised if someone died by pet rock
<darsie> people or peoples?
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<Althego> last such thing was the couple that was campaigning for safe selfies fell into a canyon during a selfie
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<Guest60870> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER jesterKing rosumagfisuw
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<Rolf> lol
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<Althego> hehe
<darsie> next time post your password to 20 popular sites, too. ;)
<jesterKing> a good think that was just the verification key - no more relying on copy/paste
<Althego> always use the server window for this
<Althego> or just set up the client to do it
<jesterKing> I generally do to, but was too lazy to log into my irc shell and set it all up
<jesterKing> I'll do that sometime Soon
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<sandbox> that's the best pronunciation of "Apogee"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> apogee is sad
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<oliezekat> hi, I just purchased KSP (direct download)...
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<darsie> yay :)
<darsie> Have you played it before?
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<oliezekat> yes long time ago, but I failed to download :(
<oliezekat> nothing append with Firefox, I obtained "403 error" with Chrome or Edge... Is download server down ?
<darsie> dunno. I bought and downloaded at steam.
<sandbox> seems down
<oliezekat> thk
<Althego> works for me though
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<Fluburtur> I think I could use my radio transmitter as a phone jammer
<Fluburtur> since I can set it to blast on 900mhz
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<oliezekat> hi, anybody for download support ? My ISP is blocked :(
<Mat2ch> Download support?
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: but only for older phones
<packbart> oliezekat: are you using a proxy? some download CDNs don't like that, it seems
<oliezekat> no
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<packbart> yeah, my rovers sometimes do that. oddly enough, timewarp fixes it
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<sandbox> I get "File not found" when I try to download KSP
<UmbralRaptop> email support
<UmbralRaptop> (I wish I could be more helpful)
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<Mat2ch> Is there a KSP update or something?
<darsie> topic says 1.6.1
<UmbralRaptop> email support
<UmbralRaptop> they're probably having some sort of outage
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<oliezekat> hi, my ISP is blocked by "direct download" CDN, I can't download the game :(
<Pytagoras> move away from North Korea
<UmbralRaptop> large scale problem, email support?
<UmbralRaptop> Pytagoras: I'm getting errors at a university outside of DC
<Pytagoras> was joke :(
<Pytagoras> oh wait.. it's the same user over and over again
<oliezekat> I must write to support@ ? I give my IP and account mail address ?
<oliezekat> I use 3G external device provided by "Orange" (France)
<Fluburtur> I thought the spacecrafts didnt use thruster when separating from the space station
<Fluburtur> and relied on tidal forces to carry the capsule away
<oliezekat> thk, i do it now
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<oliezekat> UmbralRaptop mail sent
<Deddly> oliezekat, sorry to hear you're having problems!
<Deddly> oliezekat, remember it's a weekend now, and Europe is many hours ahead of Mexico, so you might have to wait until tomorrow evening until you get a reply to the email
<legion> IF they work on a sunday.
<oliezekat> IRC operators are not member of staff ?
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<Deddly> Oh right, it's only Saturday today
<Deddly> You'll probably have to wait until Monday evening, oliezekat :(
<Deddly> No, all the IRC operators here are volunteers.
<oliezekat> ok
<Deddly> Put you have tried more than one browser?
<Deddly> But*
<Deddly> Actually, I see I have the same problem
<oliezekat> do you known if I can try from McDonald wifi hotspot ? ^^
<Deddly> Sure, that would be fine. But it looks like the problem is with the server
<Deddly> So the wifi will not help you in this case
<oliezekat> not sure, I downloaded language pack with my phone (but my phone ISP allow 500 Mb per month)
<Deddly> Ooooh then definitely use wifi - KSP download is very big
<oliezekat> I tried 2 famous french hotpots, failed too :(
<Deddly> Yeah it's not a problem on your end
<Deddly> This is a problem with the server. I can't download it either
<oliezekat> time to lunch, fly safe ;)
<Deddly> OK enjoy the burger :)
<Deddly> Hope you get the game soon
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<Althego> finally scott released a commentary
<Althego> they sure had al ot of fun with the little earth
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<Rokker> Fluburtur: super mystere
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<Fluburtur> I know
<Fluburtur> they didnt have much choice
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