Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<packbart> KAS pipes do weird things in docked mode when the weight difference is large
<packbart> oh right. it's probably the rover wheel autostruts restrutting to the new heaviest part which sits several meters away
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<montezuma> Anyone here?
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I was in a basement yesterday... there's stuff for you I really should get to you, if I want to see it fly ;)
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<Fluburtur> some stuff?
<Gasher[work]> so it seems that electric city buses became a thing here - but in the opposite side of the city
<Deddly> cool
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: a plane and two boats ;P
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<Fluburtur> oh yeah I was aware of those
<Fluburtur> been a few years now
<Fluburtur> you wanted me to drive to your place so I could get it but I still dont have that planned anytime soon
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<packbart> flying boats?
<Fluburtur> I received the military rations I ordered
<Althego> what for
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<Fluburtur> to eat
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: or I have to make a holiday in Paris ;)
<Fluburtur> yeah that
<Mat2ch> but my business is still not making enough money for a holiday :|
<Mat2ch> btw: Didn't squad just start to update the models? Well... looks like the modders are - again - faster:
<Mat2ch> Looooook at the parachutes!
<Mat2ch> LOOK AT THEM!
<Deddly> Yeah, Nertea and co. really did a good job on that
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, the chutes look nice, but it's a shame they all move exactly in unison
<Mat2ch> Deddly: well... I have a feeling that the model below the chutes is not capable of random movements and stuff and needs a serious rewrite...
<Deddly> Mat2ch, I would imagine so. It would probably need three individual parachute models.
<Deddly> Fluburtur, how can they possibly see where they are going on the runway with that amount of tilt?
<Fluburtur> they dont, thats why they move in zigzag
<Fluburtur> and have the cockpit oen
<Fluburtur> open*
<Deddly> Fun
<Fluburtur> also they have guides and they can look to the side
<Deddly> Sounds like me driving any modern car, trying to look around the A pillar
<Fluburtur> they have a H-75 in there
<Fluburtur> that is the french version of the p-36
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<Fluburtur> plenty of late war spitfires in there
<Fluburtur> you can kinda see the size difference between early and late spits
<Fluburtur> the mk5c compared to the mk24 or something
<Mat2ch> Deddly: oh, yes, the a pillar. Where whole families can hide in...
<Mat2ch> Deddly: not only that, but collision models and stuff
<Deddly> I'd like to know how many accidents are caused by that A pillar
<Deddly> MY car thankfully has the A pillar sufficiently off to the side so that it doesn't obstruct my view
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<Fluburtur> this structure is so gigantic
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<Mat2ch> a sad monument to blind believe in technology
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<Fluburtur> well not a single factor is at cause in that incident
<Fluburtur> also
<Fluburtur> the wing geometry of that plane is so hard to recreate in foam
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<Fluburtur> if those two panels lined up nicely I would have no issue
<Fluburtur> im an idiot
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<UmbralRaptop> Times are PDT (UT-7)
<Althego> i think the golden age hasnt even started yet
<Fluburtur> I will have to make each wing of 3 separate panels
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<Deddly> How's the startup going, Fluburtur?
<Fluburtur> I ordered new prototype pcb and printed some test parts
<Althego> prototype pcb: there is an alex mercer picture on it :)
<packbart> is that a Poodle engine?
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<Althego> no i think it is the new... what is its
<packbart> ah, no of course not. it's a Terrier
<Althego> that
<packbart> yeah, the Poodle would have been larger
<Althego> anyway, mun landing on a soundstage
<packbart> nice shot :)
<packbart> the shadows are all wrong!!
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<Deddly> I don't see any footprints. FAKE
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> ah yes the sls budget changes
<Althego> 2 days 2 hours until soyuz ms-12
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<Rolf> wow very realistic 3d
<Rolf> its like its literally living
<Rolf> wait a minute!
<Rolf> lol
<Althego> i knew the cat picture would work
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