Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<drak> idle land?
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<darsie> .
<darsie> Nobody can tell me how to find asteroids in RSS ...
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<Althego> hah this is all in one. black hole, lightspeed, laser, what else do you need
<Rolf> just one small problem
<Rolf> one tiny tiny problem
<Althego> hehe, you have to get there first
<Rolf> yep
<Rolf> might be good for "highways" though for very distant travel if ftl is indeed impossible
<Rolf> its viable if workable, but not for maybe thousand years.
<Rolf> so file it in very long range plan lol
<Gasher> Rolf, makes me think of spiderman lol
<Althego> radioactive black hole bites you and you become black man? :)
<Rolf> easy to make show of that. use some black 3.0 paint for superhero
<Althego> see action labs
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<kmath> YouTube - TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)
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<sandbox> where was Gaspar?
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<darsie> How can I find asteroids in RSS?
<lordcirth_> Althego, great video, thanks
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<Althego> who is gaspar? and where is waldo?
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<Althego> lol still looking for asteroids?
<Althego> we fly so high
<Fluburtur> went to 1200m of alt this time
<Althego> the clouds are surprisingly low
<Fluburtur> yeah there were some low ones
<kmath> YouTube - Rossini - Figaro on Chicken - Il Barbiere di Siviglia "Largo al factotum"
<Fluburtur> I would have prefered if they were fewer and more isolated clouds
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<Fluburtur> I want a day with like, two clouds in my flying radius and low enough so I can have a good definition of their edges so I can fly around them
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> too many flying people in the area
<Fluburtur> there was a plane too
<Fluburtur> plane didnt come too close
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<kmath> YouTube - Children of Planet Earth: The Voyager Golden Record Remixed - Symphony of Science
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<kmath> YouTube - The Turbojet!
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<Althego> seems this guy has a hobby of building jet engines
<Fluburtur> have you seen the russian dude
<kmath> YouTube - Самодельная турбина ТРД - такое уже не стыдно показать
<Fluburtur> I cant understand a word but it is super interesting
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<Fluburtur> and russian sounds very nice
<Althego> there are eglish captiona
<Althego> s
<Fluburtur> yeah but they come after I watch the videos
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<darsie> How can I find asteroids in RSS?
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<lordcirth_> darsie, Have you asked on the RSS discord?
<lordcirth_> er, RO discord, rather
<darsie> I asked in #ro
<darsie> on esper
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<darsie> How do I ask discord?
<lordcirth_> darsie,
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<darsie> thx. I haven't read and agreed to teh TOS and privacy policy, yet, though.
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<lordcirth_> heh. It's the internet. The privacy policy is "No".
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> no policy or no privacy?
<Althego> it is just another chat
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<Althego> hah, test in next video, the suspense
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<kmath> YouTube - ASW-28 up to the clouds
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<transitbiker> Kerbal Space Program bonus stream! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program LIVE! Building stuff bonus stream!
<Althego> why is it bonus?
<Althego> bonus to what
<transitbiker> normal streams are planned and dcheduled
<Fluburtur> I have some rocket fuel left
<Fluburtur> I should try to grind it all into powder and make another smoke bomb
<Fluburtur> put the powder in it but not pack it so there is air in between the particles of fuel to let the fire propagate
<Althego> smoke bomb for ninja disappearance?
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<Fluburtur> well it has a few meters of electrical wire and need a battery to explode
<Fluburtur> I guess it is good to disorientate someone with mild risk of inuries if it goes well
<Althego> nice flight
<Althego> really sharp image
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<Azzy> Hey there everyone.
<packbart> hey there, Azzy
<kmath> YouTube - Obi-Wan Says Hello There
<Azzy> Anyone here play the KSP standalone 1.5.1 or 1.6.1 for linux?
<packbart> I do sometimes. I might start Steam more often, though, to keep the player stats up ;)
<Fluburtur> when did I start messing with rc planes, middle 2015?
<Fluburtur> this means it has been 3 and a half years
<Fluburtur> I started with crappy cardboard planes and I couldnt fly and now I have a plane that can fly above the clouds
<Azzy> Fair point, I just like the stand alone because thats how I bought it years ago. Though the last two versions I have been running into an issue.
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<Azzy> Here's the debug from when I try to run KSP from a terminal window to see why it's not wanting to run.
<packbart> huh. gdb? that's weird. which command line do you use?
<packbart> I installed it from Steam, so I just cd to cd .local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ and start ./KSP.x86_64
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<Azzy> I have the terminal open to the folder of the game and I run it from there.
<Azzy> Ive tried looking online to why this was not working, but it's been fruitless. My 1.3 copy of KSP works just fine, but when it gets to 1.5.1 and 1.6.1, nothing.
<packbart> hmm. my KSP executable doesn't even link to mono libs. that's all contained in Unity and uses local libraries, it seems
<Azzy> My os is Linux Mint 19 so you know.
<packbart> i'm running Mint 17.3 (yeah, I alway mean to reinstall the Laptop really soon now ;)
<packbart> hmm. anyone else here running Linux-KSP not downloaded from Steam? worksforme and the pastebin log doesn't really tell me anything, I'm afraid
<Azzy> I am not sure what to do though.
<Althego> lol i wonder how gdb got in there
<packbart> yeah, that's pretty weird
<Althego> unless somebody wrote it in a shell script
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<packbart> or maybe some sort of crash handler
<Althego> that could be, generating backtrace from a core
<Azzy> Is there anything I could do that could provide more information to help figure this out?
<packbart> transitbiker: that's the plane version of an Eagle Transporter? ;)
<transitbiker> no idea
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<packbart> Azzy: if there's no other output, I don't know. maybe contact
<Azzy> I could post the whole terminal output if that might help.
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<packbart> hmm. you'd need to contact support in that case, I'm afraid. From what I've read, joystick support is nice when it works but there seem to be some cases where it doesn't
<packbart> do you have any joysticks plugged in?
<Althego> seems like died during an early phase while loading some .so-s
<Althego> but i know next to nothing about c#
<Azzy> I have a Logitech F310 gamepad plugged in.
<packbart> Althego: I get the same preload messages
<packbart> I guess it crashes in GetJoystickNames()
<Azzy> Now it works when I unplugged the gamepad... wtf....
<Althego> hehe just googled it
<packbart> because it crashes when trying to set up the joysticks
<Althego> that is what the result was there too
<Azzy> Well, thanks! XD
<Azzy> To space!
<packbart> maybe report it, still. there aren't many joystick players, I guess
<Azzy> Ill just have to keep that all in mind.
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<Althego> time for the regeneration alcove
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<kmath> YouTube - INAV-Radar (W.I.P.)
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<KSPDork> Anyone good with mods out there? Some mods are out there for some versions of the games, but not others. Could I use a slightly older mod for a current version of the game? Like a mod for 1.5.1 on 1.6.1?
<UmbralRaptop> It depends on details of the mod
<KSPDork> The one mod I am looking into is the KAS mod and Kerbal Planetary Base System. One is made for 1.6.1 but there is no version for 1.5.1
<KSPDork> The other doesnt have a 1.6.1 version yet.
<KSPDork> From what I understand, you can use a mod for 1.5.1 on version 1.6.1, but you cant use a 1.6.1 on version 1.5.1
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<KSPDork> UmbralRaptop, what's the rule of thumb when it comes to the directions of mods to use?
<UmbralRaptop> older mods on newer versions if compatability is not specified. You might have to manually check to see if some work.
<KSPDork> ok
<Draconiator> My main KSP is 1.2.2 but I use the latest for a combat craft competition I joined.
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<Draconiator> Hey Flub, NIIIIICE footage of the clouds. :)
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<Draconiator> How did you know where you were?
<Draconiator> LOL, harassing paragliders
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<Fluburtur> I have a lot of infos on my fpv screen
<Fluburtur> lots of gps data
<Fluburtur> I ground some fuel for another smoke bomb
<Fluburtur> probs 4g of it at most
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<Fluburtur> does anyone here know how to code videogames?
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<Fluburtur> uh I have better things to do than learn to make games in unity
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