Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Guest73734> is this old school discord?
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<Fluburtur> my youtube channel has 200k views
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<Fluburtur> half of that from one video
<Rolf> wow thats 202k more views than my channel
<Mat2ch> Nice
<Fluburtur> actually I made the video of the motocultor and the acetylene torch private because they were making too many views
<Fluburtur> and sometimes I want to make the guitars video private because I want peoples to watch my newer stuff
<Mat2ch> well, you could just build guitars from now on. But I guess you don't want to do that for the rest of your life ;)
<Fluburtur> well building guitars is fun
<Fluburtur> and a good way to get views on youtube
<Fluburtur> I still need to finish my bass that has been in the work for about 6 years
<Fluburtur> and I want to make a full plywood guitar, either for my cousin or to send it to Martin since he likes plywood that much
<Rolf> cnc it up
<Fluburtur> im not rich so im gonna do it the old way
<Fluburtur> paper templates
<JVFoxy> fluburtur which video was it that made so many views?
<kmath> YouTube - Making my plywood Flying V guitar
<JVFoxy> ah.. most views I got was a sleepy video of my pet back almost 10 years ago..
<JVFoxy> at just shy of 5k
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch what kind of electric guitar do you think martin would like?
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: uh, I have no idea. I think he's going to make great music on everyone
<Fluburtur> I was thinking of making one with that general body shape
<Fluburtur> I may want to help him procrastinate
<Fluburtur> anyways I have to go do stuff to get my passport
<Mat2ch> passport?
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<Guest56215> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest56215
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<arandomkspuser> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, arandomkspuser
<arandomkspuser> is anyone on?
<Gasher[work]> somewhat
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<Fluburtur> it will soon be time to bother plenty of peoples
<UmbralRaptop> Fluburtur: silly question: do you have a blog or something where you go over what you've built, how it flies, etc?
<Fluburtur> I usually post it on the flite test forums and youtube
<UmbralRaptop> ah
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<Mod9000> Hello, NOTAPRO
<NOTAPRO> anyone here
<NOTAPRO> or is my wifi bad
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<darsie> your wifi is bad.
<UmbralRaptop> Nice of them to make it impossible to interact if you're checking back every 10-30 minutes
<Fluburtur> next random to join and expect immediate answers should be welcomed in a weirdly nice way
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<Mat2ch> the bot could start a conversation... :D
<Fluburtur> peoples seem to be afraid of bots
<Mat2ch> They don't know that Mod9000 is a bot...
<Mat2ch> at least not at first :D
* UmbralRaptop should probably complain on the forum at some point
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch I found a guy that could build me jet engines for the plane for a cheaper price than the commericla ones
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: and will you be able to make build videos? :D
<Fluburtur> probably
<Mat2ch> nice!
<Fluburtur> 1600€ for one turbine alone still
<Fluburtur> so thats two of them plus the supporting hardware
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<Althego> hehe they are working, they just dont know which is which
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<Mat2ch> Althego: hehe
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<Tsar_Bomba> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_Bomba
<Althego> hehe what a name
<UmbralRaptop> b00m
<Tsar_Bomba> it is the worlds most powerful bomb, unlike me....
<Tsar_Bomba> so...
<UmbralRaptop> ⚛☠☢
* UmbralRaptop should really get back to that save where I was trying to fly everything with kRPC, but effort…
<UmbralRaptop> Also studying / research
<Tsar_Bomba> whats kRPC
<Tsar_Bomba> I am new to the game (got it in February so sorry if its a dumb queston)
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: so many things to do, so little time... ;)
<Althego> solution is obviously multithreading
<Althego> just need to get a few clones
<UmbralRaptop> It's a mod that lets you write / run scripts in a variety of languages (Python, Lua, etc) to get info, control crafts, etc.
<Althego> hehe, somebody should make an ansible module then :)
<UmbralRaptop> fork(UmbralRaptop)
<Mat2ch> Thread* Mat2ch2 = new Thread()
<Mat2ch> :P
<Mat2ch> hm, crashes instantly.
<Althego> lol
<Tsar_Bomba> what does
<Althego> the mat2ch2 thread
<Tsar_Bomba> oh
<Mat2ch> I always wanted to try out kRPC. Write an autopilot for my SSTOs with it and stuff
<Mat2ch> but understanding the coordinate system and all that stuff is hard
<Mat2ch> I could figure it out, but it would be so much easier to ask somebody all the time ;)
<Tsar_Bomba> I can't Even go to the mun without mechjeb
<Mat2ch> You gotta try. It's easier than you might think :)
<Althego> going to the mun and back is so easy you can do it without a map
<Althego> there are some tricks though
<Mat2ch> Landing is the tricky part. But as long as you let SAS keep the lander retrograde it's pretty easy.
<Tsar_Bomba> yes, but I don't have much time, and I am impationt
<Mat2ch> I'm impatient, because I'm growing older and older and don't want to spend so many time anymore reading and learning, but doing stuff ;)
<Tsar_Bomba> I can spell, but I don't care for spelling
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<Mat2ch> looks like the fork worked ;P
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Correct spelling is something you don't do for yourself, but for others. It's part of being a nice person.
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<Tsar_Bomba> my firs mun misson didn't have enough fuel to return
<Althego> everybody starts there
<Althego> but now that the game has a built in delta v calculator
<Althego> and delta v maps are available (see in the topic)
<Althego> you can jsut design the mission to have enough
<Tsar_Bomba> no, that was WITH the delta-v stuff
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> then you can analyze where you lost it
<Tsar_Bomba> it was, however, one of the premade ones
<Althego> and try to figure out what the problem was
<Tsar_Bomba> ya, ill do that when I have time.
<UmbralRaptor> The premade ships have, uh, historically had some flaws.
<Althego> they are not too bad now
<UmbralRaptor> (The Kerbal X really tends to do better if you stretch the stages)
<UmbralRaptor> yay
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<Althego> ludicrous speed
<Althego> go
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<RelativisticRaptor> Annoying spacetime metrics as homework
<RelativisticRaptor> … not sure why tsar_bomba left
<Althego> there was even some dialog going
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<Tsar_Bomba> sorry, but I had network problems
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<RelativisticRaptor> …
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> jurassic park style raptor or feathered raptor?
<RelativisticRaptor> Feathered, naturally
<Fluburtur> the paper covering is really effective
<Althego> by the power of gr*yskull
<Althego> (use the correct character there :)
<Rolf> groyskull?
<Althego> whatever
<Rolf> lol
<RelativisticRaptor> græyskull
<Althego> hehe best solution
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> that show was interesting. apparently they planned it to be ultraviolent show (for comic anyway)
<Rolf> but censors was tired of those shows so they said "no, it is totally family show, and problem solving"
<Rolf> and rewrote all stories
<Rolf> sure they fought sometimes but not a lot compared to orginial storyline.
<Althego> (also heyeyey)
<Althego> what that meme is so old i cant even remember when it wa
<Rolf> ironic if it was as planned it could be obsecure show now. not popular and well remembered as it is now.
<Althego> "i should be sleeping like a log"
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<JVFoxy> oh because of the naming huh?
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah
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<Fluburtur> im pretty sure if a ksp player discovered an asteroid it would be named scott manley or jebediah
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<JVFoxy> nah...
<UmbralRaptor> Reminder that the first asteroid with a retrograde orbit was named Dioretsa.
<JVFoxy> you've looked at the mods that changes the kerbol system and planets? I see some pretty creative names for planets and moons there
<UmbralRaptor> (Asteroid spelled backwards)
<Fluburtur> astronomer is one of the nerdiest jobs there is
<JVFoxy> venus rotates opposite to other planets, not nicknamed rewind?
<UmbralRaptor> Probably helps that the name is so old
<JVFoxy> still discovering quite a few new things out in our own solar system. Some point going to run out of roman gods. So unless if we made up new ones in today's age...
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<Supercheese> could switch over to Hindu deities, there's probably a lot of those that remain unused
<JVFoxy> does make me wonder more now, how do people name their craft creations in KSP... I try to come up with fresh things, but at least something that makes sense. Sometimes even resorting to translated words for alternatives.
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<Supercheese> I like using Latin
<Supercheese> a bit unoriginal, I know
<Supercheese> occasionally German too
<Supercheese> although to be truly Kerbal I suppose I should be using backwards Spanish...
<JVFoxy> oh right.. lol forgot about that
<JVFoxy> I've used quite a few languages myself... I'll usually leave a note in the craft file's description so I remember where I got it from
<JVFoxy> I did name one fighter type plane Yeager T-J1, in honor of Chuck Yeager...
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