TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<legion> there's a few things off in that image...
<hoglahoo> lol
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<darsie> So much can go wrong in spaceflight, I should write a checklist.
<Fluburtur> you should make a list of things that can go right, would be shorter
<darsie> Now I accepted contracts and then waited for the next launch window, launched and the contracts expired.
<darsie> I'm not doing this for fun. It's for the money. :)
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<taniwha> what contracts expire before several windows have passed?
<Eddi|zuHause> i've never played long enough for contracts to expire
<taniwha> I've had some contracts expire, but I made the mistake of warping for 15 years
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<lordcirth_> darsie, is that an inside-out mohole?
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<darsie> yes
<darsie> gn :)
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<Judge_Dedd> Woowoo, we're on the home straight now, with plenty of fuel. Time to punch the throttle :)
<Judge_Dedd> Engines 2 and 3 back online, back up to 1/3 throttle... over 40 m/s across the water
<Judge_Dedd> 50 m/s at half throttle, we're going for full
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, this is more like it, pushing 70 m/s now in my ship
<Judge_Dedd> OK auxilliary engines engaged... 80 m/s
<Judge_Dedd> I think I can get better than that if I redistribute the remaining fuel a little
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, 85 m/s :)
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 85 m/s to knots
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 85 m/s (meters per second) to knots: 165.2 knots
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 85 m/s to kph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 85 m/s (meters per second) to kilometers per hour: 306 km/h (kilometers per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> !!!
<Judge_Dedd> After carefully sipping fuel for so long, this feels so wasteful
<Judge_Dedd> I'm using 12x the amount of fuel to raise the speed from 20 m/s to 86
<Judge_Dedd> Amazingly, hard turns at this speed are no problem
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 86 m/s to knots
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 86 m/s (meters per second) to knots: 167.2 knots
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 86 m/s to kph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 86 m/s (meters per second) to kilometers per hour: 309.6 km/h (kilometers per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 86 m/s to mph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 86 m/s (meters per second) to miles per hour: 192.4 mph (miles per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 200 mph to m/s
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 200 mph (miles per hour) to meters per second: 89.41 m/s (meters per second)
<Judge_Dedd> I'm at 87.6 m/s now after some more fuel balancing. If I hit 88, will I go into the future?
<Althego> so did you reach the space center?
<Judge_Dedd> Getting close
<Judge_Dedd> Since I have plenty of fuel, I'm kicking the throttle for the last stretch
<Judge_Dedd> I hit 88 m/s and it's true, I did go into the future!
<Judge_Dedd> It's much later now than it was when I started
<Judge_Dedd> After this trip, it's an amazing to me to close - seeing familiar land formations and mountains I recognise in the distance... it feels like coming home.
<Judge_Dedd> it's an amazing FEELING to be so close*
<Judge_Dedd> ;88 m/s to mph
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 88 m/s to mph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 88 m/s (meters per second) to miles per hour: 196.9 mph (miles per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 88 m/s to kph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 88 m/s (meters per second) to kilometers per hour: 316.8 km/h (kilometers per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 88 m/s to knots
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 88 m/s (meters per second) to knots: 171.1 knots
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 88.5 m/s to mph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 88.5 m/s (meters per second) to miles per hour: 198 mph (miles per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> So close to 200 mph
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 88.7 m/s to mph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 88.7 m/s (meters per second) to miles per hour: 198.4 mph (miles per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> This makes me want to get back to trying to develop a supersonic boat
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<Judge_Dedd> 89.3...
<Judge_Dedd> 89.4!! YES
<Judge_Dedd> ;wa 89.41 m/s to mph
<kmath> Judge_Dedd: convert 89.41 m/s (meters per second) to miles per hour: 200 mph (miles per hour)
<Judge_Dedd> I can see KSC!
<Judge_Dedd> I made it. Journey is OVER. Fluburtur's challenge has been COMPLETED
<Judge_Dedd> With an excess 7400 fuel
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<Guest98134> hHi I recently bought ksp for my PS4 but I do not know how to extend solar panels and it is the same with everything else you can rectract or extend
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<Fluburtur> hard difficulty on ace combat 7 isnt too bad
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<darsie> Hmm, I started using the fuel of my last stage instead of separating.
<hoglahoo> it happens
<darsie> should have disabled hte tank.
<darsie> But I still have enough, I think.
<darsie> Definitely enough to land on Phobos. And Mars reentry won't work anyways, I think.
<hoglahoo> is that 116kph, Fluburtur
<Fluburtur> yes
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<kubi> nice
<kubi> my record was around 50km/h
<kubi> with a quadcopter
<Fluburtur> that was while gliding in a slight dive
<kubi> then on its way back just lost one of the props
<Deddly> Fluburtur, you missed the action
<Deddly> I made it home
<Fluburtur> nice
<Deddly> Max speed was over 89 m/s
<hoglahoo> congrats
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<Deddly> I had 7500 fuel left over, so I could have gone much further at full speed
<Deddly> It was an amazing feeling to make it all the way
<Fluburtur> that is probably one of the hardest challenges out there
<Fluburtur> not becaus of the complexity and space skills but because of patience
<Mat2ch> Deddly: woah, nice
<Deddly> It still feels amazing to me that I made it all the way with such a large margin of fuel remaining.
<Deddly> At one point I was convinced I wasn't going to make it
<Mat2ch> I once drove to the North Pole
<Mat2ch> what a ride that was
<Deddly> ;wa 89.8 m/s to kph
<kmath> Deddly: convert 89.8 m/s (meters per second) to kilometers per hour: 323.3 km/h (kilometers per hour)
<Deddly> Max speed for the boat
<Mat2ch> uhm
<hoglahoo> lets see the boat
<Fluburtur> nice speedboat
<Fluburtur> do you think you would be able to do the challenge taking only half the initial fuel load and no extra crafts?
<darsie> I had glitches, switching between Deimos and Mars SOI and thought of restarting ... and it crashed :).
<hoglahoo> you need to accept those other contracts anyway
<Deddly> The boat is in the last picture in this post
<Deddly> Fluburtur, yes, I expect so. But I'm not going to do it ;)
<Deddly> Fluburtur, and I'd have to go slower
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<Tsar_bomba> hi?
<hoglahoo> ohh ok - for some reason I thought it was a sub and I was trying to figure out how you managed 89m/s underwater XD
<Deddly> Hello Tsar_bomba
<Tsar_bomba> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_bomba
<Fluburtur> my fast subs can go around 40m/s
<Fluburtur> which is already absurdly fast for a sub
<Deddly> hoglahoo, ah yes, it is called the Submarine challenge but boats are allowed
<hoglahoo> pretty cool
<packbart> I was thinking exactly that from the screenshots I've seen. It's sub-marine
<Tsar_bomba> so, what are we currently talking about?
<Deddly> The thing is, the original design for this boat only had two engines, but it needs six to overcome the initial artificial drag spike that KSP has in water
<hoglahoo> Tsar_bomba:
<Tsar_bomba> ok, that helps
<Deddly> So any watercraft have to be absurdly overpowered to get past the 0.3 m/s hurdle
<Fluburtur> yeah, water is basically x10 air
<Fluburtur> so having a really aerodynamic craft is necessary
<Tsar_bomba> Im sure this is stupid, but have any of you made a flighing sub
<Fluburtur> yeah it is easy
<Fluburtur> once you dump all the balast it becomes light enough to fly
<Fluburtur> and my first sub was a plane that I happened to land on water
<Deddly> Tsar_bomba, actually, it's very difficult to build a boat that CAN'T fly ;)
<Tsar_bomba> I guess that makes sense, considering all the rockets in ksp
<Deddly> Fluburtur, it's not the normal water drag, there's a special drag spike at low speeds, especiallt below 0.4 m/s
<Deddly> Tsar_bomba, So what do you like to build?
<Tsar_bomba> yes, but I am terrible at launching to orbit
<Deddly> Fluburtur, it's for preventing people having to wait hours for splashed-down craft to stop moving in order to recover them
<Tsar_bomba> most of my stuff is modded and op
<Deddly> Tsar_bomba, I mean, what sort of craft do you like to build?
<Fluburtur> I wonder if it would be possible to build an effective skimmer craft
<Tsar_bomba> I like to attempt to build a spaceplain, but I probubly won't
<Fluburtur> shower time
<Deddly> Tsar_bomba, nice :)
<Tsar_bomba> the hardest part is the wings
<Deddly> Fluburtur, skimmer as in bounce across the water surface? It would break parts
<Tsar_bomba> bye
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<Deddly> Spaceplanes, especially SSTO spaceplanes, are one of the biggest challenges in the game. Though su..... ok bye
<hoglahoo> :)
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<Tsar_bomba> hi im alredy back
<Tsar_bomba> hello?
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<Tsar_bomba> Hi?
<Tsar_bomba> do I exist
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<Deddly> Oh, hi and bye
<hoglahoo> look away for 5 minutes and they've returned, had a conversation with themselves, and left again
<darsie> Bomb: Your sensors might get their inputs from a simulation.
* darsie loads a saved game to send data from Deimos :).
<darsie> Hmm, the Deimos flyby contract accepts data from the surface.
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<hoglahoo> seems expensive
<kmath> YouTube - STAR WARS: ALWAYS
<Althego> as if somebody created a trailer to all star wars
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<GlassYuri> so I think I just found out how the taobao consolidated shipping maps parcels to customers
<GlassYuri> I knew that they give sellers my real name and the address of their warehouse in dongguan, but they actually APPEND AN ALPHANUMERIC ID NUMBER TO THE ADDRESS AND EXPECT SELLERS AND THE POST OFFICE TO JUST PRETEND THAT'S NORMAL
<GlassYuri> I noticed it because a seller asked me if the address was correct
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<darsie> I have a 1.98 Tm dish relay connected, aimed at active vessle in high Mars orbit (450 Mm) and a 4 Mm omni in Deimos-Phobos transfer orbit and don't get a connection. sqrt(1.98E12*4E6)=2814 Mm. Both antennas are active.
<darsie> Am I not using the sqrt model?
<darsie> Repost from #ro .
<Althego> line of sight?
<darsie> yes
<Althego> but i dont know anything about the mods
<darsie> RemoteTech
<darsie> I think.
<Althego> no, i mean dont know how they work. i just know how reality should work :)
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<darsie> However, the link range is limited to 100 times the omni range or 1000 times the dish range, whichever is smallest:
<darsie> So 400 Mm because of the 4 Mm omni.
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<Eddi|zuHause> so they didn't trust in the geometric mean doing its job, and put in an extra hard limit?
<darsie> appearently
<darsie> I haven't tested it, yet.
<darsie> I kept my relay in the capture orbit till I felt a need to change it.
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<Mat2ch> 6 seater
<Althego> lot of space
<Mat2ch> and compared to a Soyuz capsule this is very spaceous
<Mat2ch> (but we should wait until they pack it full of cargo ;)
<Althego> yes that is quite crowded
<Althego> with 3 people and all the stuff
<Mat2ch> I was wrong. I think this just has four seats
<Mat2ch> it just appears to have 6
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APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 | Dragon V2 Maiden Flight on Saturday
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<packbart> meh. the mono compiler on my Ubuntu supports C# 5.0. the GroundConstruction mod I'd like to tinker with uses C# 6.0 syntax
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<darsie> Is there a mod that switches time display between relative, MET and UT?
<darsie> Like on manoeuvers, Ap, Pe, ...
<Althego> you can switch between met and ut already. i dont know what relative would be
<darsie> Relative is 33m5s to maneuver.
<Althego> ah for maneuvers
<darsie> yep
<darsie> So I can peek in the future when e.g. the crater where I wanna land will be at a certain time, then make a maneuver at that time and adjust my orbit so the maneuver is at the same location where the crater will be, so I know I'll land there.
<Althego> hehe, yes, the game predicts your trajectory, but doesnt predict where it will be on the surface at contact
<darsie> I can do it now by converting the ETA to relative time, but it's tedious.
<darsie> KER does that, but not in the version I have for RO.
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<kmath> YouTube - RCT2 - 12 Years Of Suffering - Longest roller coaster ever created