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<taniwha> bah. major problem with long uptimes: you forget how to log into znc
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<mpderksen> what is the best website to upload a photo for posting to the Kerbal forum?
<mpderksen> photobucket has watermarks, and google uses https....
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<kmath> YouTube - makeshift laser triggered spark gap
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<Mat2ch> Ohhhh, it's Wednesday already!
<Mat2ch> Where did the time go? /o\
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<legion> canister on your digging tool, dig it out?
<Rolf> i dub thee feathertrees
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: Better have a parachute when jumping off cliffs.
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think leaving the vehicle at that position is a good idea :p
<Eddi|zuHause> i now turned a bit, and "drove" into the chasm
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<Althego> hehe
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<Eddi|zuHause> so i finally managed to get the rover out of the chasm :p
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<Althego> hmm wintergatan
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<Fluburtur> wew
<Fluburtur> does martin really want to bend all those pipes in a very specific and weird way
<Fluburtur> why does he want to suffer
<Althego> so this is it. the official end of opportunity
<Kalpa^> RIP and so forth
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<Althego> hehe, pp bus dating app for those who have jtag faces
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<TransitBiker> bwoop
<TransitBiker> my mac pro is amazing
<TransitBiker> ambient temp is 70 degrees f, cpu cores hovering around 64 degrees f
<Althego> impossibell without active heat pump :)
<TransitBiker> hottest logic componant is 108f, memory controller, which is right next to the gpu card
<TransitBiker> 106 now
<Althego> hehe, you have a memory controller? :)
<Althego> moved into the cpu a decade ago
<TransitBiker> well, the memory controllers are on the ram sticks
<TransitBiker> fully buffered
<TransitBiker> and yes, i clean the ram heatsinks regularly
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<TransitBiker> cpu now 63 degree
<TransitBiker> the onboard fan controlleri s very clever - it does not let you put the case exhaust fan below a certain percent of the intake fans
<TransitBiker> because then you'd have air backing up in the case
<Althego> and i have fans that stop spinning when load is low. way better
<TransitBiker> well, this thing by default has fans running around 300 rpm ile with the default profile in place
<TransitBiker> the onboard fan controller also will override the fan control software if temperatures rise above a certain amount per sensor
<Fluburtur> helo transit
<TransitBiker> once the fan control software is running, the miniums are 500 rpm for everything exept psu which is set a min of 600
<TransitBiker> hoi
<TransitBiker> how is the master of rc flying today?
<Fluburtur> im making parts for an old biplane
<hoglahoo> how do you know TransitBiker was asking about you
<Fluburtur> I know
<hoglahoo> thats the kind of confidence we need around here
<hoglahoo> someone hire this man or woman
<Althego> eh nvidia driver again
<TransitBiker> the engine mount surface could use some heat-resistant paint? :D
<TransitBiker> nice
<Fluburtur> the fake engine will be fitted on the electric motor since the real one had a rotary engine
<TransitBiker> does the electric motor need cooling?
<Fluburtur> this one wont need much
<Fluburtur> it wont need much power and the motor I got can handle like 300W and I dont think this one will even need 100 to fly
<TransitBiker> maybe a bug screen behind the prop on the motor
<Fluburtur> and the prop will provide enough cooling
<TransitBiker> since its open on the front
<TransitBiker> yes, some bug screens on those side vents
<Fluburtur> I dont think it is needed
<Fluburtur> it will fly rather slow
<TransitBiker> ah ok
<Fluburtur> this one is handbuilt from around 30 years ago so I will try to keep it in good shape
<TransitBiker> i guess try to keep it dry
<TransitBiker> but not too dry
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<Fluburtur> I will try to not crash it first
<Fluburtur> it doesnt have ailerons, only tail controls so it should e fairly gentle to fly
<Fluburtur> and all moving rudder do it should have good yaw control
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<TransitBiker> bbl
<Fluburtur> someone on my discord server is trying to build that
<Althego> rotor swashplate?
<Fluburtur> coaxial multirotor
<Fluburtur> worst of both helis na dmultirotors
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<Mat2ch> .oO( nooo, the Marble Machine X is not overengineered or so ;)
<Althego> but the tale of the dragonslayer :)
<Althego> scott about opportunity
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<Althego> probably curiosity cant last this long
<Althego> the decaying rtg and wheels
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