TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
sandbox has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Rokker> Fluburtur: build a Boeing bird of prey
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<darsie> How do I figure out the mass of an RCS quad with a certain fuel type and tech level? Hmm, nm, it's probably too difficult.
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<Draconiator> Does the reason a hard drive spindle motor won't stay running while connected to the main board have to do with throwing a mess of errors in the firmware because nothing else is connected?
<Eddi|zuHause> i have a feeling you dug too deep for that question to make sense to anyone besides yourself
<Eddi|zuHause> however, my first guess would be the motor stops spinning because of a powersave feature
<Eddi|zuHause> and thus would be totally uncorrelated with any error messages
<Eddi|zuHause> well, uncorrelated might be the wrong word
<Draconiator> hm, let me reprase. My spindle motor won't stay running because of firmware error messages....and hmmm. that would make sense.
<Draconiator> *rephrase
<Eddi|zuHause> how are you reading the firmware errors if nothing is connected?
<Draconiator> Just a hunch, because when the hard drive was together (and running, it failed on me) the motor never stopped that fast.
<lordcirth> Draconiator, a head crash might make it stop a lot faster...
<Eddi|zuHause> well, my first attempt would be trying to get SMART data
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<Draconiator> hmmm, Windows did NOT like me plugging the bare hard drive board in to check SMART data - bluescreened me with a DPC Watchdog Violation. Looked it up and apparently Windows thought I'd connected a SSD with no actual storage and it freaked out heh
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<Tank2333> hi o/
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<daniel_> Anyone here?
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<Tank2333> yes
<Tank2333> Learn to IRC
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<Rabblerouser> Hngh. Gotta love how I join the /r/KerbalSpaceProgram's discord and instead of helping me install MechJeb, they're asking why I want to install it when d/v is part of the game now. e.e
<Rabblerouser> You guys were always the cool ones. :P
<VanD> the logs will show a fair share of elitisim here too :P
<Rabblerouser> Well I haven't been here in years. I think the last I was here was... before Steam release?
<Rabblerouser> Or somewhere around there. I don't know how it's changed.
<VanD> just got quieter, really
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<Mat2ch> But just a little bit quieter ;P
<Mat2ch> We're just too excited about the Crew Dragon launch!
<Deddly> Is it still a 7-seater?
<Mat2ch> One dummy and some cargo
<Mat2ch> For the later versions, yes, still 7 seats
<Mat2ch> Uhh
<Mat2ch> didn't know that: SpX-DM2: Crewed test flight of the Dragon 2 capsule, with two astronauts for two weeks
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<Eddi|zuHause> two weeks is to the moon and back?
<Rolf> or orbiting for while
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<JVFoxy> Space flight gotten so easy, we sending even dummies into space huh? :P
<JVFoxy> just... don't cats in space, got enough videos of them down here on earth as it is. :\
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<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> oh left
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<sandbox> charmonium
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<packbart> we smelt the ore and the ore smelt good
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<Yukkuri> hi, if anyone familiar with mechjeb, is it possible to control trust level with it and turn engines off at all?
<Yukkuri> thrust*
<Yukkuri> i am looking at scripting actions and see only activation of engine
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<Fluburtur> how do I make a 3d pdf file
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<darsie> What's that?
<darsie> You could put in it.
<darsie> Fluburtur:
Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
<Deddly> Fluburtur, heading west parallel to the arctic region now, then it's just head back down south to the KSC!
<Deddly> Well, you know... south and around a continent first
<lordcirth> Yukkuri, for scripting, you might want kOS instead
<Yukkuri> lordcirth: what mechjeb is good for then?
<Yukkuri> god, kos even having telnet server for easy access
<Yukkuri> as well as conventional turing-complete language
<Yukkuri> looks awesome
<lordcirth> Yukkuri, mechjeb is mostly so you can click buttons and it does things. If you're going to script it, kOS is better.
<packbart> i like kRPC better but it's an external processed and there might be some critical lag for an autopilot
<packbart> i never got the hang of the Mechjeb scripting thing. writing a bit of Python to refill probe tanks and automate some mining jobs such was much easier
<lordcirth> Depends; kOS isn't the most efficient language either, and it runs in the same thread as the game'
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<Fluburtur> nice
<Fluburtur> I flew my glider with the new battery, I am satisfied
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<Deddly> Nice, Flub
<Deddly> 27k fuel remaining. I think I'll make it, but it WILL be tight
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<Deddly> What's great, though, is that I now only need 1/12 throttle to maintain the same speed I was getting before, so it's twice as efficient now.
<Deddly> Just over 1/6 fuel remaining, and WE'RE HEADING SOUTH onto the home stretch!
<Fluburtur> so no refuel for the whole trip
<Deddly> Nope
<Fluburtur> that is some kind of record
<Deddly> Not so far, and it looks like I might make it
<Deddly> I'm not celebrating until I get there, but yeah, I don't think anyone ever did this before
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<hoglahoo> what are you doing, Deddly
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<Deddly> I'm doing Fluburtur's Sanity Challenge
<Deddly> He calls it something else, though
<Deddly> hoglahoo,
<Althego> the kerbin ocean circumnavigatipn thing
<hoglahoo> oh lord
<Althego> wont you buy me a mercedes benz?
<Deddly> That's not ocean circumnavigation, Althego, that would be the Elcano challenge. This? Nah, this is like doing it four times
<Mat2ch> Did anyone ever finish that challenge?
<Deddly> No
<Althego> not even flub
<Deddly> But I'm nearly there
<Mat2ch> Did anyone every calculate how long it takes? :D
<Deddly> ...relatively speaking
<Fluburtur> I did 1200km of it
<Deddly> I'm up at near the north pole, now turning south on the last stretch home
<Deddly> If I make it without refuelling, this will be incredibly satisfying
<hoglahoo> how long ago did you accept the challenge
<Deddly> I started by sending up a satellite to set waypoints for the trip
<Deddly> Ooh, let me see now...
<Deddly> September 10 2018
<Deddly> And in the process, I necroed a thread that had been dormant for three years
<Deddly> Here we go
<Fluburtur> I havent logged on the forums in several years
<Deddly> You should, then you can update your thread ;)
<Deddly> Laters
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<hoglahoo> wow
<hoglahoo> i feel bad for asking that Q then almost immediately leaving for lunch
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> hehe a little comic
<Althego> with the reaper taking the rover
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<Eddi|zuHause> spoilers?
<Althego> retracted
<Eddi|zuHause> not that i'm likely to watch a scott video that isn't by tom scott, but... spoilers are spoilers
<Althego> no it was scott manley
<Fluburtur> what I figure Althego sounds like when he says scott
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Rokker> Fluburtur: make this
<Fluburtur> k
<Deddly> KSP IRL
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<Rokker> Deddly: that's how they tame wild UAVs so they can domesticate them
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<Deddly> LOL Rokker
Deddly has quit [Quit: Good night. By the way, .gif = hard G]