TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7
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<Rolf> heh imange how water would work.
<Mat2ch> Or gravity
<Mat2ch> or orbiting...
<Mat2ch> you have to go to the edges to make easier orbit entries
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<darsie> Yay, Jebediah Terran is back from the first human landing on the Moon :). It was a disaster, but with much improvisation it worked out.
<darsie> He also forgot the surface sample and EVA report in the lander can when transferring to the reentry capsule.
<darsie> Max 5.9 g-force during lifting reentry at 48 km Pe.
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<kmath> YouTube - Mars 2020 Rover Build Update
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<darsie> Vesta has 0.25 m/s2 surface gravity. That would only allow an 0.4 kg craft with an 0.1 N nstar drive to lift off. I wonder if it's possible to slide on the ground and maybe catapult over a hill to a suborbital trajectory and eventually reach orbit.
<kmath> YouTube - SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 13 February 2019
<Mat2ch> That thing looks like it could go on for hours
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<darsie> What mods are useful for using the 100 mN NSTAR engine with 1.3.1?
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<JVFoxy> torn between streaming or recording... sigh
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