raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | JWST deployment status: https://webb.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html | Ask not for whom the 鶏^H火の鳥 kikkerikiis
purpletarget|ktns has quit [Quit: Any fool can calculate]
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You hail the probe. Wernher von Kerman orders Bob to buy him a dozen brattwursts on the way back from the supermarket.
<raptop> Not sure how that's related, but at least dinner will be good
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You attempt to calculate longitude of ascending node by hand. The linux file manager starts on boot.
<XXCoder> must have been pressing keyboard while writing solutions
<XXCoder> its so rare to get a repeat...
<XXCoder> raptop: sure its related, wernher von kerman is secretly a probe
<raptop> Hm, because he's canonically german(ish), wernher will make the good kind of potato salad
<raptop> (That is, the kind that's served hot, and uses vinegar and bacon. Not the kind that's served cold and uses mayonnaise)
<umaxtu> now I want some of Schniyz's potato salad. so damn good
<XXCoder> literally my last mission was: You attempt to calculate longitude of ascending node by hand. You miss your scheduled burn.
<XXCoder> so its very rare repeat in row
<raptop> nice
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<funkenstein> ;missiin
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You embark on a journey to the toilet. Your name is cursed for generations.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You attempt to research the entire tech tree with a single launch. Curiosity of tolerance levels leads to an untimely demise.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Jetpack deorbit to Kerbin. Bob shows you how well he can play Wonderwall on guitar.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You build a dual-purpose jetpack slash flamethrower. You learn for yourself the true cost of lies.
<funkenstein> he'd bettter be playing it while deorbiting
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You bring the anti-mass spectrometer up to 105%. You realize that this will take a Poincare recursion time to complete.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You perform gastric bypass surgery on the Deep Space Kraken. Then there was much rejoicing.
<funkenstein> I'm sure\
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You try to publish a paper about how pigs are actually plants. The hatch is obscured.
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<sandbox> ;mission
<LunchBot> sandbox: 'Murica militarizes Pluto. In a strange twist of probability, people no longer die, regardless of the absurdity of their situation.
<raptop> uh
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<packbart> LunchBot does have a command to edit outcomes, doesn't it?
<LunchBot> I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,lunchmode,mission,outcome,stupid,colloid,colloid²,nextfrog,rocks,space!,nextbankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,banlist,wenhop,help} help.
<packbart> "brattwurst" should definitely be "bratwurst" :)
<packbart> !colloid²
<LunchBot> packbart: Pasimnoket.
<packbart> !nextbankruptcy
<LunchBot> packbart: JP Aerospace.
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<packbart> ooh, the screenshot simulator got carrier interiors. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/edc2.jpg
<Althego> what is that, star citizen?
<packbart> Elite Dangerous
<Althego> havent played that for a while
<packbart> I've got the carrier skin where the observation deck doesn't look out over the landing pads. hm. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/edc3.jpg
<packbart> Althego: me neither. and they changed all the faces of my carrier crew!11 :(
<Althego> heh
<Althego> e
<packbart> I guess they had to change the faces to fit the few available NPC models. My old crew had a lot more personality. Now they look more the same
<packbart> ah well. any game, you win some new features and lose some old ones. and the bugs changed again ;)
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<raptop> !mission blah
<LunchBot> raptop: No mission found matching "blah".
<raptop> !mission blåh
<LunchBot> raptop: You suggest that IKEA replace their Blåhaj line with plush krakens.
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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You build a replica of an obscure craft that no one but you has ever heard of. You also discover that "Warp to dawn" and "Warp to Dawn" do two very different things.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You search for buried treasure on Eve. This shouldn't be physically possible.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You launch a small, unobservable teapot into a high orbit in order to definitively prove the existence of one. More struts are required.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You attempt to port KSP to the Doom engine. kmath despairs at your choices and resets its database.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You open a portal to Duna to recover the abandoned Union Aerospace Corporation facility. You accidentally call Laythe "Lethe" in a press conference, causing everyone to forget about going to space today.
<raptop> You know that you can browse all of the missions/outcomes at https://www.flherne.uk/hacks/missions.txt and https://www.flherne.uk/hacks/outcomes.txt right?
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<TheWikipedian> Hello!
<darsie> .
<TheWikipedian> i do not have manoeuvre planning yet but i want to go to the mun, how can i plan such a mission
<darsie> Go to orbit and I think you can start your transfer burn when the Mun rises.
<darsie> Getting maneuver planning is certainly a saner choice ;).
<TheWikipedian> I am more interested in the mathematics to be honest
<TheWikipedian> i could unlock manoeuvre planning but i want to learn how to do it by hand
<UmbralRaptop> Ah, like phase angles?
<TheWikipedian> i am not sure what that is
<UmbralRaptop> The angle between you and the target when you do the transfer burn
<UmbralRaptop> eg: for a kerbin-duna transfer, you want duna to be 44˚ ahead
<TheWikipedian> yes, how is that calculated?
<UmbralRaptop> Mostly by comparing periods of the initial orbit, target, and transfer orbit. I'll need to double check on the canned formula
* raptop stabs google
<raptop> Angle(in degrees) = 1440 (a_2 / (a_1+a_2))^3/2 if I did the math right
<raptop> This is for an outwards transfer
<raptop> a_1 is the semi-major axis of the initial orbit, and a_2 for the final orbit
<raptop> I want to say for an inwards transfer it ends up being θ(deg) == 1440 (a_1 / (a_1+a_2))^3/2
<raptop> (ie: that one semi-major axis is flipped)
<raptop> Also, I really don't trust that I didn't mess up a constant
<raptop> Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did, because as a_2 becomes way larger than a_1, it should go to 90 degrees
<raptop> bleah, 90 (a_2/(a_1+a_2))^(3/2)?
* raptop pokes the channel a with a blåhaj
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<raptop> bleah, algebra error and a conceptual error
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