raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | JWST deployment status: https://webb.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html | Ask not for whom the 鶏^H火の鳥 kikkerikiis
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
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<raptop> Huh, there's an easter egg at dessert airfield
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<UmbralRaptop> 🐔
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> raptop: attachming moar boosters is always the correct answer.
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<funkenstein> ;out come add OH, mulemuff, starchild! Oh, donkeypuss!
<funkenstein> ;outcome add Oh. mulemuff, starchild! oh, donkeypuss!
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added outcome: Oh. mulemuff, starchild! oh, donkeypuss!
<funkenstein> ;mission add You turn on the radio whilst crossing the event horizon
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: You turn on the radio whilst crossing the event horizon
<Althego> (with john michael godier)
<funkenstein> lol
<funkenstein> the song referenced in the outcome is Theme From the Black Hoe by Parliament
<funkenstein> *the black hole
<funkenstein> not hoe
<funkenstein> woof
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the typos
<Althego> -s
<darsie> .
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> but yt will kill the math stream again
<raptop> Starlink sponsorship for the zombie?
<Althego> but why only the math streams
<raptop> Maybe the whiteboard software she's using is badly behaved?
<Althego> no, worked in the past
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> stream works no sound
<Althego> lol ipad
Ezriilc has joined #KSPOfficial
<FLHerne> ;mission add Obsessed by the previous mission, you forget to eat or sleep for three days.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: Obsessed by the previous mission, you forget to eat or sleep for three days.
<raptop> ;mission add You forget that while kerbals don't need to eat, you do.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You forget that while kerbals don't need to eat, you do.
<raptop> This mission inspired by a Baldur's Gate 2 loading screen
<FLHerne> ;mission add After accepting 87 contracts at random, you propose to fulfill all of them in one mission.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: After accepting 87 contracts at random, you propose to fulfill all of them in one mission.
<raptop> Ah, yes. *Those* rockets
<FLHerne> If you build a sort of mothership with landers and atmospheric craft, it can be just about reasonable
<Izaya> Is there a mod that I can like, press a key and it dumps vessel info to my disk somewhere?
<Althego> the save button?
<Izaya> :p
<FLHerne> well, it's true, the savefile is plaintext and fairly readable
<Izaya> you do raise a fair point >.>
<Althego> some data is not readily available in that, like delta v
<Izaya> this exists, it's not quite what I'm after but it's not completely wrong either https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/201967-112x-export-flight-data-to-a-csv-file-mod/
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<raptop> shiny
Guest72263 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest72263> Hello everyone
<raptop> Hm, though those would be exporting in-flight stuff
<raptop> greetings, guest
<raptop> Izaya: Is this going to end up with making graphs in matplotlib?
<Guest72263> Anyone know how the MKS Wolf modules work?
<Izaya> those CSVs? probably B)
<Izaya> but I actually want the output so I can save stats to show in videos
<raptop> nice
* raptop unfortunately hasn't done anything with MKS
<Guest72263> I've tried to reach RoverDude but he's been busy. The concept is great... you deploy a depot, then deploy mining equipment which all disappear from screen and exist only in the Wolf dashboard collecting resources.
<Guest72263> cuts down on FPS loss because it doesn't have to show the modules and mines resources in the background.
<Guest72263> I just can't seem to deploy the mining gear.... I'm always short on something that prevents it. :(
<flayer> have you tried not being short on it?
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<Guest72263> LMAO... Gee never thought of that!... My issue is understanding how it determines it's numbers as the menus don't match up!
<Guest72263> Here is a link to the issue. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154587-111x-modular-kolonization-system-mks/&do=findComment&comment=4120176
<FLHerne> Guest72263: looking, but haven't used this mod
<Guest72263> Thanks for looking.
<Guest72263> Kracken just took out my space station and 18 kerbals... Funeral services will be held at KSC over the next few weeks for the lost soles.
<Guest72263> oops... Souls
<darsie> I believe Kerbals have soles. Not sure about souls.
<Guest72263> I guess that would mean that 36 soles were lost then
<flayer> in my mind, kerbals are made up out of fluid filled bladders
<Guest72263> Ah Bags of mostly Water!
<Guest72263> Or Gateraid!
<darsie> We can look up their mass and estimate their volume.
<darsie> Then calculate their density.
<Guest72263> I don't know... They can be pretty DENSE at times
<FLHerne> Guest72263: I think you're just misreading the (unclear) UI, at least in the screenshotted instance
<darsie> Hmm, they are a little bouyant in water.
<flayer> so is your mom
<darsie> no nose ...
<FLHerne> > Since the harvester you just added has not been configured it will be harvesting Dirt. In the harvestable resource report you'll see that the harvester is using 5 units of the 630 abundance, leaving 625 available. Note the numbers in the "Harvested" column: "0 (-5)" means that the KSC Biome Depot is currently harvesting 0 Dirt, and the craft that we are building will be harvesting 5 Dirt (thus reducing the availability by 5).
<FLHerne> so that number will always be negative, and you want it to be more negative
<FLHerne> the 630 sets a cap on the maximum production of your facility
<FLHerne> i.e. if it's "630 (-630)" then all of the resource available is being harvested
<FLHerne> so there'd be 0 available
<Guest72263> Hmmmm.... interesting.
<Guest72263> Not sure why it's blurry... not like I was holding a Camera! I'll continue to play around with it. Thanks for your input towards the solution.
<FLHerne> imgur and/or the forum are downscaling it
<FLHerne> non-blurry original https://i.imgur.com/r7sz3oa.png
<Guest72263> I was following the walk through but my numbers didn't match up and when it stated to set the fabricator to mat kits, it didn't say what resource to use. So I've been winging it.
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<FLHerne> Guest72263: Does the fabricator have options to produce any of those inputs?
<FLHerne> say Metals => Machinery or whatever
<FLHerne> you might need a chain of them
* FLHerne doesn't have KSP on this laptop
<FLHerne> well, I do but it's not really playable, and I don't have the mobile bandwidth to download stuff
<flayer> is that kerbal space program or spreadsheets offline?
<Guest72263> Yes... there are several options: Colony Supplies => Material Kits Machinery => Material Kits Specialized Parts => Material Kits Material Kits => (any of the previous)
<Guest72263> Harvesters have loads of options for what to harvest and the recipe it creates... I've tried multiple setups. I think I'll scale back the build to one harvester and to refineries to see if I can get a clear read on what it's trying to do
<Guest72263> @Flayer the Wolf Dashboard is inside KSP when you install the MKS mod... a catagory called WOLF shows up.... inside are all these modules for colony resource gathering.
<FLHerne> Guest72263: I mean, are there any options to produce the *inputs* to those recipes?
<FLHerne> Colony Supplies, etc
<FLHerne> I guess not from what you way
<FLHerne> there must be some device that does
<FLHerne> *say
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<FLHerne> Guest72263: Ok, I think I can see how those chain
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<Guest72263> I'm glad you do!!!!
<Guest72263> I thought I had it... but it went south on me and I can't put my finger on it
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<raptop> !mission add You begin stockpiling blood drives in a blood shed.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You begin stockpiling blood drives in a blood shed.
<FLHerne> !stupid whose blood
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "I was gonna give blood today but the people running it were asking way too many personal questions like 'whose blood is this?' and 'where did you get it?'."
<raptop> Fine, I'll just list the blood as sacrifices to Armok, Khorne, and Huitzlipachi
<raptop> *Huitzilopochtli
<packbart> Aztec, not Austrian
<Althego> australian ;)
<raptop> The Austrian bird is a bit different
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<darsie> .
* darsie is an Austrian bird.
<darsie> Darsie is my boy scout nick. It is derived from Hindi for tailor and Darsie (english spelling darzee) is a male tailor bird in the Rikki Tikki Tavi tale of the "Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mongoose/rtt.html
<darsie> I'm from Austria.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: <php> code </php> flew on a rocket! Blank breaks the fourth wall. And all the other walls as well.
* UmbralRaptop chirps at darsie
<darsie> .
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<funkenstein> woke up to a gunshot that I thought was part of my dream but nooo it was 12 meters away
<funkenstein> not the right place to vent but aaaaaaaaaa
<UmbralRaptop> eep
<FLHerne> funkenstein: why is someone shooting next to your bed
<funkenstein> apartments FLHerne, apartments
<FLHerne> why is someone shooting in an apartment
<UmbralRaptop> they got fed up with loud neighbors?
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<funkenstein> lol
<funkenstein> I have no idea, but geez
<funkenstein> the othher day someoneran by the window carrying a pistol
<funkenstein> and no it was not Jeb
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