raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | JWST deployment status: https://webb.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html | Ask not for whom the 鶏^H火の鳥 kikkerikiis
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<raptop> !outcome add Technically the rocket merely experienced a rapid deflagration and never detonated.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Technically the rocket merely experienced a rapid deflagration and never detonated.
<raptop> !mission add You make your slides in LaTeX instead of PowerPoint.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You make your slides in LaTeX instead of PowerPoint.
<raptop> (You can do this. Side effects include becoming a mathematician)
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<funkenstein> ;outcome add ...but they were all of them deceived, for the Nazgûl had cosmonaut training...
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added outcome: ...but they were all of them deceived, for the Nazgûl had cosmonaut training...
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* raptop wonders what an orbital steed fit for a nazgûl would look like
<funkenstein> likewise
<funkenstein> would a fell beast's hide be able to withstand the temperatures and vacuum? Surely, it would require a helmet?
<funkenstein> at the very least
<funkenstein> I'm sure the nazgûl can withstand the cold, and they verifiably do not need air
<raptop> probably, yeah
<funkenstein> so a be-helmeted fell beast with some sort of thrusters
<funkenstein> and a nazgûl looking as badass as ever
<raptop> hydrazine
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<raptop> Or at least something as toxic
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<funkenstein> hmm
<funkenstein> is a kerbal's drug addiction a mission or an outcome
<funkenstein> I suppose it depends on context
<funkenstein> ;mission add Jeb can't stop snorting chloramine, and we all know what THAT means...
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: Jeb can't stop snorting chloramine, and we all know what THAT means...
<packbart> I don't
<funkenstein> ah, but wait... if it is an outcome it could eventually come after
<packbart> Bob's using Hydrazine, that's all I know
<funkenstein> ;mission reject
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You reject traditional drugs and substitute your own.
<funkenstein> hehehe
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<Izaya> Aha, this is the one I was waiting for https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore/52006921830/
<raptop> shiny
<Althego> a new space pokemon?
<raptop> Yes, the Axiom has perfect IVs
<funkenstein> the Axiom was also the name of the craft in WALL-E
<funkenstein> 6700dv in lko, where will jeb go
<Althego> with that, anywhere
<funkenstein> (I have no particular destination but minmus just feels wasteful.)
<funkenstein> eeloo, even?
<Althego> the jool system has lot of interesting stuff
<funkenstein> which moon of jool has th e lowest gravity
<funkenstein> my landing stage is a terrier
<Althego> tylo is out then
<funkenstein> hehehe
<funkenstein> kerbal leet time
<funkenstein> is there some sort of chart that lists the gravity of each planet order of [here my brain has failed to provide a word]
<Althego> gravitational acceleration?
<Althego> you can look up the values in the wiki
<packbart> or even KSPedia :)
<funkenstein> i am trying and I don't know how to fit the wording into the search properly, I'm not getting what I'm after
<funkenstein> Jamming good with Weird and Gilly…
<funkenstein> gilly it is, then, unless anyone thinks my lack of landing gear will bugger it
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<Althego> on gilly you need rcs to land
<Althego> it has so low gravity
<Althego> so landing gear is pointless
<funkenstein> capital
<Althego> from a guy with a big beard?
<funkenstein> wha
<funkenstein> was that a marx joke lmao
<funkenstein> or a referance to Mustrum Ridcully of the Unseen University
<funkenstein> reference
<funkenstein> wow my fingers can't speak english
<Althego> marx
<funkenstein> lmao
<funkenstein> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLNplefdGKo althego that reminds me of a bit in this
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<funkenstein> king arthur and the knights of the GROND table
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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: After trying a meta-meat pie at the KSC, you build a protein/anti-protein generator. Oh my god, you killed Kenny.
<funkenstein> hehehehhehee
<funkenstein> perfect
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Your payload grossly exceeds the design mass of your vehicle. You suffer terminal acronym poisoning.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You obtain +o. Kerbals once again discover that chemistry is not good to screw around with.
<funkenstein> nevertheless, they show no signs of stopping
<funkenstein> what is +o, due to the way searches work, my query was interpreted as "what is o"
<funkenstein> my transfer to jool is a year away, in the meantime, to fill the space, could I conceivably get to the surface of eve with just parachutes, having not yet unlocked everybody's favorite inflatable heat shield?
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<FLHerne> funkenstein: IRC operator status
<FLHerne> raptop could demonstrate ;-)
<FLHerne> ;outcome add This proves to be the final straw. You are exiled from Kerbin forever.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: This proves to be the final straw. You are exiled from Kerbin forever.
<FLHerne> Eve -- probably not
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You try to stabilize your craft and poke the throttle with a stick. Scott Manley makes a video on how to do it better.
<Mat2ch> Oh, come on.
<FLHerne> ;outcome add An outbreak of common sense sweeps through KSC. Operations are disrupted until a vaccine is developed.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: An outbreak of common sense sweeps through KSC. Operations are disrupted until a vaccine is developed.
<Althego> hehe scott does the best stick poking, everybody knows that :)
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You launch a mission to capture the Deep Space Kraken. Your attempt to make ClF5 in a pressure cooker reminds you of an ex girlfriend.
<Mat2ch> No it does not. I've closed that file for me. I really have. *breaksoutintears*
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<Althego> guh
<funkenstein> is the vaccine for common sense alcohol, is it developed based upon Bob and Jeb's respective hydrazine and chloramine addictions?
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You find yourself in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The United Nations confiscates your SCRAM cannon.
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<funkenstein> shame
<funkenstein> where IS the inflateable heat shield
<Althego> where the others are
<funkenstein> Imeant, where in the tech tree, but i found it in heavy landing
<funkenstein> I mistook it for a decoupler for some reason
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You pet Kountdown. It's the strangest way yet to deliver a pizza.
<Althego> which is hard because it is pointy
<funkenstein> yes, well, I have great vision but that doesn't mean I'm not blind
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You decide to complain about mods that you've never installed. Turns out mission planning technique is more important than rocket size.
<funkenstein> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You subject FOOF to ozonolysis in spite of the dire warnings not to. sal_vager breaks down the resultant wreckage for scrap value.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You outsource the assembly of your rockets to Australia. This ultimately kills an infinite number of kerbals in finite time.
<funkenstein> logical
<Althego> must be the spiders and snakes in australia killing them
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<funkenstein> snakes on a spaceplane
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> with samuel kerman jackson?
<funkenstein> ;mission add Bob confuses hydrazine for diphenhydramine
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: Bob confuses hydrazine for diphenhydramine
<funkenstein> precisely
<Althego> i dont even know what the latter is
<darsie> ;outcome add Valentina changes her last name to German.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added outcome: Valentina changes her last name to German.
<darsie> ;outcome del Valentina changes her last name to German.
<LunchBot> darsie: Deleted outcome: "Valentina changes her last name to German."
<darsie> ;outcome add Wernher changes his last name to German.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added outcome: Wernher changes his last name to German.
<funkenstein> lul
<funkenstein> diphenhydramine Hcl is benadryl and similar
<darsie> ;outcome del Wernher changes his last name to German.
<LunchBot> darsie: Deleted outcome: "Wernher changes his last name to German."
<darsie> ;outcome add Wernher changes his last name to German.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added outcome: Wernher changes his last name to German.
* darsie thought of 'von German' ...
<funkenstein> yes, I gathered
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You outsource the assembly of your rockets to the General Products Corporation. taniwha explodes, emitting all kinds of launchpads.
<funkenstein> target of opportunity
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You ask Clarence for clearance on your new plane and Victor your vector but Roger does not roger and you can't take off. There was a sound like the whole world saying "wop" all at once.
<funkenstein> wow, hitchhiker's guide AND airplane
<funkenstein> ;mission shirley
<LunchBot> funkenstein: No mission found matching "shirley".
<funkenstein> ;outcome shirley
<LunchBot> funkenstein: No outcome found matching "shirley".
<funkenstein> ;mission add Jeb does NOT understand, and requests that you not call him Shirley.
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: Jeb does NOT understand, and requests that you not call him Shirley.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You install a flux capacitor on your rocket in an attempt to travel back in time. VallCactus loses all his suclearnubPoints™.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You blow Alcubierre soap bubbles. Kerbin blows up.
<funkenstein> ;mission add In lieu of an Alcubierre drive, you try an Alsphereierre drive instead
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: In lieu of an Alcubierre drive, you try an Alsphereierre drive instead
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<funkenstein> every time i land on the mun, i gently tilt over
<funkenstein> aaaaaaaaaagh
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You attempt to put up a satellite to supply Kerbalnet access to Duna. Someone writes a parody song about it.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You try to build a space shuttle. Your ship is crushed into a small 1:4:9 rectangular prism.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> funkenstein: You attempt to expose the conspiracy to promote a false planet known as "Dres". Your R&D department procrastinates on their simulations by playing Cookie Clicker.
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<raptop> ;mission add The void calls to you.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: The void calls to you.
<Althego> must be a ?? stack frame
<raptop> hmm
<raptop> Is there a BadS kernel flag so it won't panic?
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<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/attempt to//
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You expose the conspiracy to promote a false planet known as "Dres".
<FLHerne> ^it's funnier
<Izaya> as long as the R&D department doesn't start playing Universal Paperclips or whatever it was called
<FLHerne> ;mission add The R&D department starts playing Universal Paperclips.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: The R&D department starts playing Universal Paperclips.
<Izaya> oh dear.
<raptop> ;mission fixup s/ exopose/ expose/
<LunchBot> raptop: No recently-mentioned mission found matching " exopose".
<raptop> ;mission fixup s/ expose/ expose/
<LunchBot> raptop: No recently-mentioned mission found matching " expose".
<raptop> hm
<FLHerne> raptop: I fixed it in PM, having realised the same thing you did ;-)
<FLHerne> [19:55] <FLHerne> !mission fixup s/ / /
<raptop> ah
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<raptop> !mission add You attempt to distract everyone from your space program's problems by showing them pictures of your cat(s).
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You attempt to distract everyone from your space program's problems by showing them pictures of your cat(s).