raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | JWST deployment status: https://webb.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html | Ask not for whom the 鶏^H火の鳥 kikkerikiis
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<Althego> irys unarchived
<Izaya> from the stream this morning https://peertube.bubbletea.dev/w/v6jaqYrGccVVWRBRZPG5gR
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<Althego> zombanwa, but it is apex
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<funkenstein> ;mission add Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)
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<darsie> .
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<funkenstein> ;fixup outcome /Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)/jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesn't much care either way)/
<funkenstein> ;fixup
<funkenstein> ;outcome fixup
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<funkenstein> njmkl,.
<Althego> come on, it is not that hard
<darsie> (r) Elon Musk
<Althego> outcome fixup s/match/replace/
<funkenstein> I'm sorry
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<funkenstein> ;outcome fixup s/doesnt/doesn't/
<LunchBot> funkenstein: No recently-mentioned outcome found matching "doesnt".
<Althego> hehe accidental elon quote
<Althego> hyperloop is a silly idea
<funkenstein> ;outcome fixup s/Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)/Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesn't much care either way)
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Format for `fixup` should be s/<old>/<new>/
<funkenstein> ;outcome fixup s/Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)/Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesn't much care either way)/
<LunchBot> funkenstein: No recently-mentioned outcome found matching "Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)".
<funkenstein> WHAT]
<Althego> you also dont need to give the whole outcome a smaller part is enough
<Althego> although despite the syntax it is using string matching, not regex
<Althego> what is it that you want to replace?
<Althego> !outcome fixup s/doesnt/doesn't/
<LunchBot> Althego: No recently-mentioned outcome found matching "doesnt".
<Althego> well it doesnt seem to work :)
<Althego> !outcome help
<LunchBot> Althego: Commands are: help, list, add <outcome>, del[ete] <search>, fixup s/<old>/<new>/, [get] [<search>]. I am operated by FLHerne.
<Althego> !outcome necnostic
<LunchBot> Althego: No outcome found matching "necnostic".
<Althego> haha because
<Althego> it is not an outcome
<Althego> it is a mission
<Althego> !mission necnostic
<LunchBot> Althego: Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesnt much care either way)
<Althego> !mission fixup s/doesnt/doesn't/
<LunchBot> Althego: New text is: Jeb decides he is necnostic (he doesn't know whether gods exist, and doesn't much care either way)
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<funkenstein> facepalm extraordinnarie
<funkenstein> bleh
<funkenstein> extraordinaire
<flayer> alright!
<funkenstein> type, fool
<funkenstein> lol
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<FLHerne> to be fair, that's a facepalm I've made more than once and I wrote the damn thing
<FLHerne> it should probably just be !fixup
<raptop> !outcome add This kills the kerbal.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: This kills the kerbal.
<raptop> !outcome add This kills a god.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: This kills a god.
<Althego> kerbals dont die normally
<Althego> so it must be an extraordinary event
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<FLHerne> Althego: depends on the settings, no?
<raptop> Yeah, you can turn on kerbal death
<FLHerne> F3 certainly says "Foo Kerman was killed" even with magic reappearance
<FLHerne> which raises important questions about the nature of those mysteriously 'returned'
<packbart> cloned with all their previous experience
<raptop> Don't worry, the kraken knows not to give them extra eyes or tentacles
<Althego> using eve capsuleer technology
<packbart> I haven't been capsule-killed in EVE, yet. but I didn't venture far into lolsec space, anyway
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<funkenstein> ;mission add you install KSP on your laptop so you can fly while you fly while you fly with that special plane within a plane you have.
<LunchBot> funkenstein: Added mission: you install KSP on your laptop so you can fly while you fly while you fly with that special plane within a plane you have.
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<darsie> fly while you fly while you flyL
<darsie> fly while you fly while you fly?
<raptop> I guess playing KSP on a laptop while on a boing 737-max?
<sandbox> e
<darsie> That's fly while you fly, hm?
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<Althego> so what is the third?
<darsie> Jeb?
<raptop> hmm
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: Increased frequency of Vermiscious Knid attacks force you to abandon your ship. Jool tosses you out into interstellar space with a passive-aggressive note telling you not to come back.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Azander> !mission
<LunchBot> Azander: You try a propellant combination you read about on Derek Lowe's blog. Skippy calls you a stupid monkey. The plan works.
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<packbart> that's not unreasonable
<Azander> :)
<Azander> Why a Kangaroo would call me a stupid monkey, I have no idea
<packbart> y'all really should read (or listen to, with R.C. Bray) the Expeditionary Force series :)
<Azander> hmmm, ok
<Azander> all , like marvin from H2G2
<Azander> all=ahhh
<packbart> somewhat, if a lot more cheery
<packbart> and not amused when the monkeys think of an impossible plan that actually could work and he didn't
<packbart> hence the outcome
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<Izaya> So I've installed Conformal Decals, it's pretty neat. Is there best practice in orienting your text decals and flags? https://shadowkat.net/tmp/8523.jpg [cw ussr inspired flag]
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