The orion nebula is absolutely incredible
I've seen it several times. The first time, even through thin clouds on the horizon late at night early last month, showed some hints at structure.
The second time, it was late at night on one of the last days of the AST-251 class, through the 8-inch dobsonian.
So I noticed that Orion was rising earlier and earlier, and I noticed that I wasn't exhausted at around 10:00.
The third time, it was in all of its glory through the 24 inch observatory, and I genuinely struggled to take my eye off of it.
so I go out and decide to take out my own home telescope, a 6 inch newtonian reflector, and point at Orion
after fumbling about for a few minutes thinking I'd found it (and being mistaken) I finally found it, and it was obvious
even with my much much cheaper 6 inch telescope, the nebula was bright, shows an apparent spiraling shape, and was really great.