egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<SilverFox> I need the best perf I can get, since this is a lot of numbers to crunch through
<awang> Microoptimizing code really only comes into play once you have the right algorithm
<awang> You can optimize a sort() function all you want, but if you use bubblesort you're not going to be going fast
<awang> (for large sortees, anyways)
<soundnfury> SilverFox: I'm trying to write a sane version for you now
<SilverFox> thank you~
<soundnfury> despite not being 100% fluent in C# (I'm all about the C, man)
<awang> s/C/Rust
<Qboid> awang meant to say: You Rustan optimize a sort() function all you want, but if you use bubblesort you're not going to be going fast
<awang> ........
<awang> Another possibility is to not bother with strings in the first place
<SilverFox> but my goal, to double check; I need to check if single digit is greater than Num, if it is, I increment the next/previous value by 1, and then check that value to make sure it isn't greater than Num, repeat process recursively
<awang> Allocate a byte[], do math on that
<awang> Same amount of space taken, but no converting back and forth
<soundnfury> awang: it'd be much nicer if it could operate on arrays
<SilverFox> interesting
<soundnfury> also if it could be an in-place operation on currentEnum rather than having to allocate a new String to return :/
<awang> C# doesn't overload operator[] for strings?
<SilverFox> soundnfury, that'd be great
<egg|phone|egg> Or if we knew what you're trying to do so that this function may cease to be needed
<awang> ref String currentEnum?
<awang> ^algorithmic changes first plz
<awang> egg|phone|egg: IIRC it's something about finding superpermutations
<awang> strings containing every permutation of the numbers [1:n]
<egg|phone|egg> By brute force?
<egg|phone|egg> Um
<awang> soundnfury: Found the DNSFS thing!
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> brute force, but excluding numbers that are obviously not going to be it
<egg|phone|egg> ...
<SilverFox> such as anything greater than 4 not being in the sequence
<egg|phone|egg> Yeah forget micro optimisation
<soundnfury> SilverFox: oh btw I'm fairly certain your ternary hell has a bug, where you do (char)(bar + 1) that does not do what I think you think it does
<awang> SilverFox: I think you'd be surprised how fast brute force brows
<SilverFox> that ternary could totes be fucked
<awang> s/brows/grows
<Qboid> awang meant to say: SilverFox: I think you'd be surprised how fast brute force grows
<awang> SilverFox: That's why you write clear code first!
<SilverFox> I know how fast it grows
<soundnfury> (char)(4) is not '4', it is ASCII character 4
<SilverFox> it'll take 10^874 years to brute force the superperm of 6
<SilverFox> wait what
<egg|phone|egg> Well yes
<egg|phone|egg> !u u+4
<Qboid> U+0004 (␄)
<SilverFox> why would it not be the character form of '4'?
<SilverFox> that's just stupid
<awang> SilverFox: Because it isn't Javascript
<awang> Or PHP
<egg|phone|egg> Because it's eot
<awang> Or any other language that tries to be "helpful"
<SilverFox> so how do i convert number to character?
<awang> 'a' + <offset>
<egg|phone|egg> Can you start asking yourself why
<egg|phone|egg> Rather than how
<egg|phone|egg> Why characters
<SilverFox> I want N length superperm capabilities
<awang> SilverFox: There's also Convert.ToChar()
<soundnfury> SilverFox: completely untested:
<awang> Which I'd hope would get inlined
<SilverFox> so I need to work with strings because uint64.MaxLength will get easily suprassed
<SilverFox> Convert.ToChar() would be nce
<awang> SilverFox: What makes you think strings will work when uint64.MaxLength won't?
<egg|phone|egg> And strings are magic?
<SilverFox> because a string could be longer than the length of uint64.MaxLength() right?
<egg|phone|egg> ....
<soundnfury> egg|phone|egg: I think what he really wants is bignums, or possibly vectors of digits
<awang> soundnfury: y u declare int i separate from the loop
<soundnfury> but he is Doing Everything Wrong
<SilverFox> the number sequences get really big really fast, i want to be able to handle that
<soundnfury> awang: because kernel dev uses C89-ish and I've gotten out of that habit
<soundnfury> SilverFox: uhh, you do know that O(bad) will completely swamp any gains from optimisation, right?
<egg|phone|egg> I think he is trying to avoid thinking about how to approach the problem, so optimises brute force in pointless ways
<awang> SilverFox: You're going to run out of memory before you get anywhere interesting
<SilverFox> egg, I haven't though about the problem to begin wiht
<awang> 2^63 is *big*
<awang> !wa 2^64 - 1
<Qboid> awang: 2^64 - 1 = 18446744073709551615
<SilverFox> my current working method was brute force, so making it better makes sense
<egg|phone|egg> I ought to sleep, this discussion can serve no further purpose
<awang> !wa bytes 2^64 - 1 to gigabytes
<Qboid> awang: convert byte×2^64 - 1 to gigabytes: bytes - 1 and GB (gigabytes) are not compatible.
<awang> !wa (2^64 - 1) bytes to gigabytes
<soundnfury> like, even with just O(n!), there is basically no difference between a hyperoptimised assembly routine and a wheezing overweight man carrying rocks around in XKCD's desert.
<Qboid> awang: convert (2^64 - 1) bytes to gigabytes: 1.845×10^10 GB (gigabytes)
<SilverFox> why are bytes and Gigabytes incombatable
<awang> SilverFox: You have 10^10GB of RAM?
<awang> Also what soundnfury said
<SilverFox> lol no
<soundnfury> awang: I think he means he wants to handle numbers bigger than 2^64
<SilverFox> I don't have 100GB of ram
<soundnfury> not numbers bigger than 10^(2^64)
<awang> soundnfury: derp
<awang> I knew that
<awang> !wa log10(2^64)
<Qboid> awang: log(10, 2^64) = log(18446744073709551616)/log(10)
<awang> ....
<SilverFox> nice
<soundnfury> awang: I can halp here
<SilverFox> anyways, the maxnumber for uint64 is rather small for superperms, so I need to do a bigger method
<awang> SilverFox: Get a bigint library
<soundnfury> !wa 64/0.30103
<Qboid> soundnfury: 64/0.30103 = 212.6033950104640733481712786101053051190911204863302660864...
<soundnfury> waitno
<soundnfury> !wa 64 * 0.30103
<Qboid> soundnfury: 64×0.30103 = 19.26592
<SilverFox> why do that when I can shittily do it with strings?
<soundnfury> that's better
<awang> SilverFox: ...........
<SilverFox> is a joke
<soundnfury> SilverFox: why are you doing this, anyway?
<SilverFox> because a numberphile vid
<SilverFox> I'm basically pulling an elon musk and if I'm told a thing can't be done, I try and do the thing
<awang> !wa (9! + 8! + 7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2!)
<Qboid> awang: 9! + 8! + 7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! = 409112
<SilverFox> they said they don't know superperm of 6, so i'ma calc the superperm of 6
<SilverFox> I'll give it to them
<soundnfury> SilverFox: uhhhhh...
<SilverFox> yeah
<awang> SilverFox: You're wrong
<egg|phone|egg> 😹
<SilverFox> according to numberphile, we don't know for sure what the shortest superperm of 6 is
<awang> SilverFox: While you're at it, could you find BB(5)?
<SilverFox> the fuck is BB(5)?
<soundnfury> awang: that paper only finds _a_ superperm shorter than a conjectured lower bound
<soundnfury> not _the shortest_, necessarily
<egg|phone|egg> True
<soundnfury> !wa 6^872
<Qboid> soundnfury: 6^872 = 35309399733504077473844783813238071937616779006634916537557385375878848952088321488277543575637502513524522840615052155837170962646044141543570849242748393462374705417812094597625618004425721621461453088192337852295717066830921450469887240497445759575343546314248707983439634892030406503660312590774735963428912262327599947292153073291287214306595802277606848785174405687754410230078280089695
<Qboid> 71716214...
<egg|phone|egg> Tholfram.
<soundnfury> !wa 872 * log10(6)
<Qboid> soundnfury: 872 log(10, 6) = (872 log(6))/log(10)
<soundnfury> Thanks, Wolfram.
<soundnfury> What egg said.
<awang> I guess I read "don't know superperm of 6" as "don't know *a* superperm of 6"
<SilverFox> we know like, 3? superperms of 6, but we don't know the lowest one
<egg|phone|egg> Put a dot
<egg|phone|egg> !Wa log(2.)
<Qboid> egg|phone|egg: log(2.) = 0.693147...
<soundnfury> anyway, 872 log₁₀(6) is about 678.
<SilverFox> we know one of amazing length, one of 874 length, one of 873 length, and that's it I think
<awang> SilverFox: That paper has references
<SilverFox> okay?
<awang> And says that the superperm of 6 may be possible with a few weeks/months of CPU time
<awang> With algorithms in those references
<SilverFox> interesting
<awang> So I'd say read through those references first and see if you can come up with anything better
<soundnfury> Meaning that brute-forcing it would require searching about 10^678 combinations (that's how many 872-digit strings with only digits 1 to 6 there are)
<awang> Unless you're fine with waiting for a while
<SilverFox> although that doesn't mean I'll have the brains to decipher those algorithms
<awang> Then why would brute forcing be any better?
<SilverFox> what?
<awang> If it takes a few weeks or months with a good algorithm, I don't want to know how long brute forcing would take
<SilverFox> I know how to brute force, you just i++
<SilverFox> 10^874 years
<awang> Actually, I do, but either way it isn't going to be very feasible
<egg|phone|egg> And then you die
<SilverFox> is how long brute forcing without optimization would take
<egg|phone|egg> And then the sun turns into a giant
<awang> The sun would be long past its giant phase by then
<awang> SilverFox: Read the paper I linked
<soundnfury> egg|phone|egg: "increment i / until you die / sun says 'bye bye' / entropy high"
<SilverFox> awang, I'm too drunk
<egg|phone|egg> And at that point your program ceases to run and take at its task
<awang> It explains more of the theory behind the problem
<awang> And what it reduces to
<soundnfury> SilverFox: then you're definitely too drunk to find the smallest superperm of 6.
<soundnfury> So put down the compiler and step away.
<egg|phone|egg> S,take,fails,
<awang> SilverFox: "We have not found an exact solution to the six-symbol instance -- Concorde failed with an internal error after running for several days"
<awang> That was with an Amazon EC2 m3.medium instance
<awang> I think
<SilverFox> I have no idea what that means
<awang> Basically a known fast-ish algorithm will take many days to find a proveably-minimal superpermutation of 6
<SilverFox> so?
<awang> So that's your best bet for a start
<SilverFox> I'll run it
<SilverFox> if I can find it, I'll do it
<awang> So read the paper
<awang> Stop trying to brute force it
<SilverFox> I have an 8 core 16 thread ryzen 1700 I can dedicate to the task
<soundnfury> SilverFox: yeahno
<awang> If you want to prove you have the smallest superpermutation using brute force, you must try EVERY combination
<awang> So no, brute forcing is out of the question
<soundnfury> You're still not getting this 'big bad big-O' thing.
<SilverFox> every combo except the ones with higher num in them than 6]
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<awang> !wa 6^872
<Qboid> awang: 6^872 = 35309399733504077473844783813238071937616779006634916537557385375878848952088321488277543575637502513524522840615052155837170962646044141543570849242748393462374705417812094597625618004425721621461453088192337852295717066830921450469887240497445759575343546314248707983439634892030406503660312590774735963428912262327599947292153073291287214306595802277606848785174405687754410230078280089695
<Qboid> 71716214...
<awang> Wait
<awang> Someone already did that
<soundnfury> awang: ^_^
<SilverFox> yes, it's a very big number
<SilverFox> bigger than uint64.maxnumber
<egg|laptop|egg> !wa 6^872 ns / 16 in billion years
<Qboid> egg|laptop|egg: (6^872 ns (nanoseconds))/(16 inches)×1 billion years: 2.74×10^686 s^2/m (seconds squared per meter)
<SilverFox> which is why I need to string it
<egg|laptop|egg> !wa 6^872 ns / 16 / (1e9 years)
<Qboid> egg|laptop|egg: (1/16×6^872 ns (nanoseconds))/(1×10^9 years): 6.998×10^651
<egg|laptop|egg> SilverFox: no you need to read the bloody paper
<awang> SilverFox: Forget about strings
<SilverFox> egg, I'll read it later
<awang> At this point the data structure you pick doesn't matter
<SilverFox> okay
<awang> Because brute forcing is the wrong approach
<egg|laptop|egg> SilverFox: your program will get eaten by the expanding sun long before it does anything remotely close to the task
<soundnfury> egg|laptop|egg: seconds squared per meter ^_^
<SilverFox> neat
<egg|laptop|egg> SilverFox: so just read the bloody paper and its references and implement that (or yoink an implementation, whatever), and run that
<SilverFox> okay
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<kmath> <barrelshifter> @johnregehr @vinodg “okay parser now lookahead one symbol! come on! lookahead!”
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<kmath> <Glench> That time when I replaced the term "recurrent neural network" with "dog"...
<egg|phone|egg> Cc e_14159
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<kmath> <nkl> @Glench @worrydream You can't teach an old recurrent neural network new tricks
<bofh> <zlaing> so can we please make it a thing in stories to have people summon/banish demons based on science textbook illustrations?
<kmath> <Newpa_Hasai> Griffiths ventures into the occult.
<bofh> <bofh_> I mean, this sounds like an excellent story idea tbh.
<bofh> <bofh_> (and I'd want to meet the sort of demon that can be summoned via physics textbook diagram, they seem like a cool entity)
<bofh> <zlaing> (plot twist: it's a sphinx that makes you do jackson e&m problems :P)
<UmbralRaptor> Erk
<UmbralRaptor> Also, why is ☽🦊 like this? Picking problems that are easily shown to be impractical from a compute standpoint, like the occasional KSP n00b who refuses to acknowledge the rocket equation? >_<
<soundnfury> UmbralRaptor: some people are just broken I guess
<bofh> ☽ being?
<UmbralRaptor> Alchemical symbol for silver.
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<awang> !u ☽🦊
<Qboid> U+1F98A FOX FACE (🦊)
<bofh> UmbralRaptor: okay, sure.
<bofh> but the way you phrased that sentence makes it sound as if ☽ is referring a person, not a chemical element.
<bofh> Completely unrelated, I *love* 🜎
<awang> !u 🜎
<awang> wat
<bofh> augh one of the ideal launch windows for a Neptune probe was THIS YEAR. next is next year. next is in 13.5 years as jupiter/neptune's orbits get back into the correct alignment. sigh.
<awang> That's... oddly specific
<bofh> awang: it's Gold. Philosopher's Sulfur is an alchemical euphemism for Gold metal.
<awang> 13.5 years actually sounds pretty short to me
<awang> Looks like my sense of scale for lengths of years for different planets is all out of whack
<UmbralRaptor> bofh: nah, "☽🦊" is the person. I just didn't want to ping them.
<awang> bofh: Well, that's something new
<awang> Wonder who decided to add that to Unicode
<bofh> so you have a couple of options, you're not just limited to Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, b/c you can vary the probe trajectory somewhat.
<bofh> Alchemical Symbols block is I think as of Unicode 7.0 :P
<UmbralRaptor> 13.5 years sounds reasonable. Jupiter is a lot faster than Neptune, and Earth is a lot faster than Jupiter.
<bofh> like Earth-Jupiter isn't really a worry (there's a reason there are two windows about a year apart in each case :P)
<soundnfury> bofh: though I don't think you necessarily need an ideal window, do you?
<bofh> soundnfury: for Jupiter-Neptune if you want it to get there within this lifetime, yeah, you kinda do.
<soundnfury> nah, with a little extra dV you can still get a Jupiter flyby to kick you wherever you want to go pretty much
<bofh> I suppose.
<UmbralRaptor> More so for flybys. What sort of timeline did the ice giant report last year have?
<soundnfury> bofh: however, I do agree with the sentiment; it's time and past time we had another ice giant probe -_-
<bofh> like for fuck's sake it's been nearly 19 years since the Voyager 2 Neptune flyby.
<awang> When's the window for the next grand tour?
<awang> ferram4: Do any aerodynamic heating equations involve something to the eigth power?
<ferram4> Uh... not that I know of off the top of my head.
<ferram4> Then again... fucky correlations exist.
<awang> Hmmm
<UmbralRaptor> awang: full Voyager style? 2153, give or take.
<bofh> yeah, a *really* bloody long time.
<UmbralRaptor> Also, T^8 sounds like exotic cooling mechanisms for very young neutron stars.
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<UmbralRaptor> Random silly thought: FORTRAN is sort of like IRC in how it's a bit of a kludge that has survived a weirdly long time.
<soundnfury> awang: I think someone tracked down a 60s paper about it
<bofh> hey this is legitimately useful advice!
<kmath> <hondanhon> all modern steel produced after the atomic bomb tests of the 1940s and 50s is contaminated with radionuclides
<soundnfury> that's why certain things get made from steel salvaged from pre-1945 shipwrecks
<soundnfury> conveniently, there was a war with lots of submarines sinking shipping _juuuust_ beforehand ;)
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<e_14159> egg|cell|egg/bofh: There's a browser addon replacing Deep Learning with Derp Learning.
<rqou> hi folks, i'm back with _more_ math help requests
<rqou> i'm trying to find a function E(x, y) such that dE(x,y)/dx*((a-by)x) + dE(x,y)/dy*((cx-d)y)=0
<rqou> the hint i was given was to consider a separable E(x,y)=F(x)+G(y)
<rqou> but no matter what i try i can't find anything that satisfies the requirements
<rqou> i just can't get rid of the cross xy terms
<rqou> egg|cell|egg, bofh?
<kmath> <AscendingNode> @AstrogatorJohn @rocketrepreneur @Astrogator_Mike Yeah, the typical approach is to make a large number of slightly…
<UmbralRaptor> rqou: uh, I don't know a good way to describe it, but treating a-by as related to dE/dy helps.
<UmbralRaptor> Also, I shouldn't solve things in pen.
<rqou> lol ok herp derp
<rqou> thanks
<rqou> so apparently i was on the right track but was missing the critical trick of getting both pieces to completely just cancel each other
<UmbralRaptor> Lots of messing around, but yeah. reverse engineering the derivatives from the extra stuff thru weft multiplied by.
<UmbralRaptor> *they were
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 📱
<rqou> also, i assume it's now pretty obvious what math i'm studying? :P
<UmbralRaptor> Diff Eq?
<rqou> not quite :P
<rqou> look more carefully :P
<rqou> yes, there are diff eqs involved
<rqou> but it's more specific than that
<rqou> arrgh goddammit i actually missed another part of the hint in the problem
<rqou> which actually makes it a lot more obvious that this is indeed the correct solution
<UmbralRaptor> ?
<rqou> the problem gave a hint that the function has a minimum at (d/c, a/b)
<rqou> anyways, apparently i didn't think linear systems theory was hard enough so now i'm taking nonlinear systems theory
<rqou> so far it feels much less satisfying
<UmbralRaptor> nonlinear systems are evil by default?
<rqou> yeah
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<egg|phone|egg> UmbralRaptor: kozai!
<egg|phone|egg> UmbralRaptor: well, ballpoint pens are uncomfortable, so you should solve things with fountain pens
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<SilverFox> so apparently I was in here drunk-coding brute force methods for superpermutations?
<SilverFox> I woke up and found a bunch of code on my laptop
<soundnfury> We told you not to.
<soundnfury> We said you wouldn't like it.
<SilverFox> Nice
<SilverFox> why did I go through all this when I can just fuckin do the thing, but backwards?
<SilverFox> just take currentEnum and for loop it backwards
<SilverFox> I love this ternary tho, makes me wet
<SilverFox> where is stupid_chris? I need to send him this brilliant ternary
<UmbralRaptor> ;seen stupid_chris
<kmath> UmbralRaptor: stupid_chris ( was last seen joining in #kspofficial 98 days, 11 hours and 22 minutes ago
<UmbralRaptor> !seen stupid_chris
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: I haven't seen the user stupid_chris yet.
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a long long cezve-like clutter
<SilverFox> where was this paper you guys spoke of that had a decent algorithm to it?
<SilverFox> i suspect it might not be that different from what I'm doing to generate the prefix
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<UmbralRaptor> Only arXiv link in mi scrollback.
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> but isn't the superperm of 6 special because it is 1 less than the estimated length by algorithm?
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<SilverFox> shit gets cray anyways
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<UmbralRaptor> Not very familiar with superperms.
BPlayer is now known as APlayer
<SilverFox> you take a number, take all the numbers before it above 0, then make all the permutations of that number, then try and make the smallest number that contains all those permutations, including overlapping
<SilverFox> 121 is the superperm of 2 I think, as it contains both 12 and 21
<APlayer> And how are superperms relevant to anything?
<SilverFox> i dont think they are
<SilverFox> they just exist
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<awang> APlayer: Apparently finding the shortest superpermutation can be reduced to the traveling saleman problem
<awang> So I guess finding a polynomial time algorithm for shortest permutation means you solved P=NP?
<APlayer> I see
<awang> idk if that's completely right
<awang> The paper UmbralRaptor linked found the shortest known superpermutation of 6 by changing it into a TSP problem
<APlayer> Is that the computer scientist's alternative to "I have time to waste, let's go and solve some sudokus, I guess?" :P
<awang> idk if it means that shortest superpermutation is directly transformable into shortest TSP
<awang> APlayer: For small values of "time to waste", yes :P
<awang> SilverFox: The linked paper is doing something *very* different from what you're doing
<awang> It does say there is a trivial algorithm to generate some superpermutation
<awang> But it's definitely not the shortest
<SilverFox> brute forcing would be the most accurate way to get the shortest, but the sacrifice there is speed
<SilverFox> unless a proven algorithm comes out, as that one linked isn't for certain the shortest right?
<awang> SilverFox: The simple algorithm there is known to not be the shortest
<awang> It's just known as a way to get a superpermutation
<awang> The Concorde solver mentioned there apparently can give you provably shortest solutions
<awang> So it's strictly better than brute forcing
<awang> Unless complexity is an issue
<SilverFox> depends on what you mean by complexity
<APlayer> Well, could you not just create a sequence (unordered) of all permutations, and move them around while crossing out overlappings via SA or something similar?
<awang> APlayer: That's approximately what the simple algorithm in the paper does
<APlayer> Would not guarantee the shortest solution, but good enough for me
<awang> Yep
<APlayer> Also, genetic alorithms
<APlayer> algorithms*
<awang> idk much about those
<APlayer> Basically, a fancier alternative to SA
<awang> SA?
<APlayer> Simulated Annealing
<UmbralRaptor> [D-Wave marketing intensifies]
<awang> Oh jeez... There are at least π(k = 1 to n - 4) ((n - k - 2)!^(k * (k!)) distinct superpermutations on n for length of sum(k = 1 to n) k!
<awang> So definitely not unique
<awang> !acr -add:SA Simulated Annealing
<Qboid> awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
<UmbralRaptor> SilverFox: I'm not going to say "don't do this because it's silly" but I suggest not choosing problems that tend to O(n!) or the like.
<SilverFox> I don't decide what my brain fixates on
<SilverFox> but wanna guess what my next problem/task is?
<SilverFox> ima simulate the motherfuckin human body at a general level for diagnostic and teaching purposes
<awang> Or if you decide to pick problems that border on NP-hard/NP-complete, at least read the literature before starting
<SilverFox> so the problem I face now is a resource problem, because simulating numbers is easy
<SilverFox> there's just A LOT of numbers here
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<UmbralRaptor> Anyway, I'm tempted to suggest building a toy model in that case.
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 Green in the theorems.
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<SilverFox> like an infant?
<SilverFox> it's okay if it takes time to simulate, im in no rush
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<SilverFox> but yeah I was just gonna fire up unity and make a human doll thing and make some basic reactions and set up cardio system to start
<Iskierka> n! is a bit more than "takes time"
<SilverFox> things like "oh what happens if we cut off blood flow to the arm?" welp looks like you dont have blood flow, arm dies
* UmbralRaptor pokes SilverFox with an abstraction.
* APlayer gives SilverFox test subjects
<SilverFox> any yall wanna make a human model?
<APlayer> I'm sure there are plenty around already?
<APlayer> CAD models, that is
<SilverFox> I'll also need accurate models of the organs in due time as well
<APlayer> You're not going to make soft body physics with that, are you?
<SilverFox> soft-body physics?
<SilverFox> im not simulating every fuckin cell in the body no
<SilverFox> fuck that
<SilverFox> it's at best semi-general
<SilverFox> I mean, it is realistic, but it's not stupidly so
<SilverFox> if kidney doesn't get blood, it can't filter
<SilverFox> if kidney is damaged, its output is changed
<SilverFox> simple things like that
<SilverFox> im not going to simulate the individual nephrons of the kidneys
* APlayer gives SilverFox more test subjects
<SilverFox> and one of my main goals is to make it so that if something needs to be updated, it won't be a big fucking ordeal to do so
<SilverFox> if I need to update the liver, it shouldn't require an update of the heart code to do so
<APlayer> Sounds like a task for OOP
<SilverFox> yup
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<awang> SilverFox: So basically Sims for the human body?
<awang> (Or at least what I think Sims may be)
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> but definitely not sims
<SilverFox> sims is like, make your own person and live their life
<SilverFox> this is just a human with symptom generator
<awang> I was more thinking about the city maintenance part
<awang> Unless that's a different game
<awang> idk
<SilverFox> that's cities skylines?
<SilverFox> simcity?
<awang> idk?
<awang> Haven't actually played any of those
<awang> Just have vague impression
<awang> s/$/s
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Just have vague impressions
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<SilverFox> awang, it's a human body simulator is what it'll be
<SilverFox> you give it the condition of Common Cold, and it'll show symptoms of it
<SilverFox> if you clot a vessel, you'll see the tissues ahead of it dying or not functioning well because of less blood floow
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<SilverFox> you can chop off a limb and watch the person bleed out and see what happens to each system as it hemmorhages
<SilverFox> basically a medical toy
<SilverFox> it would be very unethical to do this IRL
<APlayer> Who says that?
<SilverFox> says every ethics board
<SilverFox> you cant just chop off a limb and watch them bleed out lol
<APlayer> Yes you can. If they bleed out, they will stop saying that it is very unethical
<SilverFox> tru
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<APlayer> TIL Venus Flytraps need regular bush fires
<APlayer> Somehow, a fitting touch. Terrifying horror plant, needs fire
<APlayer> Soon, we will discover that they are able to fly at night and, when in a large swarm, can eat a whole mammal overnight
<SnoopJeDi> feed me, Seymour!
<UmbralRaptor> Are they an invasive species brought over by mi-go botanists?
<UmbralRaptor> What is the bot doing now?
<kmath> <diodebot> pulse-laser-conducting explosive diode (PLCED)
<X> All these scrubs complaining about their finance classes (How do I compute the value of an annuity?) when I’m trying to use ladder operators.
<SnoopJeDi> pseudoparticle gets created, pseudoparticle gets annihilated. youcantexplainthat.jpg
<APlayer> egg: So, let's say I've implemented RKF45. I have the Y and Y* state vectors of 5th and 4th order respectively. So how do I get an error estimate out of that and how do I handle it?
<UmbralRaptor> X: Do not model the DJIA as a quantum simple harmonic oscillator.
* awang 🔪 vague specs
<awang> egg|work|egg: How much do you depend on C++ return type deduction instead of writing horrible type signatures?
<awang> (if at all)
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<egg|phone|egg> Awang : what do you mean?
<awang> auto fun(in_type it) { ... } vs auto fun(in_type it) -> std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(std::cbegin(it))>::value_type>
<awang> Or something along those lines
<awang> You don't get as explicit type checking, but you don't have template barf all over your source code
<awang> The main thing that I'm worried about is that I usually try to keep types in signatures
<awang> But it's so... ugly
<egg|phone|egg> Uh our functions are never auto
<egg|phone|egg> We use deduction for llamas
<egg|phone|egg> Um
<egg|phone|egg> Λs
<awang> llama calculus?
<bofh> rofl
<egg|phone|egg> Eggsactly
<awang> Yeah, deduction for lambdas is much more common
<awang> Wondering what other codebases were going for named functions
<APlayer> Hehe
<egg|phone|egg> Meow
<UmbralRaptor> llama cactus?
<UmbralRaptor> rewrite winamp in Haskell?
<awang> UmbralRaptor: You mean Rust?
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<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn whitequark and котя
* Qboid gives whitequark and котя an int variety/shell hybrid
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn subexpression
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn expression
<Qboid> awang: Weapon already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj expressive
<Qboid> awang: Adjective added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn espresso
<Qboid> awang: Weapon already added!
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn flatfish
<Qboid> egg|laptop|egg: Weapon added!
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn sole
<Qboid> egg|laptop|egg: Weapon added!
<icefire> !wpn
* Qboid gives icefire a quasibarreled purpose
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn porpoise
<Qboid> awang: Weapon already added!
<awang> Jeez, finding minimum distance between polygons is a lot more complex than I first thought
<awang> I'm sort of tempted to eat the O(n * m) and pray that n and m aren't too large
<awang> If only because it means I could not worry about implementing fun data structures
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<egg|cell|egg> Mrow