raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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<B787_300> UmbralRaptop: what does Hubble have to do with classical mechanics?
<UmbralRaptop> unrelated lines several hours apart
<B787_300> ah
<B787_300> i was trying to find a connection and failed
<UmbralRaptop> The classical mechanics one was related to egg|laptop|egg and bofh struggling with calculus of variations. The Hubble one from that SIRTF book.
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<UmbralRaptop> kmath! icefire!
<icefire> sorry for the downtime
<icefire> bug in kmaths reconnect code that I never resolved
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<UmbralRaptop> still, welcome back
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* egg|laptop|egg pets icefire with kmath
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* UmbralRaptop x_x
<UmbralRaptop> Evil morning, everyone
<SnoopJeDi> evil?
<UmbralRaptop> Mornings certainly are not good.
* UmbralRaptop is at least mostly recovered from a recent cold.
<SnoopJeDi> oh I see what you were getting at
<SnoopJeDi> sidereal salutations, in that case :)
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<egg|laptop|egg> https://twitter.com/stephentyrone/status/1092807832402124802 kitties that belong to the emperor
<kmath> <stephentyrone> Riley’s classification of animals: ⏎ - chickens, ducks, geese (“jiji”) ⏎ - owls (“owl”!) ⏎ - other birds (“cheep cheep”)… https://t.co/R107pLG5DI
<galois> title: Steve Canon on Twitter: "Riley’s classification of animals:- chickens, ducks, geese (“jiji”)- owls (“owl”!)- other birds (“cheep cheep”)- monkeys (pound fists on chest)- sea mammals (“whale”)- all other mammals with floppy ears, and all dogs (“gogo”)- all other mammals (“kitty”)"
<galois> title: Steve Canon on Twitter: "Riley’s classification of animals:- chickens, ducks, geese (“jiji”)- owls (“owl”!)- other birds (“cheep cheep”)- monkeys (pound fists on chest)- sea mammals (“whale”)- all other mammals with floppy ears, and all dogs (“gogo”)- all other mammals (“kitty”)"
<egg|laptop|egg> thanks galois
<galois> You are welcome, flesh.
<egg|laptop|egg> thalois
<SnoopJeDi> oops, guess I need to teach it to ignore kmath
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<SnoopJeDi> hrm, or maybe disabling URL parsing altogether is a better idea
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<egg|laptop|egg> it's useful when kmath is absent, but otherwise it is redundant
<SnoopJeDi> yep and I don't feel like writing that logic rn :P
<UmbralRaptop> !u 🧧🥰
<galois> No info for U+1f9e7 (I only know about Unicode up to 9.0)
<galois> No info for U+1f970 (I only know about Unicode up to 9.0)
<UmbralRaptop> ;u 🧧🥰
<SnoopJeDi> "And shout out to people who know, too" OW
<egg> bofh: hm should i translate this FORTRAN IV to principia https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/documentation/spacetrk.pdf
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<bofh> egg: yes, alternatively just make Principia bindings to it
<egg> bofh: . . . n o
<egg> tbh I only want TLE to osculating at epoch, I don't care about the propagation
<egg> so it should simplify
<egg> hopefully
<bofh> It likely will simplify, yes.
<bofh> Also what's your issue with Fortran in Principia?
<egg> bofh: generally I try to avoid pulling in random deps, it's insane enough to build already
<egg> random deps that require a new toolchain are especially nope
<egg> and maintaining interfacing code between FORTRAN IV and modern C++ that works across platforms is also somewhat nope
<egg> bofh: and then you'd need to wrap it for typing, at which point you have written far more code than you are pulling, and it's more tedious and more brittle code
<bofh> I mean, okay yeah that all makes sense.
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<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: otoh it seems mildly annoying to write
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<UmbralRaptop> Is using FORTRAN a prerequisite for it being a(n astro)physics code?
<kmath> <simon_sat> A colleague is running a climate model for the first time. I'm following the downward trajectory of their ambitions… https://t.co/oa55mcbn6j
<SnoopJeDi> LAPACK is *really* good
<SnoopJeDi> or LAPACKish things, I guess
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: meow
<kmath> <Skywise88> The water hoses on our washing machine are color coded, red for hot and blue for cold. That's backwards, I better switch them.
<UmbralRaptop> What are you doing with water that makes red or blue reasonable color temps?
<kmath> <lukedones> @HiCommander @asrivkin @grierja @astromarkmarley My passion is to get the IAU to redefine the Moon as not a moon.
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: meow
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: have you tried making soufflé or onion soup or блины or something
<egg|laptop|egg> cat is snoring
* egg|laptop|egg stabs TLEs
<bofh> блины yes
<bofh> soufflé no, I don't have a stand mixer here
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: how were the блины
<egg|laptop|egg> did you find saracens
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: also considering that I'm just trying to find initial conditions for tests of my orbit analyser I guess I can do the TLE to cartesian by hand with a snake and hardcode the cartesian thing
<egg|laptop|egg> instead of writing my own SGP4 which seems very boring
* egg|laptop|egg pip install skyfield
<egg|laptop|egg> cc UmbralRaptop
<UmbralRaptop> At least you not defining various environments with conda
* egg|laptop|egg meows at whitequark
<egg|laptop|egg> ;choose 福爾摩沙衛星二號|Formosat-2
<kmath> egg|laptop|egg: 福爾摩沙衛星二號
<UmbralRaptop> good bot
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: rqou: latin-to-cjk transliteration is wild
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<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: hm, I have to fill in some strange form to get historical TLEs for most satellites? O_o
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: wtf.
<bofh> I mean on the one hand TLEs aren't all that useful if the sat has been deorbited, which is the case for most historical LEO sats
<bofh> since generally you're using those to track extant sats *now*
<bofh> also like for a lot of things it wouldn't surprise me if they actually have to fetch the TLE off a tape drive or something
<egg|laptop|egg> lol
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: "Data will be sent as a .txt attachment(s) to an e-mail message to the e-mail address specified within 2 hours of your request."
<egg|laptop|egg> I guess it's like HORIZONS or whatever, email is the fanciest interface they can conceive and surely we can't serve this much data on the web,
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: not sure why they want my full name though
<egg|laptop|egg> (is CelesTrak GDPR compliant,)
<UmbralRaptop> aaaaaa
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<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: sent a request for 福爾摩沙衛星二號 TLEs (2016-07-01 to 2016-08-01), we'll see how long it takes
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<bofh> egg|laptop|egg_: why that one in particular?
<bofh> (also why not just use a sat that's currently up in the air?)
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<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: it's a synchronized satellite synchronized on one day (i.e., subsynchronous), and which is not sun-synchronous
<egg|laptop|egg_> it's a fairly peculiar orbit
<egg|laptop|egg_> wait no, it *is* heliosynchronous
<egg|laptop|egg_> but it's the only heliosynchronous satellite synchronized on one day
<bofh> okay that is a particularly *weird* edge case.
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: See Capderou 2011, 11.2.5:
<egg|laptop|egg_> "Pour les satellites LEO (au moins pour ceux qui observent la Terre), on évite le phasage sur un jour. En effet, si un tel satellite voit tous les jours exactement les mêmes régions, beaucoup d'autres endroits ne seront jamais vus... [...] Le seul cas de satellite héliosynchrone LEO phasé est le taïwanais FormoSat-2"
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: the ground track grid has a vertex just north of taïwan
<egg|laptop|egg_> so it passes above taiwan twice a day
<egg|laptop|egg_> (and always at the same mean solar time at that, because heliosynch)
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: (just generated with http://climserv.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/ixion/)
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: note the ~ in "phasage", because it's drifting from its synchronized orbit
<egg|laptop|egg_> so the software detects approximate recurrence
* iximeow meows
<egg|laptop|egg_> iximeow: are you related to the ἰξιόν software
<egg|laptop|egg_> s/ο/ω/
<galois> egg|laptop|egg_ meant to say: iximeow: are you related to the ἰξιών software
<egg|laptop|egg_> s/ιώ/ίω/
<galois> egg|laptop|egg_ meant to say: iximeow: are you related to the ἰξίων software
<B787_300> egg|laptop|egg_: is there an English version of that website?
<egg|laptop|egg_> B787_300: go to http://climserv.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/ixion/, press the GB flag
<B787_300> (the ixion one)
<egg|laptop|egg_> there is no american version apparently, hope english will do :-p
<B787_300> ...
<B787_300> i missed the british flag
<B787_300> sorry
<egg|laptop|egg_> B787_300: the translation is, um, "Orbite et Fauchées" (orbite and swath) becomes "options" because fuck translating :-p
<egg|laptop|egg_> s/orbite and/orbit and/
<galois> egg|laptop|egg_ meant to say: B787_300: the translation is, um, "Orbite et Fauchées" (orbit and swath) becomes "options" because fuck translating :-p
<egg|laptop|egg_> B787_300: the word "fauchée" means "that which is mowed/reaped", which is a neat way of describing the area covered by the instrument :-p
<B787_300> yeah it is an interesting site
<egg|laptop|egg_> yeah the english translation of the book says "swath track"
<B787_300> like a basic STK
<egg|laptop|egg_> B787_300: the guy who makes this website made a really nice book about satellite orbits icymi
<B787_300> i saw the link
<UmbralRaptop> Kepler's 2nd law of gardening: A planet mows equal areas in equal times.
<B787_300> s/link/name
<galois> B787_300 meant to say: i saw the name
<egg|laptop|egg_> (note that the english name of the revised edition is a bit fancier, it's "handbook of satellite orbits: from Kepler to GPS" instead of just "satellites")
<B787_300> granted for most orbit stuff i just grab my copy of SMAD
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] SMAD (protein) | "Smads (or SMADs) comprise a family of structurally similar proteins that are the main signal transducers for receptors of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B) superfamily, which are critically important for regulating cell development and growth. The abbreviation refers to the homologies to the..."
<B787_300> because i dont need to get that detailed
<B787_300> SMAD = Space Mission Analysis and Design
<egg|laptop|egg_> ah
<B787_300> covers a bit of everything for space misison design
<egg|laptop|egg_> but yeah, I recommend that book if you want to poke at orbits specifically
<egg|laptop|egg_> and that website
<egg|laptop|egg_> it makes pretty pictures
<B787_300> i dont need to poke at orbits... and if i want pretty pics i have STK
<egg|laptop|egg_> (the figures of the book are all made with that obviously)
<B787_300> and STK can do some pretty crazy stuff if you poke it in the right way