raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: I like this projection for the Молния ground track
<egg|laptop|egg_> ултика
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: got the TLEs from celestrak btw
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<bofh> egg|laptop|egg_: ooh, excellent. paste plz :p
<egg|laptop|egg_> bofh: uh, there are 123 sets of TLEs over that duration :-p
<egg|laptop|egg_> first one is
<egg|laptop|egg_> 1 28254U 04018A 16183.13910299 .00000106 00000-0 10000-3 0 9998 2 28254 98.9332 246.1213 0002410 82.2354 330.6801 14.00730683619455
<egg|laptop|egg_> agh this client doesn't do newlines
* egg|laptop|egg_ tries again
<egg|laptop|egg_> 福爾摩沙衛星二號
<egg|laptop|egg_> 1 28254U 04018A 16183.13910299 .00000106 00000-0 10000-3 0 9998
<egg|laptop|egg_> 2 28254 98.9332 246.1213 0002410 82.2354 330.6801 14.00730683619455
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<bofh> do the TLEs actually drift that much? it's a year, I would assume the elements to not vary much over that short of an interval.
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<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: it's also before decommissioning, more importantly
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<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: huh, I can set my terminal to use SimSun and then it properly displays CJK, but also ☊ and a bunch of other things
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: on the other hand, this is a bit fancy-looking for a terminal font
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: not entirely sure why it writes greek double-width though
<egg|laptop|egg> well fullwidth I guess
<bofh> I mean I even pulled out the bitmaps out of SimSun (for CJV, only, not the Latin stuff) for this exact reason.
<bofh> and that's b/c it's mostly fixed-width
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: the latin is pretty too
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: in particular it's nice to be able to differentiate prime, right single quotation mark, and UNHOLY APOSTROPHE in the terminal
<egg|laptop|egg> and the digits are very pleasing to read
<bofh> I mean if you don't have those in your base terminal font then the ones in SimSun are actually very nice.
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: I have those, but the distinction is far more visible in a serif font
<egg|laptop|egg> ′'' can quickly look alike
<egg|laptop|egg> wait wat
<egg|laptop|egg> !u '
<galois> ': U+0027 APOSTROPHE
<egg|laptop|egg> um
<egg|laptop|egg> aaaaaa the SimSun apostrophe looks like right single quotation mark
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: nevermind this is silly
<bofh> I think they use the same glyph, but that's an easy fix
<bofh> like I could prolly modify it by editing the Bézier control points by hand, it's a very simple glyph :p
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: more annoying is the fact that everything outside basic latin is given full width
<bofh> I mean you *want* your terminal font to be fixed-width
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: and then there's the problem of 1. stuff outside the BMP 2. hi shaping scripts
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: full width, as in, twice the width of basic latin
<egg|laptop|egg> (which CJK is, which is fine, but greek should not)
<bofh> http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~pbarfuss/simsunb.ttf does ExtB, ExtC and ExtD.
<egg|laptop|egg> but what about alchemical symbol for verdigris
<egg|laptop|egg> (also might be issues with the terminal)
<bofh> do terminals not support, like, font fallback?
<egg|laptop|egg> the mac terminal tends to be actually good in handling shaping script, you can have arabic in there nicely
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: depends on the terminal I suppose; I'm on windows
<bofh> like in my case I only use SimSun for Hanzi (and Kana, actually), other fonts get used for other scripts.
<bofh> Ah.
<bofh> wait, you got something other than Lucida Console working in cmd.exe? Nice. :P
<bofh> (or is this PowerShell, as god intended?)
<egg|laptop|egg> yes it's powershell
<egg|laptop|egg> but it will take any fixed-ish width font thing it can get its hands on
<egg|laptop|egg> (fixed-ish, since simsun has two widths)
<egg|laptop|egg> (basic latin, and not basic latin :-p)
<bofh> Right, I think I remapped mine so the basic latin is the fullwidth as well
<egg|laptop|egg> t h a t s e e m s u g l y t o t h e p o i n t o f u n r e a d a b i l i t y
<SnoopJeDi> ah, so legible
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: it's mildly irritating, yes, but I'm also never using that subset of it anyway
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: hm, integrating from that first TLE in 2016, I get a smol but steady drift of the ground track
<egg|laptop|egg> which seems silly
* egg|laptop|egg stares at the mean motions of the TLEs
<egg|laptop|egg> n0 seems to steadily decay from 14.00730683 to 14.00718416
<bofh> that's a relatively smol decay tho
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: yeah I'm observing a reasonably slow drift of the ground track too tbh, 321.818° over 6 years
<egg|laptop|egg> probably within the range of something you'd correct by stationkeeping
<egg|laptop|egg> just that the instantaneous orbit at that particular moment was slightly off
<egg|laptop|egg> ... but on the decommissioned orbit I am seeing a smaller variation O_o
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<egg|laptop|egg> (157.45° over 6 years, in the opposite direction)
<egg|laptop|egg> hm
<egg|laptop|egg> I should zzz
<egg|laptop|egg> goodnight
* egg|laptop|egg meows at bofh, whitequark, et al.
* egg|laptop|egg meows at the cat
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<bofh> egg|cell|egg: like it's odd that the TLE would correspond to the drift and not the stationkept orbit
<bofh> that's the opposite of useful, since often those are used to *track* sats for signal RX purposes.
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<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: bofh: symposium "Reference systems and reference frames"! https://datacenter.iers.org/data/2/message_372.txt
<UmbralRaptop> o_O
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<kmath> <✔DapperHistorian> Just before the 1790 execution of French aristocrat Thomas de Mahy, his death warrant was read aloud. His final wor… https://t.co/CNIkzHww8l
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: meow
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: like if I'm not already in FR by July then I'll prolly crash the IERS symposium.
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: how goes the thesis
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: also how goes the rootn
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* UmbralRaptop screams internally at needing to crosspost between a github chat and various email accounts.
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptop, collaborator using gitter for something?
<UmbralRaptop> One collaborator is unfamiliar with git.
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<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: meow
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<egg|laptop|egg> meow
* egg|laptop|egg stares at the sidereal period
<egg|laptop|egg> ... the sidereal period is silly
<egg|laptop|egg> corollary: the ITU-R S.673-2 definitions of Synchronous satellite and Sub-synchronous (super-synchronous) satellite are silly
<SnoopJeDi> sounds like a follow-on album to The Prodigy's "The Day is My Enemy"
<UmbralRaptop> Evil sky circle that makes observations difficult.
<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: but we're a couple of days after the new skycircle, there shouldn't be much of it
<UmbralRaptop> That skycircle is less evil, but still…
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: thesis work is tedious, but I can actually see a finished product over the horizon, very distantly.
<bofh> might be a mirage but at this point I think it's def. not.
<bofh> as for rootn, I will try and take a look at that tomorrow, don't really have any time today :/
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: the finished product might be a mirage? have you switched to aerospace,
<SnoopJeDi> hooray for thecal clarity
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, it's always exciting when you have a distinct vision of it, glad to hear it :)
<bofh> egg|laptop|egg: the eggsistence of a finished product at the end of this tunnel may be a mirage
<bofh> it's a thesis, one does not assume that it can be finished with certainty until it actually is finished.
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: yes i got it, i was just punning on Mirage
<bofh> ahh, I didn't get the pun; is that a launch vehicle?
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: no, an aircraft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dassault_Mirage
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] Dassault Mirage | "Mirage is a name given to several types of jet aircraft designed by the French company Dassault Aviation (formerly Avions Marcel Dassault), some of which were produced in different variants. Most were supersonic fighters with delta wings. The most successful was the Mirage III in its many variants, which..."
<egg|laptop|egg> bofh: alternatively: http://storage.canalblog.com/20/76/761447/57792408.jpg
<bofh> Ahh.
* egg|laptop|egg stares at the blackboard in confusion
<bofh> yeah, what is the Schwarzchild metric doing there?
<bofh> UmbralRaptop: also like this character continues to feel like a giant callout for me
<bofh> 22:05:22 <fibmod> i can see you working at a coffee shop in front of a uni and giving random advice | striking conversations with students or profs
<bofh> 22:05:58 <fibmod> single handedly running the place 24/7
<UmbralRaptop> hah
<UmbralRaptop> Huh, AAS 234 is in Saint Louis
<egg|laptop|egg> the island?
<UmbralRaptop> The city in Missouri (… and Illinois)
<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: hm, can you visit bofh if you're going to IL?
<UmbralRaptop> Assuming a car eggsists, yes.
<bofh> there's a Greyhound from there to Chicago that stops in C-U, fwiw.
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