UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<UmbralRaptop> WeylandsWings:
<galois> title: [2002.01672] Design and performance of low-energy orbits for the exploration of Enceladus
<WeylandsWings> somehow i dont think 3BCR is enough to model halo orbits around the Saturn-Enceladus L points
* UmbralRaptop pokes Titan with a stick
<mofh> 3BCR?
<SnoopJeDi> circular restricted three-body problem I think
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
* egg may have made a Diamant A in LEGO
<mofh> NICE
<WeylandsWings> egg: i am still looking at that site thinking about building a set of rockets
<egg> (also most of a Союз and a 长征二号F火箭)
<WeylandsWings> mofh: yeah 3 Body Circular Restricted
<WeylandsWings> which Long March is that one?
<egg> WeylandsWings: huh I know that under the acronym CR3BP
<egg> the one with humans on top
<WeylandsWings> 3b?
<WeylandsWings> or 3f?
<egg> 2F
<egg> 二 means 2
<egg> it's easy up to 3
<WeylandsWings> egg: one of my profs wrote it 3BCR so that is what i still think of it as
<egg> (and F means F)
<WeylandsWings> dude i have enough trouble with Cyrillic i dont need to start trying to understand chinese
<SnoopJeDi> 一、二、三、四, ... # oh god
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<egg> yeah at 4 it gets weird
<egg> don't count to 4
<egg> just use base 4
<egg> like the shadoks
<galois> title: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - 2013-02-01
<WeylandsWings> oh no the shadowy smaller speedy lizards are multiplying
<egg> ??
<SnoopJeDi> oh interesting, 四 is the same in both languages for just-counting
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<WeylandsWings> egg: Umbral's connectivity issues
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<SnoopJeDi> oh huh, same ideograms up through 10? I guess that makes sense because hanzi
<SnoopJeDi> no particularly good reason to fork there
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<SnoopJeDi> egg, speaking of numerical glyphs, I learned 十人十色 this week on a lark, and it's a distressing reminder of how complex kanji readings will get if I keep learning :|
<SilverFoxy> I prefer the simplistic characters of the korean alphabet
<SilverFoxy> add a few to cover the sounds from english and remove the double-chars like 에 and 애 and you can get a pretty good written set going
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* UmbralRaptor chirps at wifi
<SnoopJeDi> Composable characters are neat
<UmbralRaptor> decomposable characters ♻
<egg> WeylandsWings: for the Союз my design has some notable differences from the tech_niek one (better proportions at the expense of weird surface texture)
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, I don't know the right linguistics words >_<
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: please don't read too much into my pun
<SnoopJeDi> Joke's on you, I read too much into everything! \o/
<WeylandsWings> egg: there are 2 Союз on the repo by tech_niek, which one are you doing
<WeylandsWings> also did you solve the orange problem
<egg> the orange problem?
<egg> the fact that they have overly long orange bits? yeah, at the expense of surface texture
<egg> let me upload a photo
<egg> WeylandsWings:
<egg> missing engines and some parts near the lower attachment points
<WeylandsWings> The upper attach points seem a bit too bulky and it bothers me that the LES fairing doesn't match the upper stage diameter
<egg> but it doesn't
<egg> things widen at that level
<egg> and yeah, the claws are a bit bulky, but I don't think there is much room for improvement there (this is straight from tech_niek's design)
<egg> the bits that I changed are the orange parts and some consequences of that
<egg> also I made a proper open interstage
<egg> WeylandsWings: it's also missing four corner round white tiles between the LES fairing and the upper stage, so there's a gap that should go away
<egg> the colouring tries to match that of a Союз-ФГ, the -2.1а would have more white (it has some bits outside the frosted zones that are painted white)
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<egg> !wpn WeylandsWings, UmbralRaptor, et al.
* galois gives WeylandsWings, UmbralRaptor, et al. a three-per-em divergent endnote with an answer attachment
<egg> !wpn whitequark and her cats
* galois gives whitequark and her cats a diamagnetic 🍑 loon
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg
* galois gives egg a moon-landing whiteboard
<egg> !acr -add:COSYVE Coque du SYstème de VEntilation
<galois> Definition added!
<egg> cc mofh, acronyms,
<egg> !acr -add: DIAS DIspositif ASsouplissant
<galois> Acronym already defined! Try !acr -redef:WTF When Taylor Fails
<egg> DIAS?
<egg> !acr -add:DIAS DIspositif ASsouplissant
<galois> Definition added!
<egg> hmm
<egg> !acr
<galois> Invalid command. Valid forms: !acr -add:LMAO Lagrange Made Awesome Orbits, !acr -redef:ROFL Rare Occultations for Life, !acr -del:IEEE
<egg> ?
<egg> hm
<egg> there seems to be an empty acronym but we can't know what it is
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn SnoopJeDi
* galois gives SnoopJeDi a chlorous selenium clutter
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* galois gives UmbralRaptor an alternating bromine paradigm
<SnoopJeDi> big on the halogens today aren't we, galois?
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn caucus
<galois> Added wpn 'caucus'
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: since you have access to galois's database, presumably an empty acronym is easily greppable?
<galois> title: [2002.01764] Nothing really matters
<UmbralRaptor> that's certainly a title
<mofh> egg: those are pretty excellently NMR-grade
<egg> mofh: but yeah, ventilation sheaths that fall apart on liftoff are apparently still a thing on Ariane 5, and have been around since Diamant A
<egg> they were on the earlier Arianes on the L33
<egg> UmbralRaptor: theres actually zero difference between transits, occultations & eclipses. you imbecile. you fucking moron
<egg> UmbralRaptor: why aren't they called type n egglipses
<mofh> egg: huh, did not realize that. neat.
<egg> mofh: they are very ridiculous on Diamant A, because they wrap the whole first stage
<egg> so the rocket lifts off amid a cloud of debris
<egg> WAI wontfix
<UmbralRaptor> egg: because they're phenomena known since we gave names to everything, not just numbers, I think
<egg> UmbralRaptor: even the occultations?
<UmbralRaptor> egg: I think it's called an occultation when the moon passes in front of any star that isn't Sol?
<egg> right
<egg> that's probably noticeable,
* UmbralRaptor isn't sure when the first planetary occultation was observed
<UmbralRaptor> The Diamant A sounds like it has Delta IV level silliness on liftoff
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, can you explain what you mean? Are you talking about cases where someone says FOO? and it's not a known acronym?
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: where egg tried to add an acronym with a leading space, and got that it already exists
<UmbralRaptor> (see scrollback)
<SnoopJeDi> oh, hm, it does a naive str.partition() and doesn't check if the thing on the other side of the colon is empty.
<SnoopJeDi> I can at least make it barf on that edge
<SnoopJeDi> !acr -list
<galois> Upload failed, sorry :(, exception was: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
<SnoopJeDi> aw, I could've sworn that worked before.
<SnoopJeDi> !acr -add: OOPS test?
<galois> Acronym must be nonempty
<SnoopJeDi> !acr -add:OOPS test?
<galois> Definition added!
<SnoopJeDi> !acr -del:OOPS
<galois> Definition deleted!
<UmbralRaptor> yay
<SnoopJeDi> it probably shouldn't be doing that kind of parsing anyway, but sopel makes it a chore to define a command with structure
<SnoopJeDi> maybe I could do @commands("acr ([a-zA-Z]+):(\w+)\s+(.*)") though and examine the groups, if I wanted to rewrite it
<SnoopJeDi> I wonder if it'd make sense to just have different regexes for the subcommands though.
<egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a caustic widget
<egg> !wpn cats
* galois gives cats a strange doom with a p-value attachment
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] tinygrox forked the repository -
<UmbralRaptor> !8 will silver line phase 2 open before jwst launches
<galois> UmbralRaptor: yes
* UmbralRaptor forgets if mofh has already a seen
<galois> title: Voyager 2 plasma observations of the heliopause and interstellar medium | Nature Astronomy
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor I discovered that the local silver line switches to electric away from the airport!
<SnoopJeDi> They do a little PA announcement along the lines of "don't freak out at Stop X, we're just switching to the electric"
<UmbralRaptor> Yay, I think
* UmbralRaptor will also get stabby if the last train is before the last flight arrives
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, conference travel?
<UmbralRaptor> at the moment, no
<UmbralRaptor> had some close calls in the past, though
<UmbralRaptor> Also, bus service *does* end before rail, which can lead to some long walks
<SnoopJeDi> urgh
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<egg> UmbralRaptop: btw re EM/QM, let's get started on working on it soon
<egg> UmbralRaptop: take an EM eggsam, and eggsplain what you would do to solve the questions; don't bother actually doing the calculations, that's going to be a waste of time and effort, we should figure out first if the issue is in the physical understanding or the algebraic manipulation/calculus; I think it's the former
<UmbralRaptop> right
<SnoopJeDi> Very good advice
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<mofh> going to second egg's advice here.
<mofh> well, third.
<UmbralRaptop> 0-indexing?
<SnoopJeDi> [screaming in Lua]
<WeylandsWings> egg: are you going to help Umbral understand EM/QM?
<egg> WeylandsWings: hopefully
<egg> or at least pass the bloody exams (though that generally entails understanding a bit)
<WeylandsWings> ideally it includes understanding a bit
<UmbralRaptop> Getting blood on the exams in not recommended
<WeylandsWings> UmbralRaptop: i mean it might make the graders take pity on you?
<egg> WeylandsWings: I think the 26047s that hold the lateral soyuz blocks should be white when the rocket is frosted, black doesn't make much sense at all
<galois> title: BrickLink - Part 26047 : Lego Plate, Modified 1 x 1 Rounded with Handle [Plate, Modified] - BrickLink Reference Catalog
<egg> black makes sense with an unfrosted rocket, when everything around is dark bluish gray
<egg> (note: dark gray is a deprecated colour)
<WeylandsWings> do the hinges get that frosty?
<WeylandsWings> or am i misunderstanding where they go?
<egg> well, the hinges don't protrude like that anyway
<egg> it's a question of giving it the right overall look
<WeylandsWings> ... you are making a rocket model out of lego... there is only so exact you can get
<egg> precisely
<WeylandsWings> is the 26047 on the booster or the core?
<WeylandsWings> because it looks like there is more of a ring on the core
<egg> it's on the core
<WeylandsWings> and if it is on the booster then why does it matter? it will be hard to see
<egg> which is precisely why it ought to be white
<egg> because you have a plate-height interruption in the core
<egg> which thus ends up looking black
<WeylandsWings> oh i see where it is, yeah it should be white
<egg> where the cone below and the cylinder above are white
<WeylandsWings> egg: it looks like they have 26047s in white
<egg> yeah
<WeylandsWings>{%22color%22:1,%22iconly%22:0} not too pricey
<galois> title: BrickLink - Part 26047 : Lego Plate, Modified 1 x 1 Rounded with Handle [Plate, Modified] - BrickLink Reference Catalog
<egg> and I need macaroni corner tiles to get a clean connection between the fairing and the upper stage
<egg> (and I'm missing 1x2 slopes to pad the bottom, so I guess I'll make another order this week-end)
<egg> got some parts for салют and мир today (but only the smaller order of the two so I don't think I can actually make anything)
<UmbralRaptop> Currently going through some simulations (and generating graphs+a description of the simulation code), but in a few days…
* egg meows at UmbralRaptop
<galois> title: John Regehr on Twitter: "room with a view… "
<egg> !wpn whitequark and her cats
* galois gives whitequark and her cats a coilgun
<mofh> !wpn egg
* galois gives egg a plank
* mofh presumably gets beaten over the head with it?
<UmbralRaptop> !pet egg
<egg|cell|egg> Meow